1. Focus on the job you have. If you can’t do what’s already - TopicsExpress


1. Focus on the job you have. If you can’t do what’s already given to you, you won’t get more willingly, excitedly, and accurately do what is asked of you double-check your work and earn a reputation of being someone who minds the details - complete your work on time - volunteer for more become known for being a generous, collaborative team player 2. Confirm the process Employers take it as a positive sign of interest when you inquire about the steps you need to take to be considered for full-time employment Ask for evaluation form— you want to know the criteria you will be judged on. ask your manager or the HR person who hired you what they would recommend you do 4. Attend company-wide events (or make your own) Make an effort to meet people outside your immediate department. Your independence and desire to find your own way of doing things may make you a bit stubborn when it comes to following procedures. You’re quite confident in your ability to do things the right way (as you should be!) but it doesn’t hurt to try it someone else’s way every once in a while. Ideal Jobs: thrive in an environment that gives you a bit of freedom and allows you to go about your business independently and utilize your own method for accomplishing tasks. For this reason, you’ll work best with a manager that is a bit “hands off” – one that will trust you to get your job done – and get it done well. Working Style: As a Technician, you’re quite practical, analytical, and competent in your work style. You enjoy keeping busy – so much so, that your work ethic can put other Starchetypes to shame! You embrace the tasks that others might consider as dangerous or stressful (like changing the antenna at the top of the Sears Tower). Your great analytical skills make for efficient organization of tasks and intelligent problem solving. Others look on you as a practical, independent, self-confident and determined individual who has the ability to stay calm under pressure. As an introverted individual, you respect your other’s need for privacy (hello, ideal cube mate!) Your practical outlook means that you have good grip over reality… but this also means that you have a hard time tolerating meetings that lack practical purpose. Handling Conflict: The Technician is a true introvert that prefers to spend their time keeping busy. Although they are truly practical and analytical individuals that have a strong sense of rational, they are more empathetic than tough-minded. Nonetheless, if you find yourself in a showdown with the Technician, you’ll want to avoid being over-emotional or acting in an unexpected way, as those tactics won’t sit well with them. When handling conflict with a Technician… Do: Use logical arguments in order to appeal to their sense of rationality. Don’t: Harass them or change things on them unexpectedly – rather, give them warning.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 08:27:16 +0000

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