1) Glyphosate: Also known as Round-Up brand weed killer, this most - TopicsExpress


1) Glyphosate: Also known as Round-Up brand weed killer, this most widely-used herbicide (almost twice as much is used as the next most popular one) is the bread and butter of Monsanto. Its also the reason Monsanto has been leading the GMO charge — glyphosate is so toxic that it kills almost all plants on contact, including most crops. So theyve had to develop genetically modified crops that can resist the toxin. 2) Atrazine: A suspected hormone disrupter, it was banned in Europe in 2004 because of threats it posed to ground water1. Its used primarily on corn grown in the Midwest — yet another reason to avoid that plant altogether. 3) Metolachlor-S: This herbicide is used to control grass growth within crop land, but its toxic enough to warrant concerns about cancer. Its also been shown to damage your immune system by poisoning your white blood cells.2 4) Acetochlor: Another herbicide used primarily for Big Foods corn addiction. In addition to causing eye, mouth, and lung irritation when exposed to the human body, Acetochlor is also a well known cancer-causer.3 5) 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid: This was the primary chemical in the most infamous of all herbicides — Agent Orange. This super toxic chemical has left a lasting legacy on many villagers living around the area of application, including super high rates of cancer and birth defects. 2,4-D can also cause liver, kidney, testicular, and hormone gland damage.4 Advertisement 6) Pendimethalin: Very few tests have been done on this herbicide (of course that hasnt stopped Big Farm from using it), but it is a suspected cancer-causer and hormone disrupter.5 7) Chlorothalonil: The most widely-used fungicide in the US is applied primarily to peanuts, potatoes, and tomatoes. Its known to cause eye damage upon contact, while long-term exposure causes kidney damage and cancer6. Even worse, chlorothalonil breaks down into a chemical thats 30 times more toxic!7 Cut and pasted from an article compiled by By Ken Swearengen in HealthWire
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 21:56:50 +0000

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