No lines of communication open with BJP or other - TopicsExpress


No lines of communication open with BJP or other party “Mistakes occur as nobody is perfect’ Omar Abdullah Srinagar, Dec 22, : Chief Minister Omar Abdullah Monday made it clear that there are no lines of communication open with any party. He said that for the formation of government purposes, his party National Conference is not in touch with any political party whether that is BJP, Congress or PDP. He made it clear that National Conference is not going to forge an alliance with the BJP. “I tweeted about Atal Bihari Vajpayee as it was his birthday. How can one tweet make an alliance. This is not the way politics is done,” he said. Omar added that BJP is only silent about Article 370 and it has not disassociated itself with it or other host of issues. “NC can’t reconcile with this party as still and till date Narendra Modi is silent over conversion issue,” he said. Asked what he feels about losing the state as predicted by exit polls, the Chief Minister said, There are aspects of the last six years that Ill carry some regrets about. I have made no secret of those regrets. I feel honoured to have served the people of Jammu and Kashmir as their chief minister for six years. I did my best to live up to everyones expectations, he said. “I would at this point like to thank the people of Jammu and Kashmir who overwhelmingly participated in the Assembly elections. Personally, given the facts that these elections were taking place in the shadow of most devastating floods in more than a generation, I wouldn’t have grudge the people if their participation had been much lower than this,” he said. Advising people of Srinagar to take lessons from the people residing in other constituencies and shun boycotting elections, Omar said that if these complain about poor infrastructure or poor response from the government, then they must come forward, vote in large numbers and elect their representative. Answering a question on the poll results, Omar said, “We will accept the people’s mandate. It is the matter of immense pride and pleasure that I have served the people of Jammu & Kashmir for six years now.”He added, “There is not a single decision that I have taken as a chief minister that I would call a blunder.” However, Omar said, “There are aspects of last six years that Ill carry some regrets about but made no secret of those regret.” “2010 killing is the biggest regret, also I regret the inability to revoke AFSPA,” he told reporter. Responding to a question, Omar Abdullah according to CNS said he would give six and a half or seven out of ten marks to his government. “There were some good works that my government did here which included the decline of militancy, huge jump in tourist inflow, successful conclusion of Panchayat elections and passing of some important legislations including Public Services Guarantee Act and Right to Information Act,” he said adding that his party will put up a credible show. While answering to a question, Omar termed the reports baseless that hundreds of stone-pelters are behind the bars. He said that only five to ten people are in jails. “If some person have been arrested for the smooth conduct of poll process, that would have been done by the Election Commission of India and I am not responsible for that,” he said. In a candid reply to a question, Omar Abdullah said that PDP did not reap the benefits from the mistakes that his government committed. “There were killings in 2010 followed by the hanging of Afzal Guroo and after that floods hit valley. There is politically something wrong with the PDP as it did not claim of securing 55+ like BJP. If I would have been in their position, I would certainly have exploited these mistakes for my benefit,” he said. Omar Abdullah while responding to another question said that he was never critical of his (Congress) ministers during election campaigning. “Ghulam Nabi Azad ran a very bitter campaign against me and my family. Perhaps he was desperate to pull out his party that has sunk deeply,” he said. He further said that NC and Congress cannot form the next government as both according to opinion polls (if assumed to be true) will not touch the 44 mark together. “There was no other alternative in 2008 but to forge an alliance with the Congress. I don’t regret having an alliance with Congress as I had a smooth relationship with some of the Ministers of the Congress party,” he said. He further said that it is unfortunate to link elections with Kashmir issue. “If somebody claims that higher turnout in Kashmir is a strategic victory of India over Pakistan, then those people put the future elections in danger. Elections in Kashmir should not be linked with Kashmir issue,” he said. He admitted that he committed some mistakes but added that nobody is perfect and mistakes do occur.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:14:35 +0000

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