1. Nothing is ever 100 percent, certainly, without a doubt the - TopicsExpress


1. Nothing is ever 100 percent, certainly, without a doubt the right choice. There are always countless what-ifs and hypothetical situations that will find their way into our minds, even after we have made a well-thought out choice. Peace of mind is our acquaintance, not a close friend. 2. Navigating relationships is a whole other ball game. Especially in this day and age, when the hook-up culture is so prevalent and constant communication is completely plausible. There is so much to over-analyze, so many signs to read into. Why did he sent a winky face emoji instead of a normal smile? Why did he end that sentence with a period and not an exclamation point? Is he mad at me? Oh god, hes mad... what did I do? Sh*t, now he sent a smiley face. Does that mean we are OK? Impressively enough, we can go on and on. 3. We run away from uncertain outcomes (see number two). I can only speak for the over-thinker in myself here, but I know when I start reading too much into a person or a situation, I convince myself to end it before the other person can. This way I retain control and hurt myself rather than the other person hurting me -- as if one is preferable over the other. 4. We cant compartmentalize. If something is wrong in one part of our life, it will likely consume our thoughts in other parts of life as well. We are good at hiding this and being productive regardless, but its still there, nibbling at the back of our minds until we can get home, collapse on the couch and give it our full attention. 5. We dont live in the moment. Some people can do this well, or claim to, but we are completely incapable. Each moment leads to another, and another, and another... and suddenly, we are five years down the road, wondering how this decision is going to affect us then, rather than enjoying the spontaneity. 6. Buyers remorse. When buying an electronic, for example, we spend hours researching and decided which best fits our needs, only to change our minds multiple times. Then after being almost sure and purchasing one, the remorse kicks in and we imagine how much better that iPhone would have treated us than the Android we chose... 7. We rarely enjoy experiences to the fullest extent. This isnt because we arent happy or wish we were elsewhere. We just wish we could have found a way to combine every possible choice to have a perfect, happy, blended assortment, leaving no room for wondering about the alternative.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 01:39:30 +0000

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