1. Theres no, godly-elected race/species of man. A concept such as - TopicsExpress


1. Theres no, godly-elected race/species of man. A concept such as this one exists only because of a superiority-complex. And whether its openly exhibited, or camouflaged, it amounts to the same thing of thinking that one ethnicity is elevated above another. I say bullshit, and I say Im not, nor will I ever be down with it since its retarted philosophy, and disrespectful and detrimental to mankind as a whole. 2. Its said that because of the erring in, and because of the neglecting of divine ethical codes, that thats the reason why the worlds a messed up place. Yes, the world is definitely upside down, but thats because weve unfortunately, and sickeningly relegated other people to bottomdwelling seats because of the shade of their skin, and their economic status, and their way of believing in the Deity, and because weve abused our resources and the enviroment, and because the ones in high offices wield the power to urinate oppression on the lesser-powered people. 3. The world is in the state its in because of the majority of us ignoring the moral principles of life. That majority is thickheaded and refuses to learn from that which has shown itself to be destructive. We should know better by now. We should get with the mending, but mostly we promote and show love to the acts of tearing and ripping apart. For that I have no compassionate understanding, nor any type of patience. Were not in the monkey-stage anymore. We know that rubbing two sticks together can activate a blaze, we know that fire burns, and that a baseballbat to the dome cracks and fragments the cranium. So when are we gonna take it to the head that cultivating negativity will breed more negativity?
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 08:03:49 +0000

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