1. Wondering what other mums dress there bubs in during winter - TopicsExpress


1. Wondering what other mums dress there bubs in during winter using the love to dream swaddle? And also cheapest place to purchase swaddles and swaddle up! Thanks 2. Hi there, just wondering if any other mammas have experience transitioning from babywearing to sleeping in bassinet/cot during the day, I have pretty much worn my 11.5wk DD since birth due to silent reflux. She has started sleeping in the pram during walks (wakes up when we get home though) and in the car, however it takes about an hour to rock her to sleep if we try to put her in the bassnett and then she only sleeps for about 15mins. We have the bassinett elevated and Ive introduced music to our sleeps. I dont mind wearing her and only want her to sleep in bassinett in case other family members need to look after her (they are unable to babywear). I want to try a gentle technique. No SOS posts please (I threw this book out after I received it as a baby shower gift - my baby obviously hadnt read it) or CIO. Thanks 3. My 4.5 month old is breast fed. He normally poops once every 10-14 days but in the last 24 hours has gone every time Ive fed (3 hourly). Is this him becoming more regular or is it diarrhoea? The consistency is the same but the colour is more greeny mustard than yellow (sorry for TMI!) he seems bright and happy, and is not on any solids. If it is diarrhoea is there anything I can do for him or just wait it out? TIA 4. Hi. Can anyone recommend a newborn photographer in southwest Brisbane? Preferably not too expensive I would like newborn shots and some family ones too. Thanks. 5. Im 24 weeks pregnant FTM, we are looking for a bigger car as mine is tiny. We are looking at SUVs and 4WDs in particular the Jeep Wrangler, Patriot or the Rav 4. We are now concerned about the sizes of baby seats as my husband and I are pretty tall, I was just wondering if anyone had any advice on car seats and SUVS or any tips on which convertible car seats are suitable for these types of cars? 6. Just wondering how many other mums felt less movement when pregnant the second time around. When pregnant last time my son constantly kicked and moved. Im now 29 weeks with number two and some days in have to sit and concentrate to feel the smallest flutter. 7. I have a 6 month old bub who is waking once a night for a bottle at 2-3 but wont go back to sleep till 4:30-5:00. I leave him in his cot he usually occupies himself then gets bored and cries after a bit, he is going to bed between 6:30-7:30 , and during the day he is only napping so morning nap 45-50min , lunch time 1-1.5 hours then another arvo one of 45 min, yet still seems to be tired and grizzly come 6:30 , he is also on 3 x solids a day , its driving me insane , any help would be greatly appreciated. 8. Hello can you please post this for me? I recently purchased a new baby jogger city elite. Can anyone recommend where i can get a custom made pram liner for it? Is a pram liner necessary? #swaddle #babywearing #babymovement
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 03:10:50 +0000

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