10 HORRIFIC HATE CRIMES AGAINST WHITES THE MEDIA COVERED UP No matter how hard one tries these days not to focus on things such as race and religion it’s not easy. More and more people, some openly and some quietly, seem to realize that the world might not be as ready as the most optimistic of us originally thought we would be to accept diversity and multiculturalism. However, over the past few decades the media has almost exclusively covered crimes where the aggressor is usually a white male, fabricating a myth of white racism in America and Europe that, according to official crime reports and statistics in most multicultural countries in the West, isn’t the case at all. With the recent terrorist attacks by your typical hateful, racist and fanatical Muslims in Paris, we have realized even more that the world has drastically changed in the last fifty years, and the once “evil” white imperialist is in most cases the victim of crimes that involve hate and racism. Of course that doesn’t mean that white people stopped being racist or that they don’t commit hate crimes today as well but it’s a proven fact that nowadays when a white perpetrator harms a nonwhite victim, whether intentionally or accidentally, whether motivated by bigotry or by a less sensational form of malice, the media will report it faster than the speed of light, whole cities will burn down, innocent whites will be attacked or even murdered just because of the color of their skin and numerous businesses will be looted. So, before the usual agitators of the political left who routinely seize on any instance of white-on-nonwhite violence as evidence of systemic oppression against minorities accuse this article of espousing racist beliefs, let’s make it clear first we just don’t give a crap what you think. If you can’t handle the facts or if in this article the only thing that annoys you is that we dare to shed some light on these cases instead of the pain and horror of the victims, just stop reading. Because to us, ladies and gents, all lives matter! Written By @TheodorosII For TCmag TOO WHITE TO BE A VICTIM OF A HATE CRIME A cherubic white ten-year-old, Tiffany Long’s life came to an end in October 1998 when three neighborhood teens—two male, one female, all black, lured her into an empty house. After they sodomized her, they strangled her with a cable wire and beat her to death with a board. Only the Associated Press reported on the trials in a single, cursory piece. The AP, of course, failed to mention the race of those involved. Apparently, Tiffany Long was too white to be a victim after all. THE AFTERMATH OF THE TRAYVON MARTIN CASE YOU HAVEN’T HEARD On February 27, the day after Martin was shot, two black males in Detroit abducted and killed a white couple. The victims were found bound, shot, and burned beyond recognition in an alley. Police called it a random “thrill killing.” On April 1, in Jackson, Mississippi, a 31-year-old black man broke into a house to rob it and found a white woman inside. He forced her to lie on the floor with a blanket over her head as he shot her in the back of the head, execution-style. These are just two of the multiple hate crimes that took place after Trayvon Martin’s murder. For one black dude who was murdered unfairly there were five times more white victims. Wasn’t that what Hitler did for every Nazi soldier who was killed? THE BLACK “JASON VOORHEES” THE MEDIA WILL NEVER TELL YOU ABOUT In 2012 a 22-year-old African-American man named Brian Clay raped a 38-year-old white woman and her 10-year-old daughter. He then killed them by smashing their skulls with a hammer. The media not only didn’t classify it as a hate crime but they pretty much covered it up. Trust us when we say we had to conduct mad research to find this one. MURDERED WHILE HE WAS TAKING HIS PREGNANT WIFE TO THE HOSPITAL In 2011 a 44-year-old Greek man was murdered outside his home in Athens, Greece, as he prepared to take his pregnant wife to the hospital. Three assailants, whose race wasn’t mentioned by any international news channel, stabbed him as he was getting into his car, police said. The men, whom witnesses described as foreigners, killed him for the video camera he was carrying to film the birth of his second child. HIS ONLY CRIME WAS BEING WHITE Back in 1991 four black men decided to murder the next white person they saw just because they felt like it. That unlucky soul was a college student from Boston, whom the men stabbed to death. They didn’t care about anything else other than that the victim be a white male. Unsurprisingly, the American media didn’t report the story in detail, didn’t give any names, didn’t show any photos, and it wasn’t even considered a hate crime. We found out about it many years after it happened from the victim’s mother. We guess the media back then was busy with Rodney King’s beating because, let’s be honest here, beating someone is worse than killing him, right? TERROR IN LONDON In 2005 a 30-year-old British man named Christopher Yates was knocked to the ground and his head kicked like a football by a group of Pakistani men who had been drinking in the parking lot of the University of East London in Barking. Sajid Zulfiqar (25), Zahid Bashir (23), and Imran Maqsood (21) of Ilford, east London, were ecstatically shouting: “We have killed the white man. That will teach an Englishman to interfere in Paki business.” Guess what? This wasn’t classified as a hate crime either. TOO WHITE FOR THEIR OWN GOOD Channon Gail Christian, 21, and Hugh Christopher Newsom Jr., 23, were a beautiful young couple from Knoxville, Tennessee. They were raped, tortured, and murdered after being kidnapped the evening of January 6, 2007, when Christian’s vehicle was carjacked. Their only crime was that they looked too good, too happy, and too white for their own good. Five people were arrested and charged in the case. According to the Associated Press, bloggers and media critics complained that the story was ignored by the national media because the victims were white and all five of the suspects were black. Most news reports came from local media and online news sites. Should we be shocked or should we be used to it by now? BLACK SERIAL KILLER MURDERS WHITES ONLY When you hear the term “serial killer” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? A white male, right? Well this is what the media wants you to believe for some reason but apparently it’s not always the case. In 1990 an African-American from Indiana, Christopher Dwayne Peterson, who later changed his name to Obadyah Ben-Yisrayl, was arrested for killing seven white people with a shotgun. He explained that he murdered his victims because of his “deep-rooted hatred” of whites, but the media wasn’t convinced by this and the only people who were condemned as racists were those who dared to bring race into the picture. Strange world, huh? Or maybe just blatantly anti-white! BLACK SUPREMACIST PARTY KILLS WHITES SYSTEMATICALLY BUT THE MEDIA HIDES IT Yahweh ben Yahweh was the adopted name of Hulon Mitchell Jr., the founder and leader of the Nation of Yahweh, a black supremacist new religious movement founded in 1979. During his “reign” he ordered his followers to kill any and all “white devils.” They killed at least seven whites, bringing body parts back to their leader. Funnily, this racist scumbag was released on parole in 2001 on the condition of not reconnecting with his old congregation. Fortunately, he died of prostate cancer in 2007; one less piece of human garbage on the planet. WHITE LIVES MATTER TOO, RIGHT? Back in 1994 the media was busy worshiping Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls but found no time whatsoever to report one of the most brutal and inhumane crimes you have ever heard. Seven blatantly racist and hateful African-American men kidnapped a white woman, raped her, put her in a tub of bleach, shot her five times, and dumped her body. The murderers said they did this out of hate and for racial reasons but the media disagreed for their own reason I guess. White lives matter too, right? Pffff!
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 15:15:35 +0000

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