10 Natural Beautifying Tips admin Uncategorized on - TopicsExpress


10 Natural Beautifying Tips admin Uncategorized on Jan, 06, 2014 Comments Off 60% of what goes onto our skin goes into your blood within just 26 seconds. In order to truly live a healthy lifestyle we must examine every area, and this includes excluding toxic chemicals from your beautifying practice. I personally follow all of these natural beautifying tips and I love them! I think they have a huge influence on my vitality, health, beauty and wellbeing. But, I want to make it clear that diet will always be the number one source of these things/natural beauty. Make sure you don’t forget to eat the rainbow. Fuel your precious body with foods that are real, whole and natural. Make sure you’re consuming an array of vegetables and a lot of dark, leafy greens. I truly believe that food is medicine and to really discover vibrant beauty diet is of utmost importance.images (3) 1. Use organic beauty products. This includes hair products, skin products and makeup. Ditch the paraben filled, toxic stuff and opt for glorious, natural goodness instead! 2. Use coconut oil as a beauty product. Use it on your skin (the includes body and face) and in your hair- leave for 2 hours or overnight. Wash after. And voila! Beautiful soft, full, shiny hair and skin. Your skin is your biggest organ. It soaks up everything we put on it. Coconut oil is not only toxic free, but the benefits you get from cooking with it will now be soaking into your skin too. Amazing. 3. Dry body brush. It gets rid of dead skin, gets the blood flowing, helps with cellulite and feels great! See directions here. 4. Ditch the toxic nail polish. See info for why right here. 5. Ditch the toxic perfume. Opt for the much more inexpensive, healthier version such as; essential oils. I am using a ‘rose’ roll-on right now and it is heavenly. 6. Drink loads of water. Our bodies are 70% water. Drinking an adequate amount of filtered water every day is one of the best things you can do for yourself. 7. Say no to daily caffeine. Caffeine dehydrates us, leaving our skin dull. Switch to herbal tea or warm water with lemon instead. If you’re going to drink coffee, try it like this, opt for only a few times per week and make sure you drink an extra liter of water to compensate for its dehydrating effects. 8. Forget about sugar. Try to change your mindset and put it out of your daily thoughts. I know, easier said than done, but practice makes for great success. Without getting too deep into this subject; sugar ages us, causes weight gain and is extremely toxic. Just say no and say yes, instead, to natural sweeteners like stevia and fruit. 9. Oil pull for whiter teeth and healthier gums. See directions here. This may sound strange at first but it is an age-old tradition. It pulls toxins from your system while whitening your teeth and healing your gums. It is the original mouthwash (without the nasty chemicals and toxins)! 10. Get an adequate amount of sleep. At least 8 hours of sleep every night is crucial for your beauty and health. Sleep deprivation can cause a number of issues including weight gain. You can learn more about this here.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 14:58:00 +0000

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