10 OF THE BIGGEST BULLSHIT ABOUT FOOD EGGS ARE BAD Eggs happen to contain a large amount of cholesterol and because of this they have been always considered to increase the risk of heart disease.Research has proven that the cholesterol in the diet doesn’t raise the cholesterol in blood. Actually, eggs raise the “good” cholesterol and are NOT associated with increased risk of heart disease. Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. They’re high in all sorts of nutrients along with unique antioxidants. And despite being a “high fat” food, eating eggs for breakfast is proven to cause significant weight loss compared to eating oats or any other carbohydrates for breakfast. Eggs for breakfast can help you lose weight. SATURATED FAT IS BAD At Some point the food industry decided that the epidemic of heart disease was caused by eating too much fat, in particular saturated fat. This was based on highly flawed studies and political decisions that have now been proven to be completely wrong. Epidemiological studies with a total of 347.747 subjects published their results that there is absolutely no association between saturated fat and heart disease. Eating saturated fat raises the amount of HDL (the “good”) cholesterol in the blood and changes the LDL from small, dense LDL (very bad) to Large LDL, which is benign. Meat, coconut oil, cheese, butter… these are all good foods. Natural foods that are high in saturated fat are good for you; modified, processed and excessive polyunsaturated oils are responsible for heart disease. GRAINS ARE GOOD FOR YOU The agricultural revolution happened fairly recently in human evolutionary history and our genes haven’t changed that much since caveman time. Grains are fairly low in nutrients compared to other foods like vegetables. They are also rich in a substance called phytic acid which binds essential minerals in the intestine and prevents them from being absorbed. The most common grain in the western diet is wheat and wheat can cause a lot of health problems, both minor and serious. Modern wheat contains a large amount of a protein called gluten and a significant portion of the population is be sensitive to it. Eating gluten can damage the intestinal lining, cause pain, bloating, stool inconsistency and tiredness. Gluten consumption has also been associated with schizophrenia and other disorders of the brain. TOO MUCH PROTEIN IS BAD FOR YOU Dieticians and the NHS have guidelines that state that a high protein diet causes both osteoporosis and kidney disease. Whereas it is true that eating protein increases calcium excretion from the bones in the short term, it is also true that long term studies actually show the opposite effect, as in the long term, protein has a strong association with improved bone health and a lower risk of fracture. Additionally, studies don’t show any association of high protein with kidney disease in otherwise healthy people. In fact, two of the main risk factors for kidney failure are diabetes and high blood pressure. Eating a high protein diet improves both these conditions. LOW FAT FOOD IS GOOD FOR YOU Regular food tastes like crap when all the fat has been taken out of it and no one would want to eat it. The food manufacturers know this and therefore they add other things to compensate for the lack of fat. Usually these are sugar, high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners like aspartame and even though artificial sweeteners don’t have calories, the evidence does NOT suggest that they are better for you than sugar. Many studies show a consistent and significant association with various diseases like obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, heart disease, and depression. TO LOSE WEIGHT YOU SHOULD EAT SEVERAL SMALL MEALS The idea that you should eat many small meals throughout the day in order to “keep metabolism high” is a myth that doesn’t make any sense (I KNOW BODY BUILDERS WILL HATE ME NOW). eeating raises your metabolism slightly while you’re digesting the meal, but it’s the total amount of CALORIES that determines the energy used, NOT the number of meals. This is call the thermic effect of feeding that is totally unrelated to number of meals ingested. Controlled studies where one group eats many small meals and the other the same amount of food in fewer meals show that there is literally no difference between the two. It is not natural for the human body to be constantly in the fed state. When we don’t eat for a while, a cellular process called autophagy cleans waste products out of our cells. It is however true that consuming a large amount of calories in one sitting compromised the absorption of the delivered nutrients, but has no bearing on metabolic rate. CARBS ARE IMPORTANT IN YOUR DIET The mainstream nutritional dogmatic view is that everyone should eat a low-fat diet, with carbs being around 50-60% of total calories. This sort of diet contains a lot of grains and sugars, with very small amounts of fatty foods like meat and eggs. For those who are obese, have the metabolic syndrome or diabetes, this amount of carbohydrates is quite dangerous. Extensive studies have shown that a low-fat, high-carb diet compared to a low-carb, high-fat diet is more beneficial in subjects with weight management issues and metabolic diseases. OMEGA 6 AND VEGETABLE OILS ARE GOOD FOR YOU Polyunsaturated fats are considered healthy because some studies show that they lower your risk of heart disease, unfortunately there are many types of polyunsaturated fats and they are not all the same. Most importantly, we have both Omega-3 fatty acids and Omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3s are anti-inflammatory and lower your risk of many diseases related to inflammation and if the ratio is too high in favor of Omega-6, it can cause problems. Throughout evolution, humans never consumed such an abundance of Omega-6 fats. It is unnatural for the human body. Research that specifically looks at Omega-6 fatty acids instead of polyunsaturated fats in general shows that they actually increase the risk of heart disease. Eat your Omega-3s and consider supplementing with fish oil, but avoid the industrial seed and vegetable oils. LOW CARB DIETS ARE UNHEALTHY Low-carb diets demonized by main stream dieticians have repeatedly been shown to lead to much better outcomes. Every randomized controlled trial on low-carb diets shows that they: 1. Reduce body fat more than calorie-restricted low-fat diets, even though the low-carb dieters are allowed to eat as much as they want. 2. Lower blood pressure significantly. 3. Lower blood sugar and improve symptoms of diabetes much more than low-fat diets. 4. Increase HDL (the good) cholesterol. 5. Lower triglycerides much more than low-fat diets. 6. Change the pattern of LDL (bad) cholesterol from small, dense (very bad) to Large LDL, which is benign. 7. Low carb diets are also easier to stick to because they don’t require RESTRICTING calories and being hungry all the time. SUGAR IS A GOOD SOURCE OF ENERGY Simple sugar because of its high fructose content, affects metabolism in a way that sets us up for rapid fat gain and metabolic disease. Fructose gets metabolized by the liver and turned into fat which is secreted into the blood as VLDL particles. This leads to elevated triglycerides and cholesterol. It also causes resistance to the hormones insulin and leptin, which is a stepping stone towards obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes. This is just to name a few. Sugar causes a relentless biochemical drive for humans to eat more and get fat. Unfortunately sugar is probably the single worst ingredient in the standard western diet and it is hidden in a lot of process foods, in many of the so called healthy foods and in supplements too. Alessandra Tumolo ttlctrl.co.uk
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 14:20:43 +0000

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