10 Oct 14 After the storm conference 2014 Kabokweni Community - TopicsExpress


10 Oct 14 After the storm conference 2014 Kabokweni Community Hall Word by Pastor P I am honored to minister in the After the storm conference. I am humbled to be considered in your list of such powerful preachers. It is truly an honor and a privilege to be among my friends infact these are my true friends. I pray that tonight I may not be a preaching machine but that I may be a conduit, a channel for the word of God. Turn to your neighbor and say the time, place and sovereign will of God. Please go with me to the book of Genesis we have a little bit of reading to do because we need to put things into perspective. We are reading in the book of Genesis, the book of beginnings. We are reading in Genesis 1 I want you to zoom into verse 9, it is not a mistake that we have 9 provinces in this country. Tell your neighbor verse 9. Chapter 1 is a brief summary of chapter 2 and chapter 2 is chapter 1 expanded, it is chapter 1 in detail are we together tonight? I want you to know thats how God moves, He gives the world your summary and because people are judgemental they look at your summary and think thats it, not knowing that chapter two is on the way, that details are on the way. Tell your neighbor all they have seen is a summary, they have seen chapter 1 but details are on the way, chapter 2 is on the way. They may give up on you all they like but chapter 2 is on the way, they will usher you into your destiny. As bible scholars say the Old Testament is the New Testament concealed and the New Testament is the New Testament revealed; so is your life, you are concealed, they dont usher you to the front but the best is yet to come. Chapter 1 is a summary you may make the mistake to think you know all there is to know but details are yet to follow. Say to your neighbor neighbor details are yet to follow, I am a multi-millionaire, the details are yet to follow; I am not the sick and about to die, details are yet to follow. Tell your neighbor neighbor I beg you by the mercy of God treat me well, you might ask why but details are on the way. It is a mistake for people to love and celebrate you because, they should love and celebrate you despite. God is up to something with your neighbor even if you dont like him/her. Genesis 1:1-11 the original Hebrew says in beginning it does not put the the because when you do that you put a date on the dateless time, you put a date on the timeless time. God divided the light from the darkness, He separated the light from the darkness. There was darkness concealing the light, God took out the light from the darkness thats how life works; it becomes so dark that you cant see the future. I dont know what you are going through, you may be going through the bad of the bad but God will take out the best of the best out of the bad. In verse 9 God says let the water be gathered in one place say place, time and the sovereign will of God I want you to watch God at work. He commanded the water and said I want you to come to one place, I want some order here, I want the dry land to appear. God was getting ready to unleash Adam. God did not need a fan to blow the ground so it can be dry, He didnt need a heater to make the ground dry. But God spoke and in a split second the ground was dry. I am here to prophecy to someone that when you come to a place with God in a split of a second it shall be what God says. The bible says let the poor say I am rich it shall be so, the bible says by His stripes you are healed, it shall be so. It doesnt matter what the doctor says, in a split second it shall be so. God is preparing the place because when the time comes it shall be so. If you dont believe me go ask Esther she had to prepare herself for the time. Are you ready for the time? There is a famous English saying that I like it says when opportunity meets preparation success is inevitable In Genesis 1:9 God was separating the fluid from the solid. Sometimes we become so focused on the fluid that we forget about the solid. You may have lost your friends but I am here to say it was not a mistake that you lost your friends God was separating the fluid from the solid. God was removing what is unreliable, what doesnt have a backbone from the solid. There was a separation of the fluid from the solid so that a solid Adam could walk on what is solid and not fluid. May your life move from fluid to solid, from unreliable to reliable; from unpredictable to predictable because when you have faith you can predict your future. Your life is moving out of fluids to solid, your relationship will be reliable, your business will be reliable. Gideon was going to war with a great army, he came before God and God said I see a lot of fluid, take them to the river when they got to the water the fluid began to speak to the fluid and the fluid was separated from the solid. When the children of Israel and their solid God approached the red sea, the water had to give them a standing ovation so that the solid people may God to their solid destiny. No wonder you are sitting here with so much faith; you understand that the sovereign will of God will make it come to pass because God says every word that comes out of His mouth will not return to Him void. I am here to declare in your life that what ever God said about your life; it shall be so. Genesis 1:11 God said the earth should bring forth grass, a herb that yields seed and a fruit tree who yields fruit according to its kind whose seed is in itself. What I want you to see is God creating the economy, stock market, a system of sustenance. God has given you a system, you must work the system. I love it because God introduces the subject of seed in the beginning. He says this is the system that will support you, sustain you, sponsor you. God was creating a market place. Somebody say seed come on talk to me say seed. So God says I will do this once because it has a seed within itself. God says I have given you a system. This was a seed not a harvest, I want you to stop looking and seeing a harvest I want you to start seeing a seed. Dont look at your salary and see a harvest, look at your salary and see a seed. Dont look at a tender and see a harvest look at it and see a seed. Know that whatever you do you should never mess with the seed, eat what you can but preserve the seed, dont mess with the system. When God does what He does He has the next generation in mind. When God blesses you He has the next generation in mind, dont mess with the next generation, preserve the seed for the next generation. What is a blessing? A blessing is Gods empowerment upon His people to receive results. Lift up your hands and say hands you are a success, you are blessed, with you I shall achieve results you are anointed, blessed for that place. Some people God will move them from one place to another because your breakthrough, millions are in the place. Your husband/wife, future is in the place. If you get out of place you will suffer like Adam and Eve, they moved from the place in the place because sometimes you can be out of place in the place. Adam was still in the garden but he was not in his position. Do not move from your position in the place, in church do not move from your tithing position, your Sunday school duties, intercession. If you are not in the place, you will not posses your belongings because possession comes with position. Even if you are in the place in Jesus you are blessed, you still have to work the system because God says He will bless the work of your hands. I wont lay hands on you and you become a millionaire. Say I refuse to abort what God has given me by not working the system. When time and place collide with the sovereign will of God, the glory of God will emerge. You will be glorified, the glory of God will shine upon you; your suit will show it, your car will show it. Glory is Gods manifest presence. The storm is over but you have got to work the system. God called the gathering of water the seas not sea because there is many of us. Sea talks of spiritual blessings, in the sea theres many fish you cant see, they are always discovering new fish, there is a fish as large as an elephant inside the sea; you cant finish the fish in the sea just like they cant finish your spiritual blessings. Your spiritual blessings are all in there, dont give up on God. Remember they had been fishing all night but Jesus said its in the place. The prodigal son said I will go back to the place. He got out of position and lost everything so he decided to go back to the place. The father saw him from a distance even though the elder son didnt want him to be a son again, the father embraced him because the sovereign will of God will not be stopped by the will of man. If you dont work the system you will become jealous of your fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord who are working the system. Matthew 7:24 those who hear the word of God and do it are compared to a wise man who builds his house of a rock, solid. Luke 6:46-48 God says why do you call me Lord Lord yet you dont work the system? The one who hears my word and does it is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock, solid. people who do not work the system are like people who build their houses on sand. Those who work the system, their houses will not be shaken by the storm because they have built it on what is solid. I am here tonight to encourage you to work the system. The sovereign will of God is undefeated, undisputed. As we read on God unleashes His sovereign will and says be fruitful and multiply the Sovereign will of God is unquestionable it is His sovereign will for you to prosper. The devil cant argue with it and doctors cant question it. Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, God said to them you may eat all the fruits from all the trees except this one fruit from this one tree. God still had His sovereign will but He gave them His permissive will. God had the power to blow away the fruit from Eves hand but His permissive will let them eat it because He knew that greater is He that is in the inside of them than He who is in the world. Gods permissive will allowed the devil to touch Job, but there was certain stuff that He did not allow Him to touch because it tempers with His sovereign will. God allowed Joseph to be put in a pit but not be killed because it tempers with His sovereign will. No matter what you are going through you are a conqueror, you are above and not under because the sovereign will of God will go to the grave and dig you out. The permissive will of God allows certain things to happen to you but not what tempers with the sovereign will of God. God permitted them to fire you, He let you go through the fire but He will be with you in the fire as the fourth Man and you will come out of the fire unharmed. God let you be involved in seven accidents but you come out alive, He allows cancer to live in your body and it dies. The sovereign will of God supersedes the plans of the devil. The sovereign will of God turns water into wine, the sovereign will of God gave the woman with the issue of blood the strength to push through the crowd as weak as she was because she had to get to the place. She was at the place but she ran for the border because it was in the helm of His garment where her healing was. I am here to say to someone you are at the place but run for the border, poverty may be chasing you but run for the border, your husband may have left you but run for the border, things may be unfair in your life but run for the border. My favorite actor of all times Martin Lawrence in the movie Blue Streak, when they realized he wasnt a policeman he started moving towards the border, kept speaking to them but was walking backwards to the border and when he got to the border and they wanted to arrest him, he said no no you dont have jurisdiction on the other side of the line. When the devil is chasing you run for the border to the sovereign state where the power of the enemy has no jurisdiction. Aids had power over you on the other side of the line but it has no power on this side of the line. Say power, run for the border. The power of the sovereign will of God will prove to the devil that bosso ke mang, it will prove to HIV that bosso ke mang, prove to cancer that bosso ke mang, it will prove to generational curses that bosso ke mang. Joseph was put in a pit and taken out the sovereign will of God was with him, that pit became the most expensive real estate. He went to prison and the sovereign will of God was with him, it was with him so much that they said yes you are a prisoner but take these keys and make sure we are safe, the prison became the most expensive real estate in Egypt. Joseph moved from prison to palace because of the sovereign will of God. Shadrack, Meshack and Abednigo went into the fire and the sovereign will of God caused the fire to behave, it spoke to the molecules and they listened. The place, time and the sovereign will of God will make it happen. Favor changes laws and regulations, the sovereign will of God changes laws and regulations. When the sovereign will of God is unleashed the devil will know who you are, he will know whose you are because under the sovereign will of God you are unstoppable. I dont know what chapter you are on, you may be stuck in chapter 1 but I release you into your chapter 2. You may have lost it all but the sovereign will of God remains supreme, because we may lose it all but we can recover it all, run for the border. Summarised by JJ
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 06:40:21 +0000

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