10 POLITICALLY INCORRECT COMMENTS THAT ARE CORRECT IN THE DONALD STERLING CASE, ACCORDING TO ME, MYSELF, AND I I have assembled a committee made up of myself, or selves, if you please, and we are all in agreement that I am right, and the rest of the world is wrong, regarding the Donald Sterling case. Please allow me to apologize ahead of time for sounding like (and even making reference to) the late Minnesota Senator, Hubert Humphrey, but “I am pleased as punch” that Sterling is reported to be preparing to file a suit against NBA egghead, Adam Silver, whose arm, any day now, I expect to be extended in that famous 20th century salute, which began in Germany. Since today is Friday, it is a pretty safe bet that I will be as politically incorrect in this post, as I have been in, let’s say for brevity purposes, all of my other posts, since, like Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, a true American hero, “I ain’t evolving.” If the following comments make you mad, allow me to return to Hubert Humphrey, once more, to briefly say, “I am pleased as punch.” In the following, I speak for the entire committee, being self-appointed by the members which consists of me, myself, and, of course, I, without whom I would not exist today, being the person that I am. I owe it all to “I,” not “Id,” who is too Freudian. 1. Never, ever, on your worse day, accuse me of not admiring Mark Twain, because I greatly admire Samuel Clemens’ alter ego, and I’ll prove it by playing off one of his famous lines about politicians, applying it to the media’s role in the Donald Sterling case: “Imagine that you believe the news media, and then imagine that you are an idiot, but I’m repeating myself.” 2. In the first of the two tapes that were released of the private conversation between Donald Sterling, and his treacherous girlfriend, V. Stiriano, the daughter of Satan, Lucifer, and the devil (but here I am, still repeating myself), Donald Sterling said to her: “There’s no racism here. If you don’t want to be..walking..into a basketball game with a certain person..is that racism?” NBA Commissioner, Adam Mussolini Silver, had better hope the answer to Sterling’s question, posed to his girlfriend at the time, is “no.” Seventy-five percent of Los Angeles Clippers’ fans at Clippers basketball games are white, and 25 percent are black. Seventy-five percent of whites come to the games with other whites, and 25 percent of blacks come to the games with other blacks. When they come to the games with each other, seventy-five percent of whites, and twenty-five percent of blacks, engage in a jaw-dropping exercise, staring as if the persons are from outer space, especially if it appears there is any dating going on. By Silver’s banning standards, there would be like thirty (30) people who would be allowed to see each NBA basketball game, live, two for each game, with the rest of the fans banned for life, and forced to watch NBA games on television. 3. While the media focused on Donald Sterling’s alleged racism in the tape [If he is a racist, it is certainly not demonstrated in that tape, and if you think it is, quote the words, and make sure you don’t do what the media did, isolate the comments from their contexts, you idiot!], I would like to focus, instead, on one of the truths in the tape, where Sterling told Stiriano, “You’re a mental case; you’re really a mental case. The holocaust, we’re comparing with..” The above truth, being pointed out, that Stiriano needs psychiatric care, may I now, please add to Sterling’s list of potential mental patients: Magic Johnson, Larry Johnson, Anderson Cooper, Spike Lee, all the Clippers basketball players, and everybody else who is drinking this media-driven kool-aid, if you dont mind? 4. There has been absolutely no media focus on this statement by Sterling, in the first part of the first released tape: “It isn’t a question..we don’t evaluate what is right and wrong, we live in a society, we live in a culture..we have to live within that culture.” I’ll offer a reason on behalf of the huddled masses, yearning to breathe free, without the media forcing them to hold their nose. The reason there has been no media focus on this statement is because it would expose the news media’s racial demagoguery. 5. The context of Sterling’s comments, clear from the entirety of the tape, is his objection to Stiriano’s public associates [not private] based upon Sterling’s view of the “do’s” and don’ts” in society, such as the following: “I don’t want to change the culture, because I can’t. It’s too big, and too [word is unintelligible on the tape]. I don’t want to change it. If my girl can’t do what I want. I don’t want the girl. I’ll find a girl that will do what I want! Believe me. I thought you were that girl..because I tried to do what you want. But you’re not that girl.” 6. Following is where we are getting some pertinent information about the real star of this tape, V. Stiriano, where Sterling says to her, “I just see what I’m living with, what I’m dealing with.” And now that Sterling finally saw what he was dealing with, a vindictive, manipulative woman, he was about to find out why she kept framing his comments on a secret recording only she knew about, further framed by the news media. 7. What is really striking on the tape, which the media, of course, had no interest in pointing out, is that each time Sterling referred to blacks, in the secretly recorded tape, he, every time, referred to blacks as blacks, never as “Niggers” [shut up, you don’t complain when rap artists say it], and this is extremely significant because it helps illustrate the point that the bias Sterling is yielding to is not his own, but his perception of the bias in society, regarding black-white relations, viewing such as being objectionable to blacks as well as whites. If anyone thinks this concern is made up by Sterling, or is subject to one race, and not both blacks and whites, check out the film, “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner,” starring Sidney Poitier, and see where the film director accurately portrayed the objection to Poitier’s would-be interracial marriage in the film, not only by the girl’s white “parents,” but Poitier’s black “parents also. That scene in the movie, where both sets of “parents” have their mouths stuck out in the film, is as real as Hollywood has ever gotten to the real state of race relations in this country. 8. The above attitude is what Donald Sterling is referencing, when he tells Stiriano, “No, that’s not true. You didn’t start off by saying ‘Honey, I understand, we’re living in a culture, we can’t..Well then, if you don’t feel..don’t come to my games..Don’t bring black people, and don’t come.” Does Sterling have any objection to the other 25% of black people coming to his games? Allow me to answer: “Not as long as they are paying for the seats.” 9. As a lead-in to my politically incorrect views about the basketball players on the Los Angeles Clippers team, allow me to point out, behind the media’s back, that 12 of the 14 players are black, and the coach is black. I’ll share the following comments Sterling made to Stiriano, with the media’s kind permission, or without the media’s kind permission [In the words of Hillary Clinton, “What difference does it make?”]: “You just, do I know? I support them, and give them food, and clothes, and cars, and houses.” [They get the white women on their own, in case you are wondering.] “Who gives it to them?” [We have returned to Sterling; it is his question, in case you didn’t notice, which has no reference to any girlfriends. We are back to discussing cars here.] “Does someone else give it to them? Do I know that I have..who makes the game? Do I make the game, or do they make the game? Is there 30 owners that created the league?” Now for my politically incorrect comments about the Clippers basketball players: What a bunch of ingrates, they saw nothing, and said nothing. Sterling is a better man than I am. If I am paying a player $18 million, and he turns his uniform inside out, and does not “holla back” when the media is hollering at me over racial nonsense, he will be wearing street clothes when his contract expires, and he can have all the girlfriends he wants, away from the Clippers stadium. What he couldn’t have, and won’t have, is my money. I am kind of funny that way, all the laughs to be enjoyed, in such an event, by the committee members. 10. During the college basketball season, the culmination is “March Madness,” on the road to the NCAA championship. [Connecticut won, by the way.] In this present “Media Madness,” there are no winners, only losers, with people like Anderson Cooper, and Adam Silver leading the pack, or the herd as I like to refer to the zombies in this country, who believe the media is interested in reporting the news, rather than making it up.
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 16:53:23 +0000

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