10 TIPS ON UNBLOCKING MANIPURA Sometimes it is hard to find - TopicsExpress


10 TIPS ON UNBLOCKING MANIPURA Sometimes it is hard to find some proper me time in this hectic, fast paced society...even to read about how to relax more! So here are some handy tips on how to unblock and balance out your 3rd Chakra :) 1. Spend some time in the sunlight (protected of course). The Solar Plexus is connected to the element of fire and the colour yellow. Being under The suns rays can help energise you and its warmth can aid your breath to clear negativities. Also we all know the sun does make us all feel a little happier! 2. Participate in a vigorous sport or activity. Trust yourself and play to win! This will not only help release that lovely chemical dopamine into your system, taking part in a group activity will give you a sense of unity and community, your self esteem will be raised and also feeling that motivation will regain the self respect you may be lacking. 3. Mid summer Clearout: We all do it and we all fail to tackle it sometimes...Its that messy closet or cupboard. It just piles up and we just keep shutting the door, lying to ourselves that we will sort it out once we get a minute Why not actually do it? This will assist you with your own organisational skills, pride and sense of achievement. It can be pretty therapeutic as well! 4. Have a fancy day. When we are feeling low and a lack of motivation, we can sometimes leave ourselves looking like something the cat dragged in, which again adds to the negative emotions. Why not make a point of having a day to be glamorous? Even if your not going anywhere in particular (but you should try to incorporate an outing with fancy day) whats wrong with hovering in a cocktail dress?? you might be doing the housework, but your gonna look fabulous doing it! 5. Set a goal. Break it down into distinct, doable steps. Make a timeline for finishing each step. Take a first step to set the process in motion. Follow through with your timeline so that you reach your goal on time. Then celebrate how powerful and effective you are! Rinse and repeat. 6. BE ASSERTIVE be be ASSERTIVE. Make sure your voice is heard and your needs are taken into account. If this is hard for you, start small. For example, YOU decide what restaurant youll go to or what movie youll see. This may feel uncomfortable to you, but with practice itll get easier. 7. Aromatheripize your life! 8.Use the scents of rosemary or lavender. Both are easy plants to grow in many climates, and this is a wonderful way to incorporate these scents into your life. Alternatively, you could use essential oils of rosemary or lavender. Theyre both widely available, and easy to use--just dont put rosemary essential oil directly on the skin. 8. And it was all Yelloooow. Wear or decorate a room in a shade of yellow that is pleasing and energizing to you. Use the colour with a sense of purpose, feeling it energizing your 3rd chakra. 9.Affirmate to Alleviate. 10.Repeat an affirmation such as: I am worthy. I effectively manifest the deep desires of my soul. I am capable. I am powerful. I set and reach my goals. My needs are important. If conflict is necessary, I can take it on! I know who I am and where Im going. I can solve any problem that comes up. I am a natural leader. I love and respect myself. I am worthy of the best in life. I stand up for myself and what I believe in. I am a strong advocate for myself and my needs. 10. Strengthen that Core. Anything that strengthens your core muscle group will strengthen your solar plexus chakra — the classic for this is pilates. However if you are unable to do pilates, the next best thing would be yoga and some sit ups. Either way you’ll have your core strengthened in no time and your solar plexus breezing right along with that inner strength Love Cassandra xxx
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 11:42:50 +0000

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