10 Things Women Do That Guys Hate Continued from the corner of our - TopicsExpress


10 Things Women Do That Guys Hate Continued from the corner of our relationship doctors 7 And we take the lovely Overly Attached Girlfriend Meme into account here. Ladies, it’s very sweet and cute if you’re sensitive about your guy and you care about how he’s doing and how his everyday routine is, but it is NOT cute if you ask him about every single second of every single day of his life with you. Don’t suffocate him, just like you, guys need their space too. Let them be comfortable with their friends and family and they will automatically be comfortable with you in return. And here is a picture of the lovely Laina Morris. 6. It is natural for girls to be jealous of their men, but it could also get annoying if it is for all the wrong reasons. Your boyfriend went to hang out with his buddies, one of his buddies had his girlfriend with him, and she struck up a simple conversation with your boyfriend, that is perfectly normal and you SHOULD NOT be jealous of that fact. This goes both ways; Trust each other enough to make each other feel comfortable in your own ways. 5. Nobody likes a gossip monger, period. If you have that habit, of talking behind people’s back all the time, your boyfriend will start keeping a certain distance from you. It is a big turn off for guys If their girls are so involved in everyone else’ life that they forget their own and moreover forget they have a guy to take care of. A little gossip doesnt hurt anyone, but keep it civil and limited. to be continued. Sleep well people
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 21:39:09 +0000

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