100 THINGS TO BE THANKFUL FOR…….. What a year it’s been! - TopicsExpress


100 THINGS TO BE THANKFUL FOR…….. What a year it’s been! 2014 closed badly! Billie had a litter of 7 kittens on Christmas Eve, under the stage of Michael Jacksons Cirque Du Solei at the Trade Centre and one by one they died except for one. End January brought good news that both Billie and her remaining baby, Ben would go to great forever homes. As the months went by, many more came and left through my door. Some were the type that you just couldn’t leave on the street, little babies who had no mother and looked to me to feed them milk through tiny little bottles, other’s thankfully surrendered by breeders and some who were injured and needed a helping hand to heal. Some died bringing frustration and tears and others left to happy forever homes bringing a sign of relief and lots of thanks. It was a year where my business was bad, the worst it has ever been, though this gave me minimum income it gave me something far more precious……time…….time to help those that needed help and for that I am very grateful. There is so much more beside the cats that I have to be thankful over, the everyday stuff like my car didn’t break down, my own cats tolerated all the fosterers that went through my door, although one year older, I had the energy and strength to do more and more, the amazing likeminded caring people I met along the way, the wonderful supportive man that loves animals as much as I do and has no problem with cleaning out litter trays, bottle feeding or trapping when I ask him to, I had food and drink on my table every day, my rent didn’t go up too high and I remained healthy with a positive outlook on life despite what was thrown at me! None of this was done on my own, you may not have been in the same room as me, but the support you showed me I am eternally grateful for. The generous donations you gave to my rescues. When you came forward and fostered for me when I needed help. You accepted me when I was sad and felt useless and you happily celebrated my triumphs. For that I am very thankful to each and every one of you x Through the year, you too had your fair share of tragedies to deal with but of course there were lots of happy endings! You all played your part and persevered through the toughest of times. That’s what makes this group a family, we gather closely when help is needed. Shouldn’t we be thankful that we have each other? For Bin Kitty, it was an amazing year, we reach over 8,000 members, we had competitions galore which you happily participated in, successful adoption days, we had the most incredible evening at the Bin Kitty Awards and honored those that have helped us to be what we are today, we launched Mauvember in celebration of our beloved Mau, endless TNR’s, Ramadan Iftar, we held garage sales, sold jewelry, boxes, toys and are enormous amounts of cupcakes! A lot of hard work, but wasn’t it all worth it? To those that we couldn’t save, rest in peace and run free on rainbow bridge, we wont forget you, those that found forever homes, live life long and happily and to those in foster homes, rest assure, we will find you all a place where you will belong. So, if like me you have 100 things to be thankful for in 2014 and not just cat related, let’s show this by opening up a donation appeal. If you are able to donate just AED 100 to the Bin Kitty TNR fund, please do so. You can deposit this in cash at any of our 4 vet partners, Modern Vet, British Vet, Um Sequiem Vet or Nad Al Sheba Vet. Alternatively you can donate your AED 100 through online banking, details of which are below. A little more or a little less is fine too. All you have to do is comment ‘100’ below this post and commit to donating this amount. Account Name: British Veterinary Hospital Beneficiaries address: Villa 742, Al Wasl Rd, Dubai IBAN: AE87 0340 0000 4620 3159 001 Account Number: 0046 203 159 001 Swift code: MEBLAEAD Bank: Emirates Islamic Bank Bank Address: Um Sequiem Branch, Near Jumeriah Beach Park, Villa A, Jumeriah Beach Rd The Whole Team at Bin Kitty Collective wish you a very very Happy New Year. May you all be happy, healthy and blessed and I hope we all continue to help those that need our help in 2015. You may remember some months ago I asked you to send me pictures of you & your cats, please take a minute to watch a video we have created for you. You may recognize some faces, oh and don’t blame me if you need to reach for the tissues…..make them happy tears xxx https://onedrive.live/redir?resid=A358E5090D1BFA75!1104&authkey=!AOhUSN0TqGsYxpQ&ithint=folder%2cwmv
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:43:22 +0000

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