11/4/14 There is probably no greater subject in the Bible than - TopicsExpress


11/4/14 There is probably no greater subject in the Bible than the theme of salvation, without it, nothing else would really matter. The basis of salvation in every age or, dispensation, is the death of Christ. It is His death that is the perfect example of Gods grace to all who believe. The requirement for salvation is also the same in this age as in all previous ages and the one requirement is faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb.11:6a). Another unchanging fact is the object of our faith: In every age or, generation the object of our faith must be the true and living God! If the object of our faith is not God where salvation is concerned, then we are not saved. There is one place where we do see a difference in procedure from one age or, dispensation to another and this place is found in the content of our faith. This is because it is here that we see a variation in requirements from one age to the next. This is not a statement to be taken lightly, and it is not saying that there are two ways of salvation. What it is saying is that salvation in Gods Word is presented progressively. As a result, each succeeding generation receives greater knowledge and greater responsibility than the generation that preceded them. When Adam looked at the coats of skins that God had provided for him and his wife, --- he did not see what we, as believers see today, as we look back on Calvarys cross. And neither did other Old Testament saints see what we can see today. For by grace are ye saved, through faith and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God and not of works lest anyone should boast (Eph. 2:8,9). Dr. Wm. R. Newell stated: It is a harmful perversion of the truth of God, to teach (as the Puritan theologians did) that while we are not to keep the law as a means of salvation, we ARE under it as a rule of life! --- Let a Christian only confess I am under the law and immediately Moses fastens his yoke upon him despite all the protests that the law has lost its power. Men must be delivered from the whole legal principle. from the entire sphere where law reigns, before liberty can be found. There is a prevalent teaching today, that as Christians, we have NO sin nature. We are told that our problem lies in the fact that we have residual bad habits that are left over from when we were sinners. By ignoring the sin nature in us, they are merely putting a Band Aid over the real problem. The deal with symptoms and not the cause. They attempt to utilize the law in order to keep the flesh under control. They restort to the world system of behavior modification to deal with a spiritual problem. They leave Christians wallowing in Romans Chapter 7 with no0 hope of reaching Romans Chapter 8. This teaching is a slippery slope of mixing law and grace and has devastating results.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 00:03:26 +0000

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