11 THINGS YOU MIGHT WANNA AVOID WHEN DEALING WITH ME: 1. Not appreciating the little things: I am bad with expressing my feelings, but I try to in my own little ways. Sometimes it’s something as small as doing your laundry or cooking dinner because I hope you’d appreciate it. Most of the time an act like this goes unnoticed. If Im trying to show you I care and you don’t see it, I’ll think you genuinely don’t care. 2. Quit texting a lot: I like to feel important. If you’re on your phone the whole, I’ll feel like you don’t care about me. Give me your attention. Seriously, nothing is so important that you have to always be texting. Good manners are a turn on. 3. Don’t be afraid to eat: Here’s a fact about me: I like to eat food. If you don’t eat while Im with you, you’ll make me feel awkward. If you’re trying to impress or please me…STOP! 4. Slow down on the weekly party scene: I like to have fun, but I also like to chill out. If you’re going out to bars and clubbing every weekend Im going to get tired of it. If you want to be in a committed relationship you have to give up the crazy night outs. We can do them collectively from time to time but don’t give me reason to use it as an excuse for space. 5. You’re not independent enough? : If whenever life gets rough you run to your parents for help, it’ll turn me off coz I dont have parents. It’s good to have a support system, but if you’re calling your mom because you lost R50 it shows that you won’t be able to handle the big problems when they come. 6. You don’t work but you love shopping: If you want to shop all day long, you better have your own money to do it. 7. My friends are not good enough for you? -_- : I can’t make new friends everyday. The friends I have are for life. When you try to step in between my buddies and I, all you’re doing is creating a barrier between you and I. You don’t need to be best friends with my friends, but you should try and get along with them. After all, I confide in these people so if you’re on their good books, they’ll always have your back. 8. Feeling the need to change me: I like who I am. I am how I am for a reason. Don’t try and change that. If Im a horrible dresser you can buy me a new shirt, but don’t force anything on me. If you aren’t happy with who I am, find somebody else. Simple. 9. Everything is the end of the world? : There’s nothing worse for me than when you act like the world is ending because your favorite artist was arrested over the weekend. Even if it means a lot to you, try to let it go. I myself will just blow things off and hope you will too. 10. Being too clingy: I can’t stand when you are constantly begging for attention and time. I want someone to be with, not a child to take care of. Even if you want to be with me 24/7, give me some space and let me breathe before I walk away. 11. You lie too much: I ain’t stupid. I can tell when Im being lied to. Don’t try to hide who you are because you think a I won’t like the real you. You can’t fool me forever and once the truth comes out I’ll never trust you again. IF YOU READ THROUGH ALL THIS AND NEVER LOST INTEREST, IT SHOWS ME HOW MUCH INTERESTED YOU ARE IN ME & MY STUFF. COMMENT WITH A
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 05:10:25 +0000

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