11th June 2013 ...Meditation on The Book of John from The - TopicsExpress


11th June 2013 ...Meditation on The Book of John from The Bible by Yogi Sally Ann Slight John 1 (KJV, Holman Bible Publishers) 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God........................... when you start your Journey with God, rely on the Word......not separate from God, the Word is within the heart, and what is said by man comes from his heart, however much of God that is within the man, is released by his mouth. The Word was God!... another name of God...like Jehovah and I AM ....another player, another leaf, another path.....to listen to man is to follow his Word, his path, his God......your own path/God may not be the same path as his God, his is not a bad path/God, for God is not bad, it may just not be the same path as yours.....so if you listen to anothers path and go with that other then that is the path you chose.....your own path may then be lost, until you ask your own God/heart Father, what is my true path?......you may not like the answer, but you will one day! the Word is spelt with a capital W....like a name!...like Jesus, like God or a Spirit rather than a human, as Jesus was not the Jesus was He?....so to call something a the, places it in another dimension. Jesus was the Son of God.....the had been removed when He was named on this planet.....and to be replaced when He went Home to Father God....He is once again the Son of God, sitting at Gods right hand..... Jesus was the human being....who turned into a human doing.....who then sacrificed Himself for other human beings so that they did not have to become human doings! the Son of God is a Spirit ....just as the Word is a Spirit ! Jesus was human....a flesh suit ....with the Spirit of the Son of God occupying him the Son of God was with God the Son of God was also within Jesus as His Spirit within....His God...His Word... as the Word was with God....and God was just relaying all that He wanted Jesus to tell the humans on this planet through His Word.......through the Words coming out of His mouth from His heart ...as God dwells within the heart of Jesus. Mother Teresa said on sin......... God dwells in us. Thats what gives Him a beautiful power. It doesnt matter where you are as long as you are clean of heart. He is there with you and within you twenty-four hours. That is why He says Love others like I love you. Clean of heart means openness, that complete freedom, that detachment that allows you to love God without hindrance, without obstacles. When sin comes into our life that is a personal obstacle between me and God. He cannot act through me or give me strength when there is sin between us. Sin is nothing but slavery. When I chose evil, I sin. Thats where my will comes in. When I seek something for myself at the cost of everything else, I deliberately chose sin. I say, for example, that I am tempted to tell a lie, and then I accept to tell the lie. Well, my mind is impure. I have burdened myself. I have put an obstacle between me and God. That lie has won. I preferred to lie to God. Sorry.........after reading those Words I had to apologise to God, as they are Words of my very own, yet I had not know them yet....the time is always Gods when He wants you to know His Words.....for they may have emerged from the mouth of Mother Teresa....yet they were placed within her heart by God, who abides within Her.....we are all just shells/flesh suits to carry His Word..............the choice is yours! Mother Teresa stated that her mind is impure if, she decided to accept the mind and tell the lie. I believe that God dwells within your heart and the mind is there to think about the first outpouring (thought) from God........the thought is from the heart and we accept it in the receiver of the mind.......I was taught at the Ashram that thoughts are like clouds that float past us and we accept them and act upon them or we chose to refuse to accept that thought and wait for another....this is free will.....the choice of thought acceptance. I always wanted to know where these thoughts came from...I thought (or rather the outpouring from my heart replied, as that is what you receive when you ask a question that only God could answer) ....that thoughts came from others, and the mind acts as a receiver of others thoughts....thus the saying chose your company wisely is very true, for their thoughts are close to you and you receive them in your mind and accept and act, or not, is your own choice............but when you ask God to guide you on your Journey you now become a servant to your heart...for that is where God has decided to lead you from......the mind is still a receiver...so be careful as you become a knower of wrong and right....right minded.....the chambers/rooms of the heart ....stated in the Bible as many rooms within my Fathers house...four actually....pared to the double sided mind...left, right, left, right, left, right............marching to orders, rather than guided by the Love from your heart, your Home, your God. The mind is a receiver of wrong and right thoughts....left is wrong, as it is never right to be left is it!.............it is your choice (free will) to chose to lie, cheat, deceive, murder, blame, kill ........or Love, speak the Truth, give, trust, enable. The heart is the distribution centre of the seeds/thoughts....to be planted in good soil......you can stand in the midst of evil and plant seeds just by Loving all who are around you...........there will be lots of soil to plant your seeds of Love into.....whether their mind decides to accept those seeds and nurture them until the harvest is their own choice.............you cannot help them to nurture their own minds...that is free will.....although your writing is explaining in a more simple way the Art of Gardening. The Good soil is the mind who is eager and wants to know and learn of God.....the un-watered soil is the mind that is capable yet does not care to read the Word, and know of the bread and water of Life (land/mind that is allowed to lay fallow)....stony ground is those minds who would rather stone the bringer of good news, than listen to them....(John 1:42 Cephas) To add manure to soil also helps to generate growth ......you learn by all the evil that you have encountered.....layer by layer good can be covered by manure, only to one day reveal the most beautiful of blooms. For a seed was planted many years ago in a good mind that many layers of manure have covered..........God will never allow one of His seeds to be lost.....He knows where the seed was planted....He knows who planted the seed within the young mind.....for it was He that planted it !...........He is now reaping His harvest.........God is happy to watch the mind seed bloom and develop further seeds that will explode in the good soil of the young minds that He has placed to receive those seeds.....to then float off and coat them with learning of good and evil for them to accept or not. John 1:2 The same was in the beginning with God. is this a new entry into the list of who appeared with God in the beginning? Along with the Word, who is the same?...........and God said the answer is.......no one, we are all different! John 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him, was not any thing made that was made. ...and the same goes for man and his own ideals and beliefs that have created his environment......for what he perceives he then receives all things were made by him and without him......remove the comma or as we who are awake like to say remove the coma......he made everything and he didnt even have to be there.....just like thoughts.....thoughts create.....the thought is the Word....the entity of creation....a dream you have is being created around you....it is good to create a dream that others can benefit from that you have worked so hard to create by the remembrances of your past and future.....to see the future by remembering the past is to bring Heaven and Earth together as we predicted....we foretold....we helped show you and you were good enough to accept the plans that have been predicted, foretold....expected of you. John 1:4 In him was life; and the life was the life of men. past lives, future lives are all seeds within the heart....dreams of lives once lived.........memories of lives yet to live.....reliving to live.......remembering to forget.............healing the past to heal the future..... he had within him the stories of other men learnt from other men to be told to other men to be lived by other men....ie books, films, dreams, memories......seeds to be planted within the minds of the good to create the world seen within his dreams....his memories of films and books not yet written....by the men who will accept the seeds from him to create the world of his dreams by writing the books and filming the films. all aspects of his memory will be created for he has envisioned all aspects of life, by reading books...by watching films....by seeing the world and how other people live and the stories they tell..... they, who he has not yet created, have already told him their story so that he can implant that story within them to create for him to read, watch remember to implant within them....on and on in a never ending story which story do you want to live now? John 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehend it not. the information I reveal now is light....and myself within is the darkness...the darkness is lessened by the amount of light I allow into the darkness within me.....the light is new information that is brought to me as I accept it and allow it to be written down and then digested and understood slowly as my slow mind will allow...................the speed of light and its coming into my darkness is faster than the mind can cope with and so to read back what i have written is not befitting the capability of the mind i have been blessed with.....all in good time. the same goes for the people who will read what you have written to understand that the Bible is a book of your own personal prophesy and time of evolution and blossoming.....when you learn to remove the comas (commas) you will awaken to a bigger understanding of life and Love and God. keep smiling for life is good and so are you. John 1:6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. ...was!....now his name is something else...a modern name...a name not of the disciples nor Prophets....he is an adopted child whos name had been changed......although he still remembers his first name as it is his future. 1:7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness to the Light, that all men through him might believe. ....women already believe in the Light....men are wary of the Light for they believe it is they who should carry the Light.....their pride will keep them from the Light.....time wasted....all in good time.....only through others will the Light be proclaimed for its Healing, Knowledge and Truth.....Light has always been carried by women.....for the Light is feminine....so any man who has relinquished his masculinity can also carry the Light.....the Light is Wisdom....Knowledge...Healing....Peace.....Love 1:8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. he did have aspects of the Light for the closer he came to the Light the more he knew and trusted the Light to give him more Knowledge .....to awaken him from his sleep.....half awake now....or he would not have recognised the Light.....but to be in the Lights presence would develop his own Light, Knowledge and Healing.....to Love the Light was to become the Light.....and to learn from the Light was to go forth and Heal as the Light. 1:9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. hidden within a sinner ...the Light shone into women and awoke them to their own Light....their own memory of the Light....to Love the Light was to enable their own Healing......to share with men was to enable the man to come into his own Light.....fear of an awakening kept men from the Light....their rules kept them asleep.....safe and content with regulations.....knowledge of the Light brought them fear and fear brought them pain.....and the pain was brought to them so they would grow closer to the Light and thus Heal themselves of their pain.....face your fear and Heal your pain....Love the Light and Heal your pain. 1:10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. the world was a projection created by his Light to enable the world to learn of the Light that created them!.....they did not know him because they did not listen....to listen is to awaken to the Light.....fear creates ignorance and sleep to those unwilling to learn of the Light....the Light is with you now yet you still will not listen to his Truth.....search and you will find the Light for it is hidden in plain view....when you ask for the Light then you shall receive the Light and all the Light will bring to you. 1:11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not. for they thought he was dead....and to think of death...creates death....to keep another alive, always keep them in your thoughts with Love.....your fear will create the situation that you fear for the person that you Love....it may not come as your fear...but it will come.....for you thought it thus. 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. to believe is to receive.....to believe in the Light will create the Light within you....and all the Light can achieve ....then you too also will achieve.....for you have received the Light that is the Healer and bringer of Knowledge and you thus accept his terms of entry.....to believe is to receive....those that receive and do not Heal as the Light requests, will in turn need Healing from others that have received the Light and Heal by the Light....their pain is due to not abiding with the bidding of the Light....to believe, receive and then not believe is to deceive ...themselves and thus their soul is in pain through the flesh not fulfilling the bargain with the Light.....to receive and do as I do.....to receive and Heal others.....to receive and not complete the task is to bring pain upon yourself....you are your only blockage for the Light is already within you and waiting to complete the Healing that has been requested of you............................his name, Heals. 1:13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. God is Spirit.....the Light is Spirit.....and the Spirit requires a body to complete the process of Healing.....to enable another to bless the other in pain....to enable the other to learn of the Light you need flesh to communicate with another.........to not complete the task to Heal others that God brings to you will be to bring pain upon your self............and thus you will roam the planet seeking Healers to Heal you of nothing but your own fear of Healing others!..........for when you Heal others you have no pain....for the Light is within you Healing you first and then Healing the other...sent to bring the Healing to you!...........you accept the Light....you will be Healed as you Heal another. 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. the Spirit was placed within the flesh of the Word....the Word was Spirit....the Word is Spirit.....the flesh is human and requires a Spirit to complete it....just as a Spirit requires a human to complete it....to bring the Word to others in flesh.....the body must be willing to work with the Spirit of the Word......there will be a period of unsettling behaviour due to the merging of the past and future and confusion will be normal within the flesh.....the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak and thus the flesh confuses itself as to which master to obey......to remain with the master of the darkness and ignorance is, it feels, safety....for it is used to ignorance and sleep......to open its acceptance to the Spirit of the Light is to open its Knowledge of things that it feels could damage the flesh, and thus it refuses to accept the Light and its ways of Healing and Knowledge of the self and God.....caught within this spiral of denial and refusal, the body suffers confusion and stress and therefore creates its own pain, to be used as practice for others who have accepted the Light and all the Light can bring to the body and Healing..............Grace and Truth are the gifts bestowed upon the flesh that accepts the Light and its task to heal others. 1:15 John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me; for he was before me. In the beginning was the Word..........and was thus before the flesh of John.. the Word is Spirit and just as energy is never ending, thus Spirit is never ending and when the situations are needing the Word to reappear to others to enable them to Heal themselves and others...the flesh is needed of one that will accept the Spirit of the Word......the Spirit of the Word is always preferred to the flesh of the body for the body does not communicate with others it is the Spirit that communicates with others....thus you know what is within a mans heart due to what emerges from his mouth.....the mouth does not say anything it just positions itself to receive the Spirit of the Word and so the more Light you accept into your flesh the more of the Spirit of the Word you will convey to others observing the flesh that the Spirit is occupying............John could bare witness of him due to fact he was carrying the Spirit of the Word within him.....the Spirit would converse inwardly to John at any moment of the day or night and thus John would know and bear witness to the Spirit of the Word that he was carrying....to enable yourself of the Knowledge of the Light and to the Spirit that you bear witness to....then meditate and listen ...write.... speak all that comes forth from your mouth, mind and heart......for your flesh is just the spacesuit of the Spirit of the Word.....just as humans cannot walk without a spacesuit upon the surface of the moon....the Spirit of the Word cannot walk upon this planet with out the flesh of a human to wear to survive here.....although humans do not need to ask permission of the spacesuit they require to walk upon the surface of the moon...they do require the help of others to complete their mission......and thus the Spirit of the Word requires permission to enter the human it knows is positioned in the correct environment for it to convey its good news of the Word and information required to prolong the lives and happiness of the other flesh suits that occupy this planet......the vibrations of happiness are conducive of the best environment for ultimate Healing.....and thus there are forces on your planet that try to keep others from being happy and Healed. 1:16 And of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace. the fullness comes from the amount that you accept the Light.....your belief in the Light is a drip by drip filling of the darkness within.....the Light is Knowledge and the more Knowledge you accept within you then the more full of that Light you will become......Light cannot be forced upon the darkness (ignorance) or you will explode.....new wine within old bottles!....new wine in this case is new information...new Light....new Knowledge that will Heal your self and others.......but just as if you gave the whole pot of pills to a person to relieve them of a symptom, would damage them, so the Light will damage the human flesh of ignorance.....to accept the Light makes it easier to digest and each morsel of Light is Healing in itself......but to enable the flesh to Heal others, then the fullness is required to bring grace to the Healer as well as grace to the one requiring Healing....the only difference between a Healer and the person who needs Healing is...Knowledge.....the Healer has taken time to understand and accept the Light......just as any occupation takes time to study and understand the position that they are required to fill......thus the Healer has to learn of the Healer...............and the Light is the ultimate Healer due to the reverence and honour that has been bestowed upon him since his creation and return to the Father. 1:17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. Moses, the name for a flesh suit....who had within him the Spirit of the Lord....and the Lord furnished him with the Laws, that would keep the other humans in line, as their behaviour was hurting others and becoming unacceptable to the Spirits needing to occupy the flesh....for you see the more unruly the flesh the more difficult it is to occupy the flesh....the time it takes to instil the Light unto the flesh is greater than the time the flesh has upon this planet.......and thus the evolution of the species is just not outwardly as noticed and then studied and given to you by Charles Darwin, who also was not accepted by other flesh suits until the Light (Knowledge) was allowed and accepted...drip by drip....within the flesh suits of the unbelievers..............thus will be so of this information given to you now....until slowly slowly it will be accepted and pain and suffering will diminish due to the Knowledge of self Healing that is contained within this writing. We have chose to use the greatest book ever written to bring the insights into its tellings..for the great Knowledge that is contained within its pages was suitable at the time of writing and for centuries afterwards....although others have tried to stop its publication due to the power it possesses to teach the flesh suits of the acceptance of the Lord and Light rather than the orders given to them by other flesh suits.....remember how long it took to get it translated into English...how many people died just to keep this knowledge from the many..................due to ignorance and greed (darkness) they kept the Light from the many ....they have kept the Knowledge of Healing from the many to promote their own Healing techniques that can be purchased from the few to the many.... 1:18 No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. for God is Spirit....God is Light.....God is the Word....God is Knowledge....God is Healing.....the only begotten Son is a flesh suit that holds within it the Light...the heart....the Love of the Father.....to declare the father is to Know of the Father and to carry the Father ....the Spirit....within the heart of the flesh suit...........the Son is flesh....the Father is Spirit....to Love the Father is to Know the Father, for the DNA that the Father flesh suit carried is also within the Son and thus the Son Knows all that the Father had achieved within the life span of the Father flesh suit......thus the same habits and values are carried on by the Son flesh suit.........until.....the Spirit of the Lord decides to take up residence within the flesh suit of any son......then the family may not recognise the son....for his ways are no longer their ways........he may be cast out by the family due to this change.....if the family are accepting also of the Light of the Lord then they also will be occupied to keep the family unit bonded within the Love of the Father......but due to the nature of the human race at these times and the use of other devices to occupy the flesh suits, the Knowledge of the Light is being kept once again from the many by the few.....even with all the access to technology and Knowledge the main programming for the populous is to keep them tied to the ways and orders of the few......the Knowledge of the Light is being lost amongst the Knowledge of the darkness.....and time is being lost by playing games to empty the mind of Light that is first implanted within the child flesh suit to gain the best start in life.....to keep the Light within the flesh suit is like that of a dripping tap...yet the plumbers of the dark come in and mend the drip as they are told that a drip is not a suitable situation to have...perhaps not in a sink.....but within the child flesh suit it is a necessity.......yet the drip, drip, Knowledge of the Lord is diminishing in the schools of the dark....the dark require flesh suits to do their bidding, learn their ways, rather than follow the ways of the Lord of Light......and by the time they leave the years of education and make their own way in the world their inner Knowledge of the Light has been covered with darkness, rather than the Light being allowed to grow from within...........then comes the journey of once again wanting to know why they feel so empty of Love and Light......and as always...God waits to be asked to start the drip, drip of Light to enter the flesh once again.......time wasted is learning yes, but life could be changed for the whole planet if such Light could be kept in those early years....as they were before religious education has been slowly been eradicated from the schooling systems of the world. 1:19 And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou? actually this is the record of another....written on behalf of John....this is an account of the proceedings.....to enable another further upon the journey of understanding...it is written in the first part and John is mentioned as in an account.....as are most accounts......the flesh is weak, as in the case of John, yet the Spirit of the Lord is strong within the flesh that write this account....and thus, so it is written......to obey a calling of such worth...to convey to others an account of such gravity is an honour that is bestowed upon very few.....and should you be asked.....then you would be wise to listen to that small voice within requesting you to finish the work that is needed to be completed before you have to leave this planet. 1:20 And he confessed, and denied not; but confessed, I am not the Christ. he could not be the Christ......for the Christ is a Spirit that only occupies the body of Jesus....Jesus, the flesh suit.....chosen by God to occupy the flesh suit of Jesus as the DNA was suitable from Mary and Joseph for the flesh suit....the Spirit was able to fully occupy the flesh with as little disturbance to the flesh as possible and the learning could commence earlier than as with other flesh suits of the time.....DNA consists of experiences of past family members that can be either a benefit or disruption to the path that is required of the Spirit that needs to occupy the flesh suit....and in the case of the Lord Jesus Christ, the lineage had to be one of the utmost clarity and understanding of God and the ways of man. 1:21 And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elijah? And he saith, I am not. Art thou that Prophet? And he answered, No. due to the nature of the darkness within the flesh suits of the day.....such questions would of course be asked....for they would rather question to persecute than to learn....for jealousy and envy are a very natural trait of the flesh suit.....and for any one to be different was a position that required careful study, for the flesh suits are always trying to understand and use any new gift for themselves, to create more wealth for the few at the expense of the many. 1:22 Then said they unto him, Who art thou? that we may give an answer to them that sent us. What sayest thou of thyself? have you noticed...that the ones who control the many are rarely the ones who ask the questions!...they always send others to confront their own fear!...to give power to others to stand in judgement of the Light is also counter productive, for to enable another, with the powers of darkness, does not relinquish the controller of the persecution, it doubles his crime and thus the pain that he suffers....the controllers are always in fear of being caught, found out or persecuted themselves, for their own crimes towards the many......the Light will always appear to the most influential of the controllers due to their fear of all that they do unto the Light.......there is always a way of capturing the controllers.....have Faith, they will be found out and made to stand trial for their actions, if not by the persecuted, they will none the less be stood before the Lord and have to account for their crimes towards the many......please ensure you have no fear in this matter....for only fear creates all that you fear.......................Love only creates Love. 1:23 He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Isaiah. Now,..... the voice crying in the wilderness is the Spirit that is with the Lord, the Spirit that sits at the Lords right hand, and the Lord will give orders for the flesh suit to obey, and these are conveyed to the flesh suit by the Spirit that occupies the flesh suit......when you connect with the Light, that is the most approperiate use of the Word...........you have a connection, an attachment that sits in the so called wilderness, another understanding of this position is, another dimension....you must understand that when these Bible Words were written, the wilderness is where you were sent as punishment, or if you took yourself off, and wanted to be alone with God............punishment! to be with God....silly humans!......anyway, they did right by their ignorance...the darkness within the flesh, saw being with God a punishment when of course it is always a gift............like being sent to prison nowadays, you are cast aside from the other flesh suits and have alot of thinking time on your hands...(or as we like to call it, linking time)...you then have the choice to link up with God and appeal for clemency, or you can gang up with the other flesh suits and learn new dark ways to get you back within a cell quicker when you are released!....your choice....your life.....your flesh suit.....but Gods Spirit ....that wants to help you live a life to the full....................(although there is still the debate that the flesh suit is also Gods ....and that as He also gave you free will, that was the gift of choice of Spirit for the flesh suit.....chose the Light and have a great life or chose to remain in ignorance and suffer.....although to chose the dark is like being given a spacesuit for the moon, and no oxygen to breathe when you are up there!!!).... Make straight the way of the Lord, is another prison term, upon being released some men do say that they are going straight....and God blesses those who do...they have been forgiven, and who are you to judge the path of another who has fallen lower than your self! 1:24 And they which were sent were of the Pharisees. even though you belong to a group or clan or Nation......you all have the choice to understand and know the ways of the Lord and stand before your leaders and tell them when they are going wrong....if that is what is asked of you. 1:25 And they asked him, and said unto him, Why baptizest thou then, if thou be not that Christ, nor Elijah, neither that Prophet? to question someone is good....for you will learn by questioning (although asking God is the greatest answer you will receive, and you will also know it is the correct answer, rather than an answer from a flesh suit that is not at the fullness of their learning yet)....but if your questioning is to further persecute the human, rather than to satisfy some curiosity within your self, then you would be wise to question God first!.............for the flesh suit is just under orders and does not know the full extent of his service to the Lord and the full extent of service to the planet................and to compare the flesh suit/Spirit with others is not useful or wise, as we are all made to complete a certain task and thus each service will be in accordance to the wishes of God. 1:26 John answered them saying, I baptise with water: but there standeth one among you, whom ye know not; John baptised with water......Jesus baptised with the Word.....when you heard the Spirit of the Word coming from within the flesh suit of Jesus, you were then washed clean of sin and your DNA had been arranged for your future generations to benefit when the time was right, and the information of the Word would be more easily accepted and understood.....Jesus was the ultimate transmitter of the Word program.....and our DNA is the Hard Drive in which all the information of our past generations is stored, and can be accessed. To Know is to understand.....and as with any new information and learning it takes time to understand and learn of new things.....slowly, as to not damage the fragile flesh suit.....and in some cases to hide the Truth altogether so to enslave another or many! 1:27 He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoes latchet I am not worthy to unloose. Me = the opposite of You......preferred before Me yet coming after Me....a bit of a mind tease this and those who are well within the capability of the Light will understand and Know what to do with this information......Forgive them, for they Know not what they do......yet! 1:28 These things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan, where John was baptising. 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. sin = dis-ease, Jesus Healed mans dis-ease, He brought man comfort through His Word....the Word being the Word of God....the Spirit within the flesh suit that was Jesus......just as certain music can bring ease and comfort, so to did....(and still does!)....the Word of God....Yes, there are certain individuals who can bring comfort and Heal dis-ease, by their connection to the Spirit of God and thus can Heal by the Words of comfort they are given to bring to the person with dis-ease.....they also have the gift of Healing touch and Healing through the application of oils.....these are not Therapists......please ask God if you need to know the answer to this statement.....for just as the Bible has written within it the answers to your life journey....so too do Words.....every answer is within the question and will be brought to you with Love......a Loving heart will answer every question that you need answering. 1:30 This is he of whom I said, After me cometh a man which is preferred before me; for he was before me. Jesus is preferred to John.....John appears to be known first in this story but the big story now knows that Jesus has always been the Son of God and was with Him upon the creation of the dream that is this planet.....the dream is energy and so thus cannot be extinguished.....it can rot and break down yet another will take its place for a dream is infinite and so therefore can never be removed....yet it can grow and diversify for as the evolution of man continues so to does his understanding and opening to the connection of the God I AM......this being so, he enters a realm of invention / dream that is allowed to transgress for it brings more favour to the Great I AM.....for man to enter the Temple of the God I AM, he must be prepared to impart the information he has recognised and so bring more honour to the God I AM.......the Praise and Thanks must go to God, rather than to the self......the self is a mere transgressor and to trespass into the Lords Temple is what the Lords Prayer teaches you to ask for forgiveness for entering into His Temple...............and also to forgive others for their trespassing into your Temple.......you are both like thieves, yet to forgive one another, just as Father God forgives you....will bring you favour.......just as you have done them a favour for allowing them to steal an idea/dream of yours and make it their own.....even though you have been left destitute and unloved....you have dug deep within your self and found that spark of Love that has never left you.....that gift of Love that has always been with you...that gift of Love that brings about your change of circumstances.....for to Love another brings your spark of love to life again and thus the spark of God that will allow you to once again enter Gods Temple ......to bow down before the Lord and ask once again for His help and deliverance....to supply you with the information that you require to once again bring the success and prosperity to your Temple........to give, before you even receive is an act of Faith that is also rewarded....every act of Faith in the Lord is always rewarded.....your Faith in the Lord and all that He has given you will bring you the prosperity that you so need at this time.......to ask for the help of another, of your equal or higher Faith, is not desired....you are the only one allowed within the Lords Temple at this time.......you brought with you one of weakness....your strength has brought the spark of Love back to the weak one.....the one who comes after you, who is preferred above you, who was before you......well done. 1:31 And I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptising with water. Every stranger is a friend waiting to be known.......they are always around you...it is up to you to reach out and become a friend to them......be aware that your Love is too great an expression for some to cope with.......their journey has brought to them such pain......they have had every opportunity to relinquish it...yet they fail to reach into the God spark within.....due to their lack of understanding ...darkness....they suffer in silence....thinking that the path they tread is the life that God has prepared for them.....this is not so.....God has prepared a life of extreme Love and Happiness with prosperity and Hope....give thanks to the Lord.... 1:32 And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him. Lucky John.... to be continued............................... 1:33 And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptise with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptiseth with the Holy Ghost. 1:34 And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God. 1:35 Again the next day after, John stood, and two of his disciples; 1:36 And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God. 1:37 And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. 1:38 Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, WHAT SEEK YE? They said unto him, Rabbi (which is to say, being interpreted, Master,) where dwellest thou? 1:39 He saith unto them, COME AND SEE. They came and saw where he dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth hour. 1:40 One of the two which heard John speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peters brother. 1:41 He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messiah, which is, being interpreted, the Christ. 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, THOU ART SIMON THE SON OF JONA: THOU SHALT BE CALLED CEPHAS, which is by interpretation, A stone. 1:43 The day following Jesus would go forth into Galilee, and findeth Philip, and saith unto him, FOLLOW ME. 1:44 Now Philip was of Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. 1:45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph. 1:46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see. 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith unto him, BEHOLD AN ISRAELITE INDEED, IN WHOM IS NO GUILE! 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, BEFORE THAT PHILIP CALLED THEE, WHEN THOU WAST UNDER THE FIG TREE, I SAW THEE. 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel. 1:50 Jesus answered and said unto him, BECAUSE I SAID UNTO THEE, I SAW THEE UNDER THE FIG TREE, BELIEVEST THOU/ THOU SHALT SEE GREATER THINGS THAN THESE. 1:51 And he saith unto him, VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO YOU, HEREAFTER YE SHALL SEE HEAVEN OPEN, AND THE ANGELS OF GOD ASCENDING AND DESCENDING UPON THE SON OF MAN.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 12:12:11 +0000

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