14.12.15. The report on torture opens the way for the arrest of - TopicsExpress


14.12.15. The report on torture opens the way for the arrest of the main Nazi-Zionist Source and comments in English: benjaminfulford.net/.../torture-report-paves-way-for.../... The 500-page report on torture of the Bush era, published by the US Senate, marks a major turning point in American power. While much of what the report is already known to most conscious human beings news, the fact that it was issued by the Intelligence Committee of the US Senate and the fact that inform it widely the corporate media propaganda is very important. On the one hand, it shows that Nazi cabal faction no longer controls the corporate media. The information you gave me earlier that Cohen cabal faction had broken ranks with the Bush faction is confirmed. Even more important is that under the rules of establishment, once an incident is in the news, then we must take action. Because the United States has signed the Geneva Convention, that means your government is obliged by law to prosecute war criminals. This means, as we predicted last week that George Bush Jr. and the whole Nazi faction (Neo-con) the full heading to prison or even the death penalty. The publication of this report comes at a time that Prince William of the British Crown was in Washington to attend a World Bank conference. Japanese government sources say that while in Washington, William signed treaties that confirmed a change of ownership of corporate governance in the United States. However, MI5 sources could only confirm that William signed some documents. The timing of the publication of the report of torture may have been related to that. Also, remember how Bush Jr. and Tony Blair asked each on their own a private audience with Pope malicious (Benedict XVI) after leaving their posts? They were showing the world that had a powerful protector and were beyond any persecution. Well, the new pope Francisco and P2 have taken away his immunity and thats why so that war crimes trials are now possible. Senior government officials from the UN, UK, Chinese and many are claiming this right now. dailymail.co.uk/.../Clegg-backs-Demands-court-p... Some of Bushs main customers worldwide are now, understandably, running scared because his great patron is losing. One is the Dalai Lama, a hypocrite Nazi murderer who was denied an audience with the Pope last week. This means you have no protection. Another is the Sultan of Brunei, who, according to CIA in Southeast Asia, has always been a key to money laundering in the business of the Bush global narcotics agents. A third is Agha Khan, a descendant of the Prophet Mohammed who runs a large part of the topic Al Qaeda for the Bush faction, according to sources from MI5. Agha Khan, the Dalai Lama and the Sultan of Brunei were all members of a secret committee that controlled global funds in the guarantees they were intended to be used to benefit the people of the planet, but instead were mostly misappropriated. Meanwhile, the mysterious source based in Philadelphia who predicted such things as the attack on Malaysia Airlines says now that Bush and his Kabbalists have stolen dollar funds belonging to the governments of Russia and Venezuela. This comes after the recent theft of pension funds from the Japanese government. For that reason, the people running the pound and euro Britain have been overwhelmed by the SWIFT system controlled by the US and are channeling their transactions through Hong Kong, according to Chinese sources. In public this can be confirmed by a statement issued last week by the director of the IMF, Christine Lagarde: The IMF members have been asking were hoping that the United States approve the Reform of quotas and IMF governance 2010 year-end. The adoption of reforms remains essential to strengthen the credibility, legitimacy and effectiveness of the Fund, and to ensure you have enough permanent resources to meet the needs of its members. I have now been informed by the US administration that reforms are not included in the budget bill currently before the US Congress. I have expressed my disappointment to US authorities and we hope to continue working towards a rapid ratification. As requested by our members, we will now proceed to discuss alternative options to advance reforms fees and government and ensuring that the Fund has sufficient resources from a meeting of the Executive Board in January 2015 . imf.org/external/np/sec/pr/2014/pr14568.htm Translation: the Europeans will take the Americans and join the BRICS alliance from January. There has also been continued movement of tectonic plates in the Middle East. The Pentagon has joined the Russians, Turks and Iranians to work with Syria against Salafist forces in Syria, according Debka newsletter linked to Mossad. debka/.../Is-Obama-ready-for-an-about-face-to-...- This is very bad news for Saudi Arabia and other major benefactors of the petrodollar system controlled by Bush. Falling oil prices, with the market now talking about $ 40 a barrel, is another sign that the petrodollar system has problems. At this low price almost certainly has already made bankrupt some major financial firms. Another indication that something is going down is the fact that the Baltic Dry Index has fallen to its lowest level since immediately after the shock of Lehman Brothers. Well, remember all those dead bankers JP Morgan, most of them related to IT (Information Technology) and the computer algorithms based on trade? There is growing speculation that JP Morgan will be the next Lehman Brothers. Certainly people on the Board of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department of the United States are waiting for something unpleasant to happen. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency is looking for survival kits for their employees. These include emergency supplies of food, blankets, water purifiers, etc. debka/.../Is-Obama-ready-for-an-about-face-to-...- This is not the sort of thing used in carrying out the usual financial crisis. The other signal is the fact that the branch of the Board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago has boarded windows. They are obviously expecting trouble. Since they have openly spoken in the past about the seizure of bank accounts of people, it may be that you are preparing for riots that certainly continue such action. View this 15 minute video to get a picture of the boarded windows: youtube/watch?v=BhAV09awjsE In addition, if any reader of this newsletter in Los Angeles, we would ask them if they have any information about the fire shown in these pictures. Seems to have been the result of some kind of military attack and could be a sign that the civil war is imminent in the US .. beforeitsnews/.../downtown-los-angeles-massive-fir... Meanwhile, in Japan, the Liberal Democratic Party won a massive majority in the lower house elections held on December 14. However, the Japanese right wing says that this result will not be enough to keep the slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in power. Some kind of convention leadership after Abe is of low for reasons of ill health is expected, they say. We will see. 25 comments Posted by victoriakent33 on December 15, 2014 in Uncategorized Tags: United States, Information Technology 12.09.14. First the evil pope, then Secretary of Defense silly now Netanyahu, close to the Bush clan 08 DIC 68 Votes Source and comments in English: benjaminfulford.net/.../first-the-evil-pope-then-the.../... BDS.netanyahu The Satanic cabal is undergoing a series of catastrophic defeats. As a snowball turning it gradually becomes larger, the removal of a few Kabbalists is becoming an avalanche of losses to the full. A removal of Pope Maledicto and abdication of several members of European royalty now follows the removal of powerful cabal key agents in the United States. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, low intellectual coefficient and easy to handle has been replaced by Ashton Carter, a scholar with a doctorate in theoretical physics. Under the rule of the cabal, people of merit as Carter ran into a glass ceiling. The fact that a man is now in the top job is a good sign, but Carter will have to prove by his actions that he is on the right side. Early omens are good. The military industrial complex of the United States who is determined to expel the psychopathic mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu has already managed to overthrow his government. The evidence presented in a British court that Netanyahu was one of the main planners of the attack of the tsunami and the nuclear mass murder in Japan on 03/11/11 has been a key reason for their loss of support within the military complex -industrial, as well as the Israeli government sources said Mossad. As soon as he was informed of the US decision to topple Netanyahu to the Israeli press, the US president, Barack Obama, was sent to a military hospital senior by acid reflux. MI5 sources say it is likely to be poisoned by people close to Netanyahu. From what people close to Netanyahu do not realize is that even if Obama had killed would not have made any difference, because he is only a spokesman for the military-industrial complex. The military-industrial complex has many more men with guns of the cabal could never even dream of beating his usual tool targeted killings. The other big sign that usual is not happening in Washington is that the US Congress passed a law that amounted to a declaration of war against Russia. ronpaulinstitute.org/.../reckless-congress-declar.../ But this was ignored by the military and the media. This means that the fools bribed by the full Congress has been removed them any real power. The next thing the Joint Chiefs of Staff should do is start to circle and put in jail clan members murderer Bush, starting with George Bush. In China there was also a big move last week with the arrest of former Supreme Security Chief Zhou Yongkang. news.xinhuanet/.../china/2014-12/06/c_127281433.htm According to Chinese government sources, eliminating Zhou is part of an ongoing purge of the Maoists. Mao was a puppet of the cabal that took orders from the Nazi-Zionist. Check out the photos near the bottom of this link to see some of the handlers Mao. texemarrs/092010/triad_of_evil.htm The Chinese say that the elimination of Zhou, after last year heavyweight elimination Politburo Bo Xilai, is aimed at purging all full influence of the power structure of China. Zhou was close to the Bush clan, sources say. There have also been some very interesting developments in Japan. Shinzo Abes government and the Bank of Japan have been caught bleached gold stolen, according to Japanese right-wing sources. Stolen gold from the IMF (2800 tons), Germany (370 tonnes), Ukraine (42 tons), South Africa (300 tons). henrymakow/.../insider-Exposes-south-african-centr... etc. Apparently it has been selling the Bank of Japan and the money is being laundered produced by high Kabbalists through the Japanese stock market. Check out this chart: zerohedge/.../imager.../2014/12/gold%20teaser.jpg and consider the Nikkei stock index began to move at exactly the same time (but in reverse) along with the gold price immediately after Abe took office. Gold is sold, the low price and then, a little later, the Nikkei buys and stock index rises. The money is sent abroad and the Japanese yen falls. Remember Abe came to power through fraudulent elections using machines scrutiny Musashi Engineering. A trail of documents owned by Musashi drove to the Council on Foreign Relations controlled by Rockefeller. Companies listed Japanese companies are under the effective control of the Kabbalists, such as Rockefeller, Bush and Rothschild, so you can see that the call Abenomics was just a giant money laundering operation of the cabal. Japans GDP is sinking (at least annually 7.1% in the second quarter and minus 1.9% in the third trimester) because Japan is being plundered to avoid bankruptcy cabal. Abe is saying you have to give up after the next election, even if his party wins, say the rightists. No decision has been made yet on who will be his successor, sources say. However, the new regime will be fundamentally different and promise that looting in Japan will be stopped. A calculation on the back of an envelope shows that if the Japanese again recover assets illegally acquired by Kabbalists, would be enough to give the yen equivalent of $ 100,000 for every man, woman and child in Japan money. If Americans do the same even greater bonanza would be possible in the US also. There was also a great geopolitical tectonic shift in the Middle East last week, when Turkey and Russia announced they would build a pipeline across the Black Sea that would unite the two countries. Also announced a major nuclear deal. This means that a NATO member country with the most powerful army in the Middle East, just broke ranks with the cabal. The Turks are also in very good relations with Iran. The oil monarchies of the Gulf and Israel are now hovering cars and making their alliance secret-not-so-secret, but that will not save them. debka/.../Netanyahu%E2%80%99s-epic-understandi... The Anglo-Saxon military industrial complex will ally with the Russians, Turks and Iranians to help create a moderate Sufi Muslim confederacy in order to put a permanent end to the Salafi extremists funded by Saudi Arabia. The new Israeli government has to take power in March next year will have to agree to this in order to reach real peace in the Middle East. Finally, take note of the fact that someone has given new operating commands to the head of the UN (and puppet cabal), Ban Ki Moon. He is now announcing the new agenda of the UN to try to end poverty, achieving shared prosperity and protecting our planet. news.xinhuanet/.../ph.../2014-12/05/c_133833622_2.htm This is exactly what the citizens of the world have been asking awakening. Its finally happening. 179 comments Posted by victoriakent33 on December 8, 2014 in Uncategorized 12.02.14. More than 20 national governments will be overthrown when the demolition of the fair begins, CIA sources say 01 DIC 65 Votes Source and comments in English .. benjaminfulford.net/.../over-20-national-governments.../... Obama-Hitler Sources say the CIA, the Pentagon and the MI6 that the Nazi-Zionist Satanic cabal that took power in the West is about to be torn down and the result will drop more than 20 governments, including the US, Japan and the United Kingdom. Many CIA and Pentagon have entered bunkers in preparation for battle with mercenary armies of the cabal, sources say the CIA and the Pentagon. Sources say, the dismissal of Chuck Hagel, US Defense Secretary last week, was the event that marked the beginning of the actions. The fact the two main candidates to replace him full refused to assume the position indicates that something is definitely happening at the highest levels of the military industrial complex. In words of the sources (using more direct language) stool is about to meet the fan.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 06:06:12 +0000

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