14 things your flight attendant won’t tell you BY: - TopicsExpress


14 things your flight attendant won’t tell you BY: news.au Absolute Flight Attendant English International. EVER wondered what flight attendants are secretly thinking about you? Here’s a hint, if you want to avoid landing on their bad side, don’t whinge to them about all your midair problems and whatever you do, don’t treat them like your personal maids! Here’s a list of 13 things cabin crew won’t actually tell you, but you should know, according to Reader’s Digest. 1. Don’t poke or grab me! No one likes to be poked, but it’s even worse on the plane because you’re sitting down and we’re not, so it’s usually in a very personal area. You don’t grab a waitress if you want a fork! 2. Don’t tell me all your problems Passengers are always coming up to me and dobbing on each other. ”Can you tell him to put his seat up?” “She won’t share the armrest.” What am I, a teacher? 3. Can’t you wait a moment? Do you really have to go to the bathroom right now, while we’re wrestling a 113 kilogram food cart down the aisle? 4 . Pay attention If you hear us paging for a doctor, or see us running around with oxygen and first aid kits, it’s not the right time to ask for a Diet Coke. 5. Mind your child If you’re travelling with a small child and you keep hearing bells, please see if it’s your child playing with the flight attendant call bell. 6. I’m not your maid Want to start off on the wrong foot with me? Put your carry-on in a full overhead bin, leave it sticking out, then take your seat at the window and wait for someone else (me!) to come along and fix it. 7. It’s plane simple The lavatory door is not rocket science. Push it. 8 . Office supplies are not my job If you’re travelling overseas, do yourself a favour and bring a pen for those immigration forms. I have a few, but I can’t carry 200! 9. Some locations suck I hate working flights to destinations like Vail and West Palm Beach. The passengers all think they’re in first class even if they’re not, and they don’t do what we ask. 10. We’re not being lazy for not lifting your bag Our rules really say we aren’t allowed to lift your luggage into the overhead bin for you, though we can “assist”. 11. Politeness goes a long way Is it that difficult to say hello and goodbye? We say it 300 times on every flight, and only a handful of people respond. 12. Keep others in mind Don’t clip your toenails or do any type of personal business under a blanket! 13. Come well-equipped For example, if you have a baby, bring nappies. That way, I’m not trying to make a nappy out of a sanitary pad and a pillowcase! 14. I need some gloves ... ewww Do you really expect me to take your dirty tissue with my bare hands? Absolute Aviation English - Congonhas Airport Classes at the fully structured school and online! ICAO - Bandeira - Speeches - Phraseology - Interviews (Emirates/Qatar/FlyDubai) - General - Translations (5511)3253-4367 / 5096-1618 Skype: absolute.aviation. CGH and Skype
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 16:41:21 +0000

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