15 More Benghazi-Related Victims Murdered: Does it Matter Now - TopicsExpress


15 More Benghazi-Related Victims Murdered: Does it Matter Now Hillary? Posted by Dean Garrison Wednesday the Senate finally made a statement about Benghazi. A bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee has found that the State Department could have likely prevented the death of four Americans in Benghazi if they would not have ignored the intelligence reports and pleas for assistance from our diplomatic mission. The findings are that increased security was needed. USA Today reports: Congressional Democrats for the first time joined the GOP to condemn the State Department for refusing security measures they say could have prevented the deaths of the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi. The report, worked on for months and released Wednesday by a bipartisan Senate intelligence committee, also says 15 people in Libya who have tried to help the FBI investigate the murders have been killed. 15 persons in Libya who were attempting to cooperate with the FBI investigation are now dead. Isn’t that convenient? Does it matter now Mrs. Clinton? I have to wonder how intelligent our Intelligence Committee really is, because alternative media seems to be far beyond what these Senators are finding. Here’s another thought. Maybe they aren’t that stupid but they think that we are. Not only did we need more security, the security we hired was grounds for treason. How many Americans know that our State Department hired a group called the February 17th Martyr’s Brigade to defend the diplomatic mission? You didn’t know that? And why should you care? Because the February 17th Martyr’s Brigade is al Qaeda. Why on earth would you hire the enemy to defend against itself? This is just one of many Benghazi facts that are not being reported in the American press, but let’s focus on these 15 unfortunate souls who tried to help the FBI. What does it matter? They probably weren’t Americans so why should we care? I don’t know, but how many convenient deaths does that make now for Mrs. Hillary Clinton? If you want to see a list of 46 you can find them here. Who could forget the mysterious Vince Foster suicide or James McDougal’s convenient heart attack? There are 44 more names on that list. If you want to dig really deep inside the deaths of many of these people you can visit a site called Arkancide. Who could forget the bombshell admission of Larry Nichols? The answer to that is probably almost everyone because very few even know the admission happened: “Whenever I got an F2 call, that meant go and kill. State police are not trained to kill in … the late ’70s, early ’80s. There were no SWAT teams…. I had an F2 call, that meant go in and kill a guy. I didn’t give a shit…. When it [the order to kill] came from the president [Reagan], it was for God and country. When it came from Clinton, hell, I didn’t give a damn. I just go kill somebody, cut his nuts off.” Why is it that no one takes this interview seriously? Why has none of the mainstream media reported it? If it is untrue then expose Larry Nichols as a liar and let’s move on. But the media acts like the interview never happened. Larry Nichols and the Clintons should be investigated and likely stand trial. Nichols made these comments on a national radio show and no one seems to care. So, as we head closer and closer to 2016, and an almost guaranteed Hillary Clinton victory, the American people still don’t seem to care. Someday Americans need to learn to think for themselves. There are bad democrats and bad republicans. 95% of them are worthless no matter what party they choose to affiliate with. But so many people would rather vote for a person surrounded by “convenient deaths” than to cross party lines or simply make a wise decision in the primaries. If the election were held today, which thankfully it was not, Hillary would have won in a landslide and people don’t seem to care. So today we add 15 “collateral damage” deaths to the Benghazi list and there is still no evidence that can directly implicate Hillary Clinton, at least in the eyes of our lawmakers. Did she have something to do with it? We have no proof so we will just chalk it up to 15 more convenient deaths. We will never likely have proof. How many more people will have to conveniently die before Americans start seeing what is truly happening? If 2016 goes the way it looks, the answer to that could be a substantial number. What does it matter if they are dead? You are still alive right? Pray you never have anything that might implicate a Clinton, because if you do you might just kill yourself or be hit by a falling tree. I don’t know why it happens. It just does. Oh and by the way, Barack Obama has had some friends conveniently die as well. Could these 15 people have been killed by people not at all related to Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama? Yes, obviously that is a possibility. But it sure does seem convenient once again. When and where does it end America? Dont forget to follow the D.C. Clothesline on Facebook and Twitter. PLEASE help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks. 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It helps you see where the priorities lie. Hildebeast will get her comeuppance…I promise you. NO ONE is going to forget her famous “what difference does it make” because we are not going to let them. Reply Mac on January 16, 2014 at 10:46 am Don’t count on it, Marilyn…. and what I find truly pathetic is that it’s the women who’ll vote for Hillary …. because she “stood by her man”….. It was both voter fraud and women in this country who voted for Obama that has kept this country on terminal recession – artificially propped up with QE bail-outs of the stock market while Obama’s relentless assault upon the private sector has gone on unchecked. Hillary will finish this republic off. There’s far too many useful idiots here. Reply Thom on January 16, 2014 at 11:15 am I’m not sure if “stand by your man” will help her a lot considering who her man was. If anything it might help in diminishing the lady’s inthrusiasion for voting for her at all. You have to take in mind that this is 2014 not 1914. Reply Mac on January 16, 2014 at 11:40 am Too true…. many more useful idiots and ignorant voters now than there were in 1914…. Reply Dennis Habern on January 16, 2014 at 3:02 am Why hasn’t a select Congressional Committe, confronted this Black-Turd that takes up space in the White House, under-oath, what his real connnection is to Benghazi. The whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Personally, this Black-Mutt has never imparted the truth. He is the Anti-Christ and therefore, he knows only one direction, and that is to lie as he has been lying to the American public and the entire planet at large. Notice too, he does not care what the rest of the planet thinks about him, which is a sure sign that he is the Anti-Christ. In addition, I would like to know what his connection is to George Soros, the Rothschilds, the Bilderberger Group, Brzezinski and the rest of the secret, clandestine groups that are seeking to control the planet with their policies of the New World Order. And, never forget that this Black Turd is a member of the NWO and because he is a Muslim, he is a full-fledged member of the “MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD,” using the Oval Office and this miserable Muslim POTUS, as a means to seek a Muslim Caliphate with this ugly-duckling as its first Caliph. Therefore, it is my desire that the official planned march against Washington, D.C., ensues in positive results, removing this ugly Black Mutt and his motley crew, from office. So let it be imparted, so let it be written, and so let it be enforced. Reply Jimalya Jenkins on January 16, 2014 at 7:17 am You’re an idiot. It just proves he’s a corrupt politician with his own agenda. It doesn’t make him the anti-Christ. I bet the world’s going to end in 1999 too, right? Reply Mac on January 16, 2014 at 9:16 am I don’t mind his ranting…. At least he realizes that Barrack Husein Obama is the worst domestic enemy this nation has ever had, hates America and what made it great and if he isn’t the “anti-Christ” – certainly works for him…. Reply Greg Zotta on January 16, 2014 at 2:04 am Democrats are lying, despicable, disgusting STATISTS! They assisted in the cover-up of Benghazi. The families of Christopher Stevens, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods, and Sean Smith, as well as many Patriotic Americans do not believe that Benghazi is a phony scandal. These four Americans were slaughtered in Benghazi because Barack Hussein Obama, the supposed Commander in Chief was derelict in his duties, ordering military help to “stand down” and disappeared during the attack. Yet, he made it to the fundraiser in Las Vegas the next day, so I guess he was preparing for his trip. Also, Killary Clinton did not provide adequate security for the compound, even though Ambassador Stevens requested additional security. But to Obama, Clinton and those who support them, “What difference does it make?” Obama and Clinton have blood on their hands and they NEED to be held accountable for their actions or in-actions regarding Benghazi. Reply Thom on January 16, 2014 at 10:56 am You’re totally 100 percent correct. The sad part is, however, there were plenty of republican representatives that were aware of what was going on and we never heard a peep out of them. Thats almost as damning as being directly involved with the murders. Reply Dean Garrison on January 16, 2014 at 11:07 am Amen Thom. I look at it as one big game of good cop-bad cop. They change hats as needed. They protect each other. I haven’t heard anyone of any real significance mention things like the Feb 17th Brigade, the intercepted letter from Libyan intelligence, the al Qaeda member who tweeted that Stevens was killed as part of a failed prisoner exchange, etc. It seems pretty clear to me that the good guys aren’t quite as good as we think. A lot of that foreign intel could be faulty, but the point is that they aren’t even looking at it. Reply LW Van leuven on January 15, 2014 at 9:56 pm Good article Dean. Killary has 15 more bodies to add to the 47 bodybags her and her worthless husband and others have have deep sixed. She is a Fabian Socialist ( the worst kind of socialist ). She and her progressive friends make Hitler and Stalin look like choir boys. As she has said WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE. LAUS DEO – LW Reply Dean Garrison on January 15, 2014 at 10:02 pm We can add the four to that list as well. I have written about this a couple of times but my theory is that Obama and Clinton knew that the mission was going to be attacked and it was part of a trade with Morsi. Stevens was supposed to be captured and then exchanged for the Blind Sheik. Anyway, whether you buy that or not, we definitely need to add those 4 as well, because I think most of us think that she was responsible. So that’s 47 + 4 + 15… plus who knows how many we may not even be aware of? Reply Thom on January 15, 2014 at 9:30 pm All I have to say is that the ragheads better not think that the average American is as stupid as the politicians that represent Uncle Sam. Big Mistake. Reply 5WarVeteran on January 15, 2014 at 9:26 pm It is sickening how vile the Elite really are. Reply Dean Garrison on January 15, 2014 at 9:39 pm I am getting to the point where I don’t trust any of them and it’s sad. I’d love to support Rand Paul but then he goes and endorses Mitch McConnell for political purposes. And as much as I like Ted Cruz there is still the matter of his wife being some kind of former Council on Foreign Relations member. At this point I still hold out some hope for a few of them but not many. Reply Jeanene on January 15, 2014 at 9:15 pm SHE HAS A ONE TRACK MIND 1ST WOMAN, LESBIAN, COUPLE TO SIT ON THE THRONE OF WASHINGTON. AMITION WAS SATANS CORRUPTION, SHE IS A SCAG WITH A FACELIFT IS ALL. Reply Dave on January 15, 2014 at 8:54 pm Does it matter to her? Hillary? Good ole White water Hillary? She’d sell her own daughter for political power..OOPs, forgot, she already did.. Reply Dean Garrison on January 15, 2014 at 9:31 pm LOL indeed Dave she already did. That was funny in a “funny but not funny” sort of way. Reply
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 22:44:25 +0000

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