17. Our Driver There had been a conversation in the office some - TopicsExpress


17. Our Driver There had been a conversation in the office some time before the expedition, when drivers had been the topic. I wasnt really listening but thought I had got the general gist of the debate which was about the driving situation, fatigue and who could share the load. I volunteered my services but there was an immediate response - rather too immediate I thought - and I was informed in no uncertain terms that I couldnt help as I wasnt insured. I lost interest at that point and was a little surprised when Mr Beckett took the wheel on the first stage of the journey up to Ben Nevis. The three in the front on that first stage were Nigel, Francis and Stephen. I cant think why and indeed it may only have been my perspective, but they seemed somehow detached from us lot in the back. There was navigation going on in the front. Serious consideration given to traffic and the elements. Francis sat authoritatively in the middle .Secret words we in the back werent party to were exchanged by The Three Wise Monkeys in the front - or perhaps it was just my view, I dont know. Chris was to take the wheel on the journey South to Scafell Pike. If my memory serves me well, something it doesnt always do, Nigels presence on the expedition was primarily to provide loving protection for his darling wife in the wilds of Scotland while we were up the mountain. News of his addition to the team was met with a chorus of good thinking and general approval of everyone who hitherto hadnt really considered how vulnerable Chris would have been all alone in the van for so many hours. Personally, I thought she would probably have been able to knock seven bells out of any shaggy Highlander who might have dared to accost her. Nevertheless, the news of Nigels inclusion was greeted with approval at the guaranteed safety of our driver. After a pause - there followed suggestive sniggers and the inevitable question about just what the two of them would get up to in an empty van with so much time on their hands. Having been brought up a good Catholic, I was naturally horrified by the lewd turn the conversation had taken. Chris didnt seem bothered by it though and in reality they played cards, strolled to the contemplation area near the river, sat together and discussed the mysteries of the universe. They twiddled thumbs together, whispered sweet nothings into each others ears before decanting to the pub where they feasted on Haggis, Tatties and Nips, no doubt washed down with wine of some description. Ironically - just when they were beginning to feel amorous and looked to the empty van with all those uncomfortable seats to sprawl out on, the first members of the team appeared at the bottom and the chance was gone.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 22:21:27 +0000

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