17TH OCTOBER,2013. MORNING DEVOTION. SEEING GOD AS YOUR SOURCE BRINGS GRACE. TODAYS SCRIPTURE.THE LORD is my Shepherd [to feed, guide, and shield me], I shall not lack. (Psalm 23:1 AMP) As a believer, you must be conscious of the fact that God is your source! Your well being and welfare is not tied to any nation or government but to your source. You must recognise God as your source before you can activate your sustenance. Your financial blessings have nothing to do with any government policy or the state of the worlds economy. When you begin to appropriate the knowledge of God as your source and celebrate Him, you will never lack food,shelter or clothing and your needs will always be met. The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing. (Psalm 34:10 KJV). You cannot lack any good thing when you celebrate God as your source. Believe and trust God to take care of you. He is more than able to give you much more than you could ever need! He wants you to always have more than enough. So that besides your needs being met you can be of help and great blessing to others. With God as your source you are like an ocean that never runs dry no matter the weather. You will not be limited or disadvantaged by the absence of money or any physical resources. The opening scripture says, God as a shepherd will feed you! Babies dont worry about what to eat because it is the responsibility of their mothers to feed them. Jehovah Elshaddai is ever ready to feed you with the best things of the earth. You cannot celebrate God as your source or His amazing grace and be hungry, it is impossible. Because God is your source, He will guide you from evil and danger. It is the responsibility of a shepherd to guide his sheep from wolves. With God as your source, your safety is guaranteed. He will guide you into your comfort zone and protect you from the evil arrows of the enemies. See Him as your source and He will surely lead you into green pastures for profit in all that you do. For He will be your shield in the day and at night. He is your hiding place. The Bible says,Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed(Romans10:11 WEB) Trust God from today with everything in your life. Recognise and celebrate Him as your source and He will meet you at your point of need. Todays Prayer. Father I declare that you are my source and great provider and I celebrate your amazing grace in my life in Jesus Name. Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 03:45:58 +0000

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