18/10 ( Sorry for the spelling and grammar but my thought are - TopicsExpress


18/10 ( Sorry for the spelling and grammar but my thought are all over the place but i really need to say this) On this day two women was born that had a profound impact on my life. Lina (My Mom) and her identical twin sister Bettie (My Aunt and Godmother). This year I want to honour both of them in the way they dealt with in being different like in my case Gay. Lina Erasmus - 18/10/1941 Thank you for your support and love through all the years. You knew I was different and you let me be myself and live out my fantasies. Like the times I was a circus act, hanging upside down from an mango tree cover in glitter, doing ballet in your underskirt of your wedding dress or baking mud cakes in the back garden to name a few. You let me be. Thanks to your Mother (my Grandmother) who taught you to respect and not to judge people who are different from you. My Gran was another example of a women light years ahead of her times. Thank you for the times I was attack for being different and you ended up taking the brunt of it. Later in life you march alongside me in Gay Pride rallies flying a gay flag or banner proudly , it meant the world to me. Thank You for throwing some shapes on the dance floor with me until morning hours and boy they where some scary moves (lmao.) Up to this day friends or people at the clubs, bars and Pride will ask, how is you Mum or we remember your mum. Thank You for support, love and embracing the fact I was different and because of You, I am What I am.... Gay ..Proud and Happy. Bettie van Staden 18/101941 ( Aunt and Godmother) As a kid I can remember my Aunt as generous, loving and very supportive. We had a very special bond and she understood me. I could rock up unannounced at her door step and she will always greet me with a smile and with the words..Hello my Kind (child) ..e in. On numerous occasions she will slip some money into my hands and said go and buy you something. Tannie Thank you for embracing my creativity and flamboyance. Spurring on my friends and me to either dance for you, giving you a fashion show or praise how good our legs look in high heels shoes. I did not feel embarrass or like I did something wrong because I could be myself around you. I remember the day you told me that you realised one of your grandsons are gay. He was with you when you visit us. We went to a toyshop and entering the shop I asked what kind of toy shall we get him. With any hesitation you said he wants a Barbie Dol. I remember his face full of joy and excitement with his Barbie doll in his hands on the way to the cashiers. In the car he open the box and burst into song Im a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world. Life in plastic, its Fantastic. and at the end of the song I saw you push him back onto your bosom , give him a hug and kiss him on the head...and ask him to sing the song again. At that moment i could recall the same kind of gestures and hugs you gave me when i was little and realise how big of an influence you had on my life. I grateful that your understanding and love didnt stop with me but carried on and change other peoples lives. Bol Sevenster 18/10/2013 (Sister) A year ago on this day My bellowed Sister passed away. I miss you My Sus. I didnt had the time to say goodbye to you but I know you know how much I loved you. I miss you infectious laughter , your sayings and doings that will crack us up. You where the life and soul of any gathering and our family would never be the same without you. In our hearts we will cary you. I sometimes will have a cry missing you and after a while something will pop up in my head, remember something you said or done and I end up smiling or laughing. You always manage to put smiles on faces and turn dark into light. You light might be out on this earth but you see , your light on earth could just shine around you but from above where you are your light is even bigger and brighter and can shine on all of us who love you. Love You with all My Heart and Miss You
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 05:50:53 +0000

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