18 January 2015 Who do you say Christ was or is? This is - TopicsExpress


18 January 2015 Who do you say Christ was or is? This is only an over view of the Lord God! Jesus Christ (jē`zəs krīst, jē`zəz), 1st-century Jewish teacher and prophet in whom Christians have traditionally seen the Messiah [Heb.,= annointed one, whence Christ from the Greek] and whom they have characterized as Son of God and as Word or Wisdom of God incarnate. Muslims acknowledge him as a prophet, and Hindus as an avatar (see avatara ). He was born just before the death of King Herod the Great (37 B.C.–4 B.C.) and was crucified after a brief public ministry during Pontius Pilate s term as prefect of Judaea (A.D. 26–36). *** From yeshua.co.za/identity.htm WHO IS YESHUA? YESHUA IS THE SON OF YHVH. “In the beginning the Word already existed. He was with YHVH, and He was YHVH. . . . So the Word became human and lived here on earth among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen His glory, the glory of the only Son of the Father.” (John 1:1, 14) What Yeshua taught and what He did are tied inseparably to Who He is. The Bible shows Yeshua as fully human and fully YHVH. Although Yeshua took upon Himself full humanity and lived as a man, He never ceased to be the eternal YHVH who has always existed, the Creator and Sustainer of all things and the source of eternal life. This is the truth about Yeshua and the foundation of all truth. If we cannot or do not believe this basic truth, we will not have enough faith to trust our eternal destiny to Him. That is why John wrote this Gospel; to build faith and confidence in Yeshua HaMashiach so that we may believe that He truly was and is the Son of YHVH (20:30-31). YESHUA IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Yeshua HaMashiach is the Creator of life and His life brings light to mankind. In His light, we see ourselves as we really are (sinners in need of a Saviour). When we follow Yeshua, the true Light, we can avoid walking blindly and falling into sin. He lights the path ahead of us so we can see how to live. He removes the darkness of sin from our life. Have you allowed the light of HaMashiach to shine into your life? Let HaMashiach guide your life and you will never need to stumble in darkness. YESHUA IS BOTH HUMAN AND DIVINE. By becoming human, HaMashiach became (1) the perfect Moreh (teacher); in Yeshua’s life we see how YHVH thinks and therefore, how we should think (Philippians 2:5-11); (2) the perfect example: as a model of what we are to become, He shows us how to live and gives us the power to live that way (1 Peter 2:21); (3) the perfect sacrifice: Yeshua came as a sacrifice for all sins and His death satisfied YHVH’s requirements for the removal of sin (Colossians 1:15-23). YESHUA IS A MEMBER OF THE TRINITY. “A voice came from heaven saying, ‘You are My beloved Son and I am fully pleased with You.’” (Mark 1:11) The Spirit descended like a dove on Yeshua and the voice from heaven proclaimed the Father’s approval of Yeshua as His Divine Son. That Yeshua is YHVH’s Divine Son is the foundation for all we read about Yeshua in the Gospels. Here we see all three members of the Trinity together; YHVH the Father, YHVH the Son and YHVH the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit). YESHUA IS THE MASHIACH. “[Yeshua] asked them, ‘Who do you say I am?’ Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Mashiach, the Son of the living YHVH.” (Matthew 16:15-16) The disciples answered Yeshua’s question with the common view; that Yeshua was one of the great prophets come back to life. This belief may have stemmed from Deuteronomy 18:18, where YHVH said He would rise up a prophet from among the people. Peter however, confessed Yeshua as Divine and as the promised and long-awaited Mashiach. If Yeshua were to ask you this question, how would you answer? Is He your Lord and Mashiach? YESHUA IS THE GREAT PHYSICIAN. “When the woman realized that Yeshua knew, she began to tremble and fell to her knees before Him. The whole crowd heard her explain why she had touched Him and that she had been immediately healed. ‘Daughter,’ He said to her, ‘your faith has made you well. Go in peace.’” (Luke 8:47-48) Many people surrounded Yeshua as He made His way toward Jairus’s house. It was virtually impossible to get through the multitude, but one woman fought her way desperately through the crowd in order to touch Yeshua. As soon as she did so, she was healed. What a difference there is between the crowds that are curious about Yeshua and the few that reach out and touch Him! Today, many people are vaguely familiar with Yeshua, but nothing in their lives is changed or bettered by this passing acquaintance. It is only faith that releases YHVH’s healing power. Are you just curious about YHVH or do you reach out to Him in faith, knowing that His mercy will bring healing to your body, soul and spirit? THE HUMANITY AND SUFFERING OF YESHUA HAMASHIACH IN WHAT WAYS DID YESHUA DEMONSTRATE HIS HUMANITY? YESHUA DEMONSTRATED HIS HUMAN NATURE BY DYING FOR US. “All of us have strayed away like sheep. We have left YHVH’s paths to follow our own. Yet the LORD laid on Him the guilt and sins of us all”. (Isaiah 53:6) In this chapter Isaiah speaks of the Mashiach Yeshua, who would suffer for the sins of all people. Such a prophecy is astounding! Who would believe that YHVH would choose to save the world through a humble, suffering servant rather than a glorious king? The idea is contrary to human pride and worldly ways. But YHVH often works in ways we don’t expect. The Mashiach’s strength is shown by humility, suffering and mercy”. YESHUA DEMONSTRATED HIS HUMANITY AND DIVINITY IN RESISTING TEMPTATION. “The devil came and said to Him, ‘If you are the Son of YHVH, change these stones into loaves of bread.’” (Matthew 4:3) This temptation by the devil shows us that Yeshua was human and it gave Yeshua the opportunity to reaffirm YHVH’s plan for His Ministry. It also gives us an example to follow when we are tempted. Yeshua’s temptation was an important demonstration of His sinlessness. He would face temptation and not give in. This time of testing showed that Yeshua really was the Son of YHVH, able to overcome the devil and his temptations. A person has not shown true obedience if he or she has never had an opportunity to disobey. We read in Deuteronomy 8:2 that YHVH led the Israelites into the desert to humble and test them. YHVH wanted to see whether or not His people would really obey Him. We too will be tested. Because we know that testing will come, we should be alert and ready for it. Remember, your convictions are strong only if they hold up under pressure! THE DIVINITY OF YESHUA HAMASHIACH HOW IS YESHUA PROVED TO BE DIVINE? YESHUA DEMONSTRATED HIS DIVINITY BY HIS CONTROL OVER EVIL POWER. “He began shouting, ‘why are you bothering us, Yeshua of Nazareth? Have You come to destroy us? I know who You are; the Holy One sent from YHVH!’” (Mark 1:24) Evil spirits or demons are ruled by satan. They work to tempt people to sin. They were not created by satan; because YHVH is the Creator of all. Rather, they are fallen angels who joined satan in his rebellion. Though not all disease comes from satan, demons can cause a person to become mute, deaf, blind or insane. But in every case where demons confronted Yeshua, they lost their power. Thus YHVH limits what evil spirits can do; they can do nothing without His permission. During Yeshua’s life on earth, demons were allowed to be very active to demonstrate once and for all HaMashiach’s power and authority over them. YHVH THE FATHER IDENTIFIED YESHUA AS DIVINE. “Even as He was saying this, a cloud came over them; and terror gripped them as it covered them. Then a voice from the cloud said, “This is My Son, My Chosen One. Listen to Him.’” (Luke 9:34-35) As YHVH’s Son, Yeshua has YHVH’s power and authority; thus His Words should be our final authority. If a person’s teaching is true, it will agree with Yeshua’s teachings. Test everything you hear against Yeshua’s Words and you will not be led astray. Don’t be hasty to seek advice and guidance from merely human sources and thereby neglect HaMashiach’s message. YHVH clearly identified Yeshua as His Son before saying that Peter and the others were to listen to Yeshua and not to their own ideas and desires. The ability to follow Yeshua comes from confidence about who He is. If we believe He is YHVH’s Son, then we surely will want to do what He says. YESHUA DEMONSTRATED HIS DIVINITY BY HIS RESURRECTION. “The angel said, ‘Do not be so surprised. You are looking for Yeshua, the Nazarene, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He has been raised from the dead! Look, this is where they laid His Body.’” (Mark 16:6) The Resurrection is vitally important for many reasons: (1) Yeshua kept His promise to rise from the dead, so we can believe He will keep all His other promises. (2) The Resurrection ensures that the ruler of YHVH’s eternal Kingdom will be the living HaMashiach, not just an idea, hope or dream. (3) HaMashiach’s resurrection gives us the assurance that we also will be resurrected. (4) The power of YHVH that brought HaMashiach’s Body back from the dead is available to us to bring our morally and spiritually dead selves back to life so that we can change and grow (1 Corinthians 15:12-19). (5) The Resurrection provides the substance of the church’s witness to the world. We do not merely tell lessons from the life of a good teacher; we proclaim the reality of the resurrection of Yeshua HaMashiach. HAMASHIACH’S DIVINITY WILL SOMEDAY BE KNOWN BY ALL. “Because of this, YHVH raised Him up to the heights of heaven and gave Him a Name that is above every other name, so that at the Name of Yeshua every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue will confess that Yeshua HaMashiach is Lord, to the glory of YHVH the Father”. (Philippians 2:9-11) These verses are probably from a hymn sung by the early Christian church. The passage holds many parallels to the prophecy of the suffering servant in Isaiah 53. As a hymn, it was not meant to be a complete statement about the nature and work of HaMashiach. Several key characteristics of Yeshua HaMashiach however, are praised in this passage: (1) HaMashiach has always existed with YHVH; (2) HaMashiach is equal to YHVH because He is YHVH (John 1:1.; Colossians 1:15-19); (3) although HaMashiach is YHVH, He became a man in order to fulfil YHVH’s plan of salvation for all people; (4) HaMashiach did not just have the appearance of being a man; He actually became human to identify with our sins; (5) HaMashiach voluntarily laid aside His divine rights and privileges out of love for His Father; (6) HaMashiach died on the cross for our sins so we wouldn’t have to face eternal death; (7) YHVH glorified HaMashiach because of His obedience; (8) YHVH raised HaMashiach to His original position at the Father’s right hand where He will reign forever as our Lord and Judge. How can we do anything less than praise HaMashiach as our Lord and dedicate ourselves to His service! THE RESURRECTION OF YESHUA HAMASHIACH HOW DO WE KNOW THAT YESHUA ROSE FROM THE DEAD? HAMASHIACH’S ENEMIES CONFIRM THE TRUTH OF THE RESURRECTION. “We request that you seal the tomb until the third day. This will prevent His disciples from coming and stealing His body and then telling everyone He came back to life! If that happens, we’ll be worse off than we were at first”. (Matthew 27:64) The religious leaders took Yeshua’s resurrection claims more seriously than the disciples did. The disciples didn’t remember Yeshua’ teaching about His resurrection (20:17-19); but the religious leaders did. Because of His claims, they were almost as afraid of Yeshua after His death as when He was alive. They tried to take every precaution that His body would remain in the tomb. THE EMPTY TOMB WAS UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE. The Pharisees were so afraid of Yeshua’ predictions about His resurrection that they made sure the tomb was thoroughly sealed and guarded. Because the tomb was hewn out of rock in the side of a hill, there was only one entrance. The tomb was sealed by stringing a cord across the stone that was rolled over the entrance. The cord was sealed at each end with clay. But the religious leaders took a further precaution, asking that guards be placed at the tomb’s entrance. With such precautions, the only way the tomb could be empty would be for Yeshua to rise from the dead. The Pharisees failed to understand that no rock, seal, guard or army could prevent the Son of YHVH from rising again. THE EYEWITNESS TESTIMONIES CONFIRM THE TRUTH OF THE RESURRECTION. “Very early on Sunday morning the women came to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. They found that the stone covering the entrance had been rolled aside. So they went in, but they couldn’t find the Body of the Lord Yeshua”. (Luke 24:1-3) The two angels (appearing as men “clothed in dazzling robes) asked the women why they were looking in a tomb for someone who was alive. Often we run into people who are looking for YHVH among the dead. They study the Bible as a mere historical document and go to church as if going to a memorial service. But Yeshua is not among the dead; He lives! He reigns in the hearts of Christians and He is the head of His Church. Do you look for Yeshua among the living? Do you expect Him to be active in the world and in the Church? Look for signs of His power; they are all around you. THE RESURRECTION IS AN ESSENTIAL TRUTH OF CHRISTIANITY. Why is the Resurrection so important? (1) Because HaMashiach was raised from the dead, we know that the Kingdom of heaven has broken into human history. Our world is now headed for redemption, not disaster. YHVH’s mighty power is at work destroying sin, creating new lives and preparing us for Yeshua’s second coming. (2) Because of the Resurrection, we know that death has been conquered and we too, will be raised from the dead to live forever with HaMashiach. (3) The Resurrection gives authority to the church’s witness in the world. Look at the early evangelistic sermons in the book of Acts: the apostles’ most important message was the proclamation that Yeshua HaMashiach had been raised from the dead! (4) The Resurrection gives meaning to the church’s regular feast, the Lord’s Supper. Like the disciples on the Emmaus Road, we break bread with our risen Lord, who comes in power to save us. (5) The Resurrection helps us find meaning even in great tragedy. No matter what happens to us as we walk with the Lord, the Resurrection gives us hope for the future. (6) The Resurrection assures us that HaMashiach is alive and ruling His Kingdom. He is not legend; He is alive and real. (7) YHVH’s power that brought Yeshua back from the dead is available to us so that we can live for Him in an evil world. THE TRUTH OF THE RESURRECTION CAN WITHSTAND SERIOUS INQUIRY. “The other disciple also went in and he saw and believed; for until then they hadn’t realized that the Scriptures said He would rise from the dead”. (John 20:8-9) People who hear about the Resurrection for the first time may need time before they can comprehend this amazing story. Like Mary and the disciples, they may pass through four stages of belief. (1) At first, they may think the story is a fabrication, impossible to believe (20:2). (2) Like Peter, they may check out the facts and still be puzzled about what happened (20:6). (3) Only when they encounter Yeshua personally are they able to accept the fact of the Resurrection (20:16). (4) Then, as they commit themselves to the risen Lord and devote their lives to serving Him, they begin to understand fully the reality of His presence with them (20:28). THE RESURRECTION IS CONFIRMED BY THE SURPRISE OF THE DISCIPLES. As further proof that the disciples did not fabricate this story, we find that Peter and John were surprised that Yeshua was not in the tomb. When John saw the grave clothes looking like an empty cocoon from which Yeshua had emerged, he believed that Yeshua had risen. It wasn’t until after they had seen the empty tomb that they remembered what the Scriptures and Yeshua had said; He would die, but He would also rise again! THE RESURRECTION ANSWERS MANY MORE QUESTIONS THAN IT RAISES. Yeshua’s resurrection is the key to the Christian faith. Why? (1) Just as He said, Yeshua rose from the dead. We can be confident therefore, that He will accomplish all He has promised. (2) Yeshua’s bodily resurrection shows us that the living HaMashiach, not a false prophet or impostor, is ruler of YHVH’s Eternal Kingdom. (3) We can be certain of our own resurrection because Yeshua was resurrected. Death is not the end; there is future life. (4) The divine power that brought Yeshua back to life is now available to us to bring our spiritually dead selves back to life. (5) The Resurrection is the basis for the church’s witness to the world.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 22:23:55 +0000

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