18th century French love, forged by a fart... Nicholas Riley - TopicsExpress


18th century French love, forged by a fart... Nicholas Riley uncovered this sad-sweet love story in the New Hampshire Gazette, March 8, 1765. A Lawyers Clerk was in Love with an extremely pretty Girl, courted her, and agreed to marry her; The Wedding Entertainment was provided, and amongst others the Clerks Master was invited. In the Heat of Dancing, a Sigh, caused by indigestion, or windy Food, escaped the Bride the contrary Way, and loud enough to be heard by all the Company, who burst into Laughter. She blushed, and the Bridegroom was so confounded and enraged, that he instantly broke off the Match, to which no Remonstrances Entreaties could reconcile him. He imagined his Acquaintance would jeer him forever upon this Accident, and he left the House in a pet (fit of anger). Great was now the Disorder Of the Guests; the Clerks Master, who was one of them, and though a Man in Years had eyed the Girl with great Attention, and was smitten with her Beauty, not only condemned his Clerks excessive Delicacy, but proposed to repair the Injury he had done the Girl, and offered her Marriage On the Spot. Piqued at her Lovers Desertion, and pressed by her Friends, who foresaw the Advantages of such a Match, she consented, and they were married immediately. After Marriage, she behaved to him with so much Modesty and Discretion, that dying soon after he left her Mistress of a very opulent Fortune. Being now a Widow, handsome, young, and rich,she had many Offers of Marriage, but accepted only of the Marshal De LHospitals, Governor of Paris; who also dying soon after, left her once more a Widow, though with greater Additions of Honour than of Fortune. Her Person and Character were now so amiable, that Casimir, King of Poland, residing in France after his Abdication of the Throne,fell in Love with her, and married her. So great a Fortune, perhaps, never took its rise from a F—T.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 18:27:40 +0000

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