19-07-2014 Gospel of the Day Prayer of the day O God, you show - TopicsExpress


19-07-2014 Gospel of the Day Prayer of the day O God, you show the light of truth to the erring to resume the track, give to all who profess faith reject what does not suit the Christian and embrace all that is worthy of the name. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 12 14. At this the Pharisees went out and began to plot against him, discussing how to destroy him. 15. Jesus knew this and withdrew from the district. Many followed him and he cured them all 16. but warned them not to make him known. 17. This was to fulfil what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: 18. Look! My servant whom I have chosen, my beloved, in whom my soul delights, I will send my Spirit upon him, and he will present judgement to the nations; 19. he will not brawl or cry out, his voice is not heard in the streets, 20. he will not break the crushed reed, or snuff the faltering wick, 21. until he has made judgement victorious; in him the nations will put their hope. Commentary on the Gospel The beloved of God A text of the prophet Isaiah, referring to an anonymous character called servant of God, is the basis for identifying the Messiah Jesus and his merciful action on behalf of suffering humanity. Isaiahs prophecy had taken place when Jesus healed them all those who followed him, as the Father server, being merciful to the sick and suffering. The prophet presents as Gods chosen servant, his favorite. God feels pleased by simple and humble way of acting of your server. This is all filled with the divine Spirit, who gives him the strength to carry on his mission. It is not irritable or violent. Convinces by its discreet manner of speaking. By cultivating hope, not despair as may notice the slightest possibility of conversion from their interlocutors. In symbolic terms, if the reed is cracked, not breaking; if there is still a small smoldering flame, does not erase. It is certain that one day justice will triumph. And all the people shall deposit their hope in him. The anonymous servant of the Old Testament found in Jesus a perfect historical manifestation. The life model assumed by him throughout his ministry, corresponded to that of the servant. In everything he did, was aimed solely to please the Father, knowing yourself your beloved Son. However, refusing the popular acclaim, being, on the contrary, compassionate and merciful to the marginalized. prayer Spirit which leadeth to please God, give me a heart server, which puts the service of justice and show mercy to the suffering. Micah 2 1. Disaster for those who plot evil, who lie in bed planning mischief! No sooner is it dawn than they do it, since they have the power to do so. 2. Seizing the fields that they covet, they take over houses as well, owner and house they seize alike, the man himself as well as his inheritance. 3. So Yahweh says this: Look, I am now plotting a disaster for this breed from which you will not extricate your necks; you will not hold your heads up then, for the times will be disastrous indeed. 4. That day they will make a satire on you, they will strike up a dirge and say, We have been stripped of everything; my peoples land has been divided up, no one else can restore it to them, our fields have been awarded to our despoiler. 5. Because of this, you will have no one to measure out a share in Yahwehs community. Psalms 10 1. Why, Yahweh, do you keep so distant, stay hidden in times of trouble? 2. In his pride the wicked hunts down the weak, who is caught in the schemes he devises. 3. The wicked is proud of his inmost desires, by his blasphemies the grasping spurns Yahweh, 4. the wicked in his arrogance does not look very far; There is no God, is his only thought. 5. In all circumstances his step is assured; your judgements are above his head. His rivals? He scoffs at them all. 6. He says in his heart, I shall never be shaken, free of trouble himself, 7. he wishes it on others. His speech is full of lies and browbeating, under his tongue lurk spite and wickedness. 8. In the undergrowth he lies in ambush, in his hiding-place he murders the innocent. He watches intently for the downtrodden, 9. lurking unseen like a lion in his lair, lurking to pounce on the poor; he pounces on him and drags him off in his net. 10. He keeps watch, crouching down low, the poor wretch falls into his clutches; 11. he says in his heart, God forgets, he has turned away his face to avoid seeing the end. 12. Rise, Yahweh! God, raise your hand, do not forget the afflicted! 13. Why should the wicked spurn God, assuring himself you will never follow it up? 14. You have seen for yourself the trouble and vexation, you watch so as to take it in hand. The oppressed relies on you; you are the only recourse of the orphan. 15. Break the arm of the wicked and evil, seek out wickedness till there is none left to be found. 16. Yahweh is king for ever and ever, the heathen has vanished from his country. 17. Yahweh, you listen to the laments of the poor, you give them courage, you grant them a hearing, 18. to give judgement for the orphaned and exploited, so that earthborn humans may strike terror no more. Psalms 11 1. [For the choirmaster Of David] In Yahweh I have found refuge. How can you say to me, Bird, flee to your mountain? 2. For look, the wicked are drawing their bows, fitting their arrows to the string to shoot honest men from the shadows. 3. If the foundations fall to ruin, what can the upright do? 4. Yahweh in his holy temple! Yahweh, his throne is in heaven; his eyes watch over the world, his gaze scrutinises the children of Adam. 5. Yahweh examines the upright and the wicked, the lover of violence he detests. 6. He will rain down red-hot coals, fire and sulphur on the wicked, a scorching wind will be their lot. 7. For Yahweh is upright and loves uprightness, the honest will ever see his face.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 14:13:54 +0000

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