19-12-2014 Vande Mataram – Satyameva Jayathe Case - TopicsExpress


19-12-2014 Vande Mataram – Satyameva Jayathe Case Study India Pakistan Peace Agenda is an impossible dream and nightmare (From the desk of Prof. “Kargil” M. Subramaniam) 1.0 Many optimists in India and abroad have been pushing forth an agenda for peace between India Pakistan Peace Agenda arising out of Malala, Kailash Satyavarthi Joint Award of Nobel Peace Prize for 2014; appropriately highlighted at Nobel prize award function in Sweden with music from both countries. The stirring acceptance speech as also press interviews by both Malala and Kailash Satyavarthi; gave hope for a joint visit by both of them as Ambassadors of peace to Pakistan. Malala repeatedly told that ISLAM meant peace and the people of India and Pakistan should reach out to each other and bring harmony and peace which has eluded both countries for 67 years. 2.0 Subsequent events at India, Pakistan and around the world have not borne fruit to their efforts for India Pak peace advancement. (i) The Pak hockey team disgraceful behavior and obscene gestures after defeating India at Bhubhaneshvar, Orissa resulted in FIH punishment for two players and a warning to another. However the denial of misbehavior by Pakistan players put out by Pakistan officials in far away Pakistan despite video evidence on above as also apology expressed by the Pakistan coach in Bhubhaneshvar; was regretful. (ii) Sydney Iranian self claimed cleric gunman, social activist, terrorist hostage event; with show of ISIS flag and Islamic slogan ending up in 2 hostage death and gunman killing indicated that Islamic ISIS menace was global and not localized to Iraq; (iii) Depositions of Islamic ISIS returnees to Mumbai on interrogations, as also ISIS Twitter recruiter; Burdwan, Bengal terror blast and its wide spread network; has brought a chill and sense of fear within India; that terrorism is not a social unrest; but a poisonous insect which has to be destroyed. 3.0 The 152 (so far) including 131 children killed and 100 wounded in Army school, Peshawar Tehreek-E-Taliban attack in 16-12-2014 graphically put forth on all TV channels worldwide; (i) Has exposed hypocrisy of Pakistan with good Pak Taliban and bad Afghan Taliban classification; (ii) American duplicity of earlier negotiations with Pak Taliban to enable Afghanistan exit as hypocrisy in its war against terror; (iii) Afghan Government hypocrisy in its game of checkers with good and bad Taliban. (iv) At Indian TV panel discussion of 16-12-2014 night on Peshawar attack, retired Pak army generals accused India, for backup to Taliban; (v) This was a diversionary effort which everyone worldwide would consider that it was “HIS MASTERS VOICE” of Pak ISI speaking and not from their own conviction and conscience. 4.0 Pakistan at cross roads (a) Negative Side: (i) The principal of school and a teacher were killed in the presence of the students; the teacher in fact was burnt alive since she was the wife of an Army Colonel. (ii) The surviving children who watched the above said horrors would stand traumatized for life; therefore would require periodic expert Psychiatric treatment to lead a normal life. (iii) An unrepentant Pak Taliban claimed that they wanted the Army to feel the pain of Army attacks on Taliban therefore the attack was carried out on Army families and their children. (iv) A live interview of a captured Taliban suicide bomber in Pak Army custody; showed the depravity within Taliban; the Taliban prisoner showed no remorse for Peshawar attack on children, but asserted that if released would carry out his unfinished assignment to complete his suicide mission wherever he is ordered to by his Amir (Taliban Chief). (v) Taliban’s one eyed Mullah Omar and the Peshawar Shura of Pak Taliban continue to roam free in Peshawar and rest of Pakistan without any punitive action taken against them so far. (vi) The Doctor who gave information to Americans on Osama Bin Laden residence in Pakistan has been quickly sentenced within 2 months for 32 years rigorous imprisonment on charges of betrayed Pakistan, High Treason. (vii) LET and Hafiz Saed trial has been meandering on for last 5 years; even though all recorded evidence have been given by India. • A Court appointed judicial commission from Pak had visited India; cross examined all witnesses cross checked depositions and after completing work returned back around 3 years back; mean while LET, JUD • Hafiz Saed continued to run free, conduct their terrorist camps and infiltrate terrorists into India. • To add punch to the melodrama and give the lie to Pakistan’s war on terror; LET’s Operational Chief Rahman Lakhvi the main accused under trial for 26/11 Mumbai attack has been released from custody, by the trial Court; under plea that no evidence has been presented so far by the prosecution to either prosecute those accused or hold them in custody further. • A number of Judges have “RECUSED” themselves from conducting the trial; either from the threats held out by the LET; or the fear from other militant groups. • It does seem the game of Pakistan is to claim that the 26/11 accused trial could not end in conviction because of lack of evidence provided from India. • Pakistan wants to use the cloak of judicial decision to allow the perpetrators of 26/11 Mumbai attack to get away from being convicted and punished. (viii) Disgraced Fmr President General Musharraf; had claimed for last 25 years that • Kargil 1999 War was not carried out by Pakistan Army but by Kashmir freedom movement militants from within Indian held Kashmir valley • Now in 2014 December he asserts that Kargil 1999 War was carried out by the Pak Army in retaliation for capture of Siachen glacier by India and Pakistan defeat in Indo Pak War 1971 • Now he further claims that India was supporting Taliban attacks against Pakistan. (ix) Pak Army Fmr General claimed in Times TV channel that • Pak Taliban was responsible for attack on Indian posts in 2013; beheading of two soldiers and exhibiting their heads around Pakistan as war trophies. • India was supporting Pak Taliban against Pakistan. (x) LET’s Hafiz Saed promised on Pak TV, increased attacks on India as also falsely claimed that • India was responsible for Peshawar attack on Army school • India was supporting Pak Taliban - Outraged India listened to the above rants when the same was transmitted live by Indian TV channels. (xi) Two more Pak Taliban attacks have taken place since then at Helmund; killing girls in a women’s college. (xii) A Pak MP’s delegation on visit to India; freely • Bad mouthed Government of India, and Prime Minister Modi • Threatened continued Pak sponsored terrorists attacks on India • Demanded India must resolve Kashmir issue in Pakistan’s favor (xiii) During 2014; up to 30th November 404 ceasefire violations, cross border attacks have taken place on India; • The year is likely to end with around 450 such attacks; • Making it an average of 3 attacks across the border every two days. • A terrorist attack at Kupwara in Kashmir is continuing since 17th December night; so far up to 18th December forenoon one terrorist has been killed. (xiv) US Secretary of State Ms Hillary Clinton in 2012 visit to Pakistan had warned; that if it nurtured poisonous serpents within its backyard; Pakistan should expect and anticipate that they would bite not only those outside but also residents inside Pakistan (it is now coming true). (xv) The Government of Pakistan, Army, ISI (Inter Services Intelligence) have been running terrorists camps • To settle scores with political opponents; • To infiltrate terrorists into India, Afghanistan, Iran, Russia (Chechenya), China (Xinjiang-Ughur Province); • Unable to perform cross border infiltration these home grown terrorists are imploding within Pakistan. • Moreover a number of Sunni Islamic terrorist organizations exist; which have been other Islamic sects such as Shias, Ahmediyas • As a side show they have been also attacking Christian Churches, Christians, Hindus, Hindu temples etc • States sponsored but non state actors hidden in cloak of good terrorists have been freely running loose within Pakistan. (xvi) The elected Government of Pakistan has been repeatedly over thrown by Army coups; 50% of the time after Independence in 1947 the Army has ruled Pakistan • Therefore neither the Government of Pakistan nor its Prime Minister or its Parliament; has any control over the Army and ISI. • The USA continued funding of Arms, Armaments as aid to Pakistan Army • The USA also provided Pakistan, US$10 Bn financial aid every year which included transit fees for supplies to Afghanistan through Pakistan • USA for last 30 years has been aiding abetting, encouraging the state of affairs within Pakistan. (b) Pakistan at tipping Point Positive Side: (i) The Indian Parliament (both houses) passed resolutions expressing sympathy for Pakistan and its school children who suffered attack at Peshawar, and expressed support for Pakistan fight against terrorism. • Two minutes silence was also observed by the Indian Parliament (both houses). (ii) All schools in India expressed sympathy for Pakistan school children who suffered attack at Peshawar; by observing 2 minutes silence after school prayers. (iii) Prime Minister Modi rang up Prime Minister Nawaz Shariff, offered sympathy and support for its fight against terrorism. (iv) Pakistan and Afghanistan have jointly agreed to coordinate and conduct operations against Pak, Afghan Taliban within their respective borders and eliminate them. (v) All main line Pakistan Newspapers and TV channels; demanded positive action by Government of Pakistan, Army, ISI; to eliminate terrorism, terrorist camps within Pakistan and get rid of terrorism menace from within Pakistan. (vi) All Indian Newspapers, TV channels expressed sympathy to Pakistan, families of those who lost their children; requested Government of India to support Pakistan fight against terrorism. (vii) Pakistan Prime Minister after an all party meeting; announced a committee which would arrived at and submit to Government of Pakistan a road map and effective plan to eliminate terrorism from within Pakistan (the time for such submission was one week; that is by end of 25-12-2014). (viii) Fmr Ambassador to USA and Fmr Foreign Secretary of Pakistan HAQQANI (author of Magnificient Delusions) appeared during panel discussions in an Indian English TV Channel and took the positive stand that Pakistan should introspect and stop its state of denial and act against all terrorists and terrorist camps that had mushroomed within Pakistan. • Fmr Diplomats and Army Generals continued to be muted on the subject (such is the state of fear within Pakistan). 5.0 NIGHT MARE IN PAKISTAN: (i) The FIR registered against Peshawar’s school attack; specifies those responsible for attack; as UNKNOWN; even though Tehereek-E-Taliban has claim responsibility and published photographs of the attackers as martyrs. • Fmr Pakistan’s Interior Minister Rehman Mullick called the registered FIR without naming Tehereek –E-Taliban as a fraud on the people and nation of Pakistan (possibly he picked up courage to say this since he was in self inflicted exile in London and out of Pakistan). (ii) Imran Khan the leader of party in power at Khyber-Pukhtoonwka Province where Peshawar as capital is located and attack took place has not condemned the Tehereek-E-Taliban by name; • He has commenced once again the campaign and seize of Islamabad, demanding resignation of Nawaz Shariff as Prime Minister as also the present Government of Pakistan. (iii) Neither Prime Minister of Pakistan nor anyone else of the Powers that be at Pakistan have denounced the Haqqani network of terrorists; Hafiz Saed, LET, JUD, Dawood Ibrahim (all of whom, who have been declared as global terrorists by USA, EU and United Nations Security Council; in fact Hafiz Saed carries a reward of Rs. 50Crs for his capture and handover to USA (iv) Prime Minister Nawaz Shariff earlier in 2010, made an announcement to implement counteraction against terrorists • But it was quickly forgotten • Shortly thereafter it was business as usual for all terrorist organizations within Pakistan. (v) Even though Pakistan investigated the assassination of Fmr Prime Minister Ms Bhutto around 7 years back; further United Nations investigation was done and presented to Government of Pakistan • None were indicted; put on trial or punished (despite her husband’s subsequent election as President of Pakistan and rule over it for 5 years further thereof). • The Pak establishment involved in Ms Bhutto’s assassination covered up its tracks and the conspiracy behind her assassination continues to stay hidden in 2014. (vi) The scheduled joint peace mission of Malala and Kailash Satyavarthi to Pakistan is likely to be postponed indefinitely; so would be Malala’s proposed Pakistan home coming Pakistan visit of May 2013. • Government of Pakistan has so far shown no welcome to either the joint peace mission (Malala, Kailash Satyavarthi) or visit of Malala to Pakistan • If Malala and Kailash Satyavarthi jointly travel around India; they would be welcomed as Apostles of Peace; with enthusiasm by people of India without any exceptions. • However this is quiet unlikely since it could draw negative reactions within Pakistan; unless Malala and Kailash Satyavarthi decide to ignore same. • Pak Taliban has openly declared its intent to complete its unfinished agenda of assassinating Malala, if at any future date she dares to visit Pakistan. (vii) Pakistan has continued with its, denial of terrorists, terrorist camps within Pakistan; false allegations against India; pretence of terrorists in Pakistan as NON STATE ACTORS; • Army, and ISIS; must accept facts and act against all terrorists; without classifying them as good Taliban, bad Taliban, good terrorists, bad terrorists • Irrespective of whether they are directed against India, Afghanistan, Russia, China Iran or against Christians, Hindus and Islamic sects other than the majority Sunni’s. 6.0 CONCLUSION: (i) On terrorism, Pakistan is the problem and not anyone else; Pakistan alone can find a solution to the problem it has brought on itself due to its acts of omission and commission for last 67 years after 1947 when India and Pakistan became two separate nations; others can only provide support and help • Let us all pray and hope that the people of Pakistan find the courage and conviction to force the powers that be (Government of Pakistan, Army, ISI) do so. • Unfortunately Pakistan’s founder Mohammed Ali Jinnah who in his inaugural speech on establish of Pakistan, declared that every citizen of Pakistan was entitled to live freely as a Muslim, Hindu or Christian is very rarely remembered. (may be his daily evening habit of ample doses of Scotch Whisky and breakfast with pork sausages and bacon is not to the liking of fundamentalist Islam that governs Pakistan now) (ii) On 18-12-2014 The Pakistan Court wherein the 26/11 Mumbai attack accused were on trial; declared that the prosecution has failed to provide evidence to substantiate the case; therefore all the accused were released from further custody and trial; • Pakistan has always been a compulsive looser • never failed to miss an opportunity of missing an opportunity • once again failed itself and India, as also rest of the world • self proclaimed action against terror has been proved a falsehood • independence of Pakistan judiciary does seem to be in doubt • judicial administration and prosecution in Pakistan has become a matter of ridicule; if not for itself; but to everyone else worldwide (iii) USA’s self proclaimed war on terror; does not extend to providing evidence available with it regarding terror faced by other countries; or to enable prosecute and convict of those held in custody in other countries • The classic case in this regard is the 26/11 Mumbai attack led by LET (Hafiz Saed, Lakhvi etc) wherein a number of US citizens were killed. • Headley, Rana were put on trial by FBI in USA on evidence gathered from India, Pakistan as also from within USA to convict them on involvement in 26/11 Mumbai attack; however they got very light sentences since Government of USA provided compromises and compounding of cases to the court. • While India provided all facilities for FBI to; interrogate Kasab, the captured terrorist of 26/11 Mumbai attack; take recorded transcripts of depositions made by witnesses, as also intelligence, police intercepts of conversation held by the terrorists within themselves and their handlers in Pakistan • India was neither given transcripts of the depositions made by Headley and Rana in Court; nor was the evidence gathered by FBI in Pakistan and USA. • India was also not allowed to freely interrogate Headley and Rana who were in custody at USA; since Headley and Rana claimed immunity from it in accordance with the laws of USA. • Pakistan not surprisingly neither asked nor considered it necessary to request USA on above said; for prosecuting those taken into custody in Pakistan for 26/11 Mumbai attack. (IV) India naturally stands outraged at the perfidy and drama enacted by Pakistan; through trial and release of those involved from Pakistan in 26/11 Mumbai attack. (V) Pseudo peaceniks like Mani Shankar Aiyar Congress nominated Member of Parliament; Salman Khurshid Fmr Foreign Secretary at Government of India have continued to suggest uninterrupted and uninterruptable talks with Pakistan; and so does Umar Abdullah (Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir whose fate would be decided when the election results come out on 23rd Dec 2014) it is for the people of India to consider all the facts that have been presented as above said; decide to accept same or reject them with the contempt it deserves. (VI) Fortunately for India it had as its icon and mentor Mahatma Gandhi whose prayer meetings start with; “ISHWAR ALLAH TERE NAAM – SABKO SANMATHI THEY BHAGWAN” continues to be its APPOSTLE OF PEACE for all times to come and has kept it steady on its path of “UNITY IN DIVERSITY”. • Unfortunately no such icon or mentor exists in Pakistan therefore no abiding guiding hand or role model exists therein for the people to emulate • It does seem Pakistan India Peace Agenda presently is an impossible dream and a nightmare without end. JAI HIND – VETRI VEL, VEERA VEL
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 11:41:36 +0000

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Sure, learn some theory, learn to use a metronome, and quit
Dear God, Thank you for every thing. And im sorry for my wrong

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