1981.........and just like that,everybody would leave de block to - TopicsExpress


1981.........and just like that,everybody would leave de block to run home and bathe , some men already got their pants press ,no ready-mek pants,i talking bout tailor-made,from a PANTS-LENGTH that we buy from MOSES OR ABEDS IN SWAN STREET,some men got CLARKES,some got PRO-KEDS,CHUCK TAYLOR-CONVERSE or a nice pair of no-brand shoes from BATA and a nice shirt ,WE GINE IN DE THEATRE,we gine to de MOVIES ,de GLOBE showing SALEMS LOT AND DAWN OF THE MUMMY ,2 BRUTAL HORROR MOVIES ,,..we gine meet back at de bus stop at 7.30pm and go in town and walk cross ROEBUCK STREET ,get to de GLOBE early and get a good seat ,we gine to 8.30pm MOVIES ,in dem days yuh used to get 2 movies fuh yuh money ,wid a lil intermission ,all de GLOBE selling to eat was HOTDOGS AND POPCORN,no pizza or macoroni pie,or rotis or nutten so , and to drink was SPRITE,COKE,RED AND PINE JU-C ,..anyhow ,we get to de GLOBE early ,buy de tickets and gone in (we like to be early to see de cuts,.de movies that coming down next ),we gone in and sit down in de HOUSE (de PIT was too close to de screen and de BALCONY was just too much money ),some light music playing and de theatre starting to full-up,people talking,singing,shouting,just waiting fuh de CUTS to start ,theatre getting RAMMM now,men walking in and shouting out men names ,.RICHARDDDDDDDDD,WHA PART YOU IS ?,..RICHARD shouting back I OVER HERE ,YOU BLIND OR WHA,YOU CAYN SEE ME ?,...people start to giggle,..after a while another man walk in a shout out I HOPE MY WOMAN AINT IN HERE WID A MAN,OR UM GINE BE BARE LICKS,I BEATING SHE AND DE MAN ,..men start to look round at de woman next to dem,even if it was their wife,they still feel lil nervous,..people laughing out ...theatre fully ramm out now,.people all in de aisle sitting down pun de steps and thing,.CUTS start,they show CUTS for bout 4 sweet movies that coming down ,people keeping bare noise,...then a man shout out ALRIGHT,start de horror pictures that we come to see ,....LIGHTS GONE DOWN,THEATRE PITCH BLACK,yuh could hear a pin drop,picture about to start,.a man shout out ALL O WUNNUH THAT STANDING UP,GINE GET A SEAT JUST NOW,EVERYBODY THAT SITTING DOWN IN DE AISLE, GINE GET A SEAT JUST NOW,WATCH AND SEE,..i could not understand what he was talking bout ,wha he mean ?,,,.. anyhow DAWN OF THE MUMMY start first ,de words gine up,i mean de CREDITS,.. a man sitting down behind me start to call out all de names HARDDDD,he fussy that he could read,,.he shouting out de names as they come up,hear he DARIA PRICE ,GEORGE PECK,BARRY SATTELS,JOHN SALVO (he wukking up in dem easy names,lol ) and then i see BAHEA SAIED AND BRENDA SIEMER SCHEIDER come up pun de screen,i tell myself this gine be bare sport now,.lol,. all of a sudden he aint reading out de names no more ,he mumble de first one and duck out fuh de last ,.a woman holla good ,keep yuh BIG MOUT shut ,. lol ..PICTURE start ,action, this is BARBADOS so yuh know nobody aint quiet ,lol,..people ,leh me tell wunnuh something ,WHEN A MUMMY (MONSTER) EAT DE FIRST HUMAN ,ALL YUH HEAR IS BARE SCREAMING AND SHOES,.. SHOES HEADING GINE OUT DE THEATRE, UM DID SOUND LIKE HORSES RUNNING ,PUSHING DOWN ONE ANOTHER TRYING TO GET OUT,I MEAN BOUT 50 WOMEN RUN OUT ONE TIME, (AND ONE OR TWO SOFT MEN )KEEPING DE WORLD O NOISE ,SOME WOMEN EVEN RUN AND LEF THEIR SHOES,PURSE,HANDBAG, DEY LEF EVERYTHING AND TEK OFF ,SCREAMING TILL THEY GET OUTSIDE,BARE BACHAANAL....LOL,... a man down in de pit holla DEM COMING BACK ?,..de man from earlier holla NOT FUH KENT ,AH TELL WUNNUH THAT WUNNUH GINE GET A SEAT ,..de theatre brek down wid laugh,....dem 2 pictures was something else ,well,yuh know before de second picture done yuh use to see nuff people getting up and walking out ?,.dem was de people from de country who HADDDD to get de 12 oclock bus from town to get home,. de LAST BUS,if dey miss dat,they A%% IS GRASS,LOL ...but all 20 owe would walk home after de movies ,talking bout everything we see in de pictures ,THEATRE CULTURE was sweeet ...MEMORIES ...DE GLOBE was special...
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 12:16:03 +0000

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