1Co 13:10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that - TopicsExpress


1Co 13:10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. The fact is this if a man says he has no sin then, he is found to be a liar and the truth never was in him and how can we be forgiven; if we do not forgive? And let it go! ~ letting go means it’s finished, it’s over with, forget it!—” so therefore; fasten the lid of your mouth and move on. Ouch to some amen for others Jesus forgets sin once it is confessed; and he forgives in spite of us and cast those sins as far as the east is to the west to be (remembered?) What? “No More” therefore we need to do likewise. Allow this to saturate your spirit and hold fast to this truth you can live an overcoming life The Apostle Paul said there is no good thing that dwells in the flesh. “But in making the Lord his stay he kept him and I know if he can keep Paul then he can keep us as well “No one is a perfect person, but they are made perfect through Christ please understand that there really is no good thing that dwells in the flesh but if you walk in the flesh then you reap of the flesh because anyone outside of Christ you will fall quickly. The bible tells us that Jesus said in Mat 18:7 Woe to the world from its offenses! It is a necessity for the offenses to come, yet woe to that man through whom the offense comes! I can’t tell you it will be easy serving God actually, it will be one of the hardest things that a person can do, because people are watching, and waiting for those who serve God to open themselves up just so they can say “See I told you he wasn’t saved he is not a Christian? The serpent is truly a snake and he slithers around doors trying to find out where you’re the weakest and then move in for the kill like a king COBRA all because of the spirit that abides in them they are the ones who are always lurking about as a serpent, a snake in the grass so to speak, and some snooping like blood thirsty dogs in hopes of your failure all because you allowed yourself to fall prey to satans devices, whereas you need to bring out that spiritual shovel and dig into God like a solider digging into a trench “Believe it you are in a war” But rest assured of this “If God be for you then who can be against you” he will take care of the enemies that rise against you in ways you cannot imagine and please don’t hope for their end; Jesus said to pray for your enemies and bless those who curse you and say all manner of evil against you we have to have mercy on them because of the real mercies he has extended towards us and understand they act out like their father therefore; we must act like ours how can you get what you yourself are not willing to give Mat 18:14 So it is not the will before your Father in Heaven that one of these little ones should perish. Mat 18:15 but if your brother may sin against you, go and reprove him between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. “forgiveness is a key if you want forgiveness then you have to give forgiveness “you will not get forgiveness; if you don’t give forgiveness Jesus said that to peter when he asked how many times must I forgive and what was Jesus reply in Mat 18:22 Jesus said to him, I do not say to you, Until seven times, but, Until seventy times seven. “Don’t allow the things that a carnal man or woman does try to inflict upon you to take root shake it off! Because they are only using words of their father therefore believe the words of your father which is Gods; so whose report will you believe the Lords or the serpent that is trying to bite you. I say again shake it off, put it under your feet and remember who you are representing and do not allow it to take root as a spirit of offense which is a common enemy to a believer. (Matt 13:21) People have said things about me, done things to me since knowing Christ and I had to love them and pray for them because they do not know what they are doing is of the devil, Satan only comes to temp us, to sway us and draw us away from the only one who can help us overcome the worlds system and way of doing if you allow the words from someone to penetrate your walk it will either effect or affect your emotions and Jesus over came this he was moved with compassion, or he groaned within himself because of the doubt and un—belief people exercised instead of faith. I am sure I do not understand what they did to you but do you really understand the suffering Christ took for you to be able to forgive and let it go we have a better way of doing than that of striking hands with the enemy when we can Love the enemy and pray for them we must know and understand they are only used vessels to carry out the present darkness of this world and the will of their father and we are of used of ours to carry his out when we do these things by praying for them and loving literally the hell out of them through prayer. The Apostle said follow him as he followed Christ well Jesus followed God; Jesus himself said I can do nothing of myself but as I see the father do, likewise: we need to do the same and in following him we will cross the finish line because the steps that God the father instructed him to take “WE NOW HAVE TO TAKE “by operating in his Spirit: Spiritually” And from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of God suffered violence, and the violent take it by force(Matt 11;12) therefore we must pray without ceasing watching unto all saints of God for the day of redemption draweth near even from the first day we believed. Jesus Christ is our “Commander in Chief in the Spirit over our Souls” and by “Who are all things subject to him including us: He has authority over our flesh if we are to allow him to lead us by submitting ourselves unto God and by submitting ourselves unto God, Satan will flee from us, Jesus said so in order for Christ to lead us; we have to submit humbly our selves before him and until we do we cannot truly walk in the fullness that he wants us to walk in. Therefore be a man or woman of honor, integrity, faithfulness, loyalty and courage-ness “No Fear! If we are walking in Christ stand up boldly the battle is not yours but the Lords because he has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, LOVE and a sound mind. King David stood strong in God David in 2 Samuel 17:45 said this to his enemy who defied the armies of Israel “Thou comest to me with a sword, and a spear, and with a shield: But I come to thee in the name of the Lord of host the God of the armies of Israel, who thou hast defiled” He didn’t have Jesus per name but he had the one who held his name on his side but we now have his name, authority and power abiding is us; if we allow it to rule our lives and be the one who fights our battle in his Spirit. David in Ps 91 expressed how God fought and taught him to fight check it out it is so amazing. We must stand as the men of War went forth with Joshua because Joshua means God is my Salvation and as men and women of God we must remember who we are and what were fighting against and who we represent we are all walking in tempered grace and that is a fact for if it were not tempered we all would of been destroyed we cannot naturally take matters into our own hands and expect God to defend us, it does not work that way: he said we are to acknowledge him in all of our ways and he would direct our path (Prov 3:6). So ask yourself a question whose path am I going down? The grace he bestowed toward us is truly sufficient, but one day soon that grace will end and then what? There will be many in that day who will say Lord, Lord Mat 25:32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: Mat 25:33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Mat 25:34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: Mat 25:35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Mat 25:36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Mat 25:37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? Mat 25:38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Mat 25:39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? Mat 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Mat 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: Mat 25:42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: Mat 25:43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Mat 25:44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Mat 25:45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. Mat 25:46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. Are you so righteous that you turn away from those who are hungry for the truth, and thirsty for living water that you want lift up even a prayer to help them, or offer them the true love of Christ. Jesus did not come to condemn the world he came to save it I have to share my testimony of How Christ and I met it wasn’t in a church, it was in a hospital bed even though my flesh doesn’t want me speak on it I have to Christ Jesus wants me to tell you and as I do; I just shake my head because some of people will think I’m nuts! He simply said he would handle it. In the years since I have had a God encounter of the real kind where God himself brought me from I tend to cry because it emotionally is very delivering for me even today as I write this I cry and it was a very humbling then and even now when I reflect on it when God and myself met face to face so to speak. Take note I said myself. I was in the darkest place in my life a place where I would not have wished my worst enemy to be and I was a person who was so full of fear and insecurity and all alone and really had no one at all to stand with me but now he stands with me (2 timothy 4 17-18) he gave me this scripture because I refused to believe the lie that true love did not exist and that people surely had some good somewhere in them but the truth is there is none good but God! The church was no help; people were no help that only left one other person. Jesus but when you become sick and tired of being sick and tired that’s when God can do something it was not until then that he could. “In being fed up with mankind and the lies that came from their mouths, I did not trust no-one including the preacher silly as it sounds but it’s the truth and I do not trust no one in the flesh at all because from what I have learned over the years since then, God had me to study by watching, because a tree is known by its fruit and by listening to the holy spirit and allowing him to direct me as to whom I am to be friends with and who I am not. My Testimony is this In coming to a cross road of decision which; meant choosing life or choosing death decision? I chose death naturally” but spiritually speaking now, I made the right choice with a bad natural decision at that time. Those feeling were real and destructive feelings, and the enemy used them to try and destroy me and like a fool I earnestly did a stupid thing I wanted to die and put my hand to the deed all because of all that I did carry in my heart and in my mind and I said enough! I had been cheated on mentally, verbally and physically abused by others who insisted that they loved me and having my children stolen from me by a state who only said they only wanted to help! and not really having anyone to stand up with me in these things not even a husband, my husband at that time was so promiscuous it was un-real some of my family were so envious of one another it was heart breaking and some never had a good thing to say about anyone to include their own. I was just simply fed up! Because I got dirt dog mad, but in a self destructing way: I had taken what people did and years of hurt and I turned it inward on myself and allowed the enemy to almost destroy me. But that particular day “I did say enough and boldly without fear and a lot of boldness challenged God to show himself “and decreed it un-knowingly “If you are who you say you are then prove it! As a kid I heard about you, God I am fed up! I’ve tried church and did not want it nor did I want religion and to be in the company of religious hypocrites who wouldn’t know the truth if it stared them in the face!” Prove yourself; I yelled that at him! As if he did something wrong, if you are the Almighty Living God! Then prove it! I declared in my heart with anger. I had literally made the right decision but unknowingly, When people were all along responsible for their own actions or where they? But what I come to learn since I’ve had to learn who really was behind their actions and it was not God. But not having any wisdom from God or any true direction I fell into the trap. I tried destroying myself at my own hand. All I can tell you is this “God was up to the challenge “He literally stood up to the challenge.But the timing of God was not for a time and as I went on with my business and life, God was about his for my life but what the devil meant for harm God was about to turn it for his good needless to say, God was answering the challenge that I had demanded of him and when that day did come. I was truly in the lowest and darkest place in my life; but Jesus had different plans. All I remember was waking up in a hospital bed, broken and hurt so full of disappointment and actually surprised I woke up at all. The feelings of being all alone and the total shock of still being alive surprised me. I heard a familiar voice in the room it was my husband at that time and I began to question God in my mind why did you save me? As stated everyone that ever said they loved me either turned their backs on me or did things that said different when it came to what I heard about Love, and if that was the love they had “I didn’t want it! And told God that in my heart “They could keep it” I refused to be a part of a world that had no love or real compassion: lying in that hospital bed half awake close to a man who was, in the natural my husband but wasn’t my husband, in the Spirit which I found out a few months later. I asked him what he was doing here. He just sat there in a dark corner of the room in the left corner to be precise of the room and responded with no real words of kindness or concern but poison coming out of his mouth. I simply turned away from him, by rolling over on my right side and began starring at the door asking God again “Why did you let me live? Why? And immediately I heard someone else answer me back and say “Because” and it startled me for a second but I passed it off as a figment of my imagination and I heard the voice again and it said Lisa and I knew it was not my imagination “I knew who was talking to me it was a voice I recognized and heard over the years calling me but had no real way of knowing it was him and I had responded to people who I thought were calling me, but when they were asked what they wanted they simply replied I didn’t say anything, I didn’t call you. In myself I said Oh my God… I thought for a second . . . I was talking to God . . . I had no fear of him however; I was numb and disappointed in emotions and my only reaction was numbness but I knew in my heart, I was truly talking to God; and I straight out asked him again angrily ‘Why? Did you allow me to live? “Why did you save me? I told the Lord the truth that I didn’t want to be here anymore, I said sternly “Lord . . . . I just don’t want to be here anymore with heartfelt tears in my eyes, making the statement there’s nothing for me here”, and I heard him again say in a gentle voice “Lisa and I answered a loud with my voice and even with the thoughts of my mind as if I were talking to him face to face but just staring towards a invisible space while looking at the door as if he were really standing there and no one else could see him and I said what Lord, aloud what do you want from me? He again said Lisa? And again I responded yes Lord” He said take my hand? You will never be alone again! I bubbled up in laughter and I hesitated for a second in the natural because my mind was saying you’re crazy! But my hand was extending towards him in faith automatically. I closed my eyes and deeply said within me ok, I will and then I gazed towards thin air, but spiritually I must have been looking in his eyes because I was looking in the direction of his voice and billows of tears filled my heart but out of those tears of complete broken and humble heart that was completely crushed it was a simple act of my faith by the action of my hand. I reached for his hand even though I could not naturally see it and when I extended my hand in faith it was like a dam burst in side, me more tears just ran out of my heart like water out of jug and he said “Do not be afraid! as I write I still hear his voice saying that to me again. I said Lord . . . I am not afraid of you, I am not afraid of you at all . . . . You’re the only that offered to help me. But I am afraid of the people of this world choking out my words through tears they are mean and hateful and they only care about themselves. But all he would say to me was “Fear Not” I just laid there pondering what he said but no sooner than that moment ended I was still wiping away the tears as the attending Psychiatrist knocked on the door to my room startling me he had come to ask me a few questions and check me out mentally and I answered him honestly and told him the truth, I truly thought I was going to be sent down stairs to the Psycho ward but then the Dr, said to me you’ll be released in a little while; I sat there in that bed so dumb founded not knowing what to think because I just told him what I had tried to do and had planned and he was having release orders drawn up! All I could do was sit there and think to myself “What?” Just happened could not be happening. I almost shook off what had happened as my imagination playing tricks on me and truly I sincerely asked Jesus to be the Lord over my life by rededication months later. But also I began to question myself as a believer and the doubt kept growing and growing and I began to doubt what I actually had heard the Lord say and I definitely had trouble comprehending what he had shown me since. Non—the less I studied Gods word through the Living Bible which I had at that time, that Bible was actually calling me to it and I picked it up and began to read the word, basically it was my food: I did not have any money much to speak of, I was barely getting by, I had no vehicle and I was walking to work because literally I could not afford a bus ticket and as I read the word I sincerely began striving to live what I was reading but somewhere along the line I became discouraged just like before and then the Lord spoke to me again In speaking to me the Lord asked me “DO YOU TRUST ME”? I said yah! Did you know “Yah” means hallelujah in Hebrew I didn’t know it until the Holy Spirit revealed it on 6/10/2013 But I did really wonder, if what I was seeing in 1996 was real because I wasn’t doing things right and was I really seeing the things I’ve had been seeing, I said Lord these things are crazy and I don’t understand them…. I really do wanted to be pleasing to you and walk like he said to walk but it seemed I did everything wrong; I said to him I still cuss and I am not living or doing right by the standards I am reading, and I strive to Love people that actually I could not stand!” I had to be honest, with him and I told him Lord, I’m weak, I am not like the other Christians that serve you they have it all together? and sometimes, I do feel alone, and Lord sometimes I allow what others have said to me in the past to be rewinded in my mind and I hear them like they are in the room and I become sad, I cry a lot, I can’t help it Lord, I feel like you’re going to leave me to and I . . . I could not stand that with broken words fighting through the tears. I was completely honest before him I had no reason to lie to my friend my only true friend. But now I was about to experience the awesomeness of his power and his great love towards me. The Lord asked me again “Do You Trust Me”, I spoke and said yes completely I answered honestly and humbly for someone who knew absolutely nothing and I do mean nothing about Jesus and the Power and Authority he held, God was about to show me something, “Himself” However little did I know at that time he had no plans on leaving me; but by openly confessing my weakness before and telling him the truth that I could not make it without him in a moments time it felt like a thousand pound weight landed on me driving me to my knees and I could not move literally falling to the floor, I seriously felt like I was in labor, I began sweating, panting and groaning grabbing my heart like someone was their ripping it out of me, it hurt is all I can say, it hurt horribly, I remember pain, and developed an allergic reaction to it. All I could do was lay on the floor and allow God to be God and whatever he was doing he was not gentle about it… The Bible says the Holy Spirit descends like a dove not on that day there was nothing gentle about it. My heart took on a force or as a southern person would say squalling, which I never in my life encountered or felt, I truly felt as though I was having my heart ripped out and it may have only lasted a few minutes, but it felt like hours, all my strength was gone, all I could do was lay on the floor weak and completely exhausted, drenched in sweat and so tired from crying I just fell asleep on the floor only to awake hours later. In awaking I had such peace, and felt the Love of God in my heart there was so much joy, I could have danced around the universe “and I knew then he would never leave me, nor forsake me, but that he would always protect me and allow no man to harm me, provide for me and he would never allow me to be the same ever again. Since then he has shown me things I never thought possible, experienced some wild mind boggling things that questioned my sanity but what he did not tell me is this. I just entered Boot Camp and I mean Spiritual All kinds of stuff began to happen as I would praise him and I mean spiritually speaking, wild things, and one day lying on the couch after a long day at work I thought I was going to take a nap only to be awaken I awoke in a sweat when I seen a Viper, it startled me, later I seen a set of Eyes staring back at me, I seen wheels and shadows and something like a sapphire glazing in my mind just all sorts of weird things and my flesh said what the Hattie’s . . . just being honest but then God calmed me down and said sssh. Like he was saying it is okay rests don’t be afraid. As the days and months came to pass he taught me he began to guide me with his eyes and he taught me by his word and his Spirit how to move, how to fight and how to operate in his Spirit and please do not think, I think of myself as something special, I am nothing in myself “Test the Spirit by the Spirit” God himself will reveal but like you sometimes I had trouble believing it but I’ve lived it, experienced it, you have to understand I am nothing because it is not about me, but it is all about Jesus and because of him and what he has done. I Swore allegiance to him because there was no one else that stood with me neither anyone else that could of. I know what I have encountered to be the truth and sometimes some of the things that were shown me scared me so much all I could do was cry because my natural mind was saying this is not possible” you’re a nut! You’re crazy! You have lost your mind! However as God trained me, I now respond to all because of his word that now abides in me. I did not come to know him over night it has taken 21 years but even in that I know so little, but In God I have come to understand what I have been called to do for him. And it is very clear why he extended his hand to me. To this testimony He said through it if people would open up their heart he would set a lot of people free why would I tell you all this otherwise. I have nothing to gain myself? Only for people to think I have lost my mind and come across like a true nut case. I have no choice but to inform you, because by being obedient to him I’ve helped myself to be delivered from a few things even now and We overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony of him who has made us more than conquers but over comers through him who loved us, and gave of himself for us through the remission of our sins. We are not fighting one another we have to be aware of that One Important Factor “We are in a war! Spiritual then natural Most people have never given thought to actual spiritual warfare when there are variations of demonic levels and ruling origins of satanic strong holds that has believers bound: as well hold up the blessings of God for his people and we as a body haven’t even began to scratch the surface and some of us don’t even know that Spirits have individual names because they do.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 19:42:33 +0000

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