1ST PANELIST: It began sadly in India. Because, in October 2010, - TopicsExpress


1ST PANELIST: It began sadly in India. Because, in October 2010, a young Chilean died in India, he was engaged to be Master of Yoga, under mysterious circumstances. What happens is that the body comes to this country, arrived in Chile, and unfortunately it does without organs . 2ND PANELIST: Yes, its a very complicated situation that has the family of this man Oscar Gálvez Escudero. He went to India to practice yoga, apparently practiced the Sikh religion, then they do not know if this is of taking his vital organs could be due to a ritual or coming to some kind of crime. We have the complete report of Daniela Torres: MOTHER: Then they deliver him in a crate. Its sad. But more sad is not knowing how he died. We are tired, as mom and dad. FATHER: There is the body, but it is not known how he died. REPORTER: Three years ago, Oscar Gálvez Escudero, went to France and then go to India to teach yoga to the Miri Piri Academy. Two months he worked, and from one moment to another died under mysterious circumstances. Is the case of a young, 27 year old Porteño, who left healthy his home in Chile, but that came back on a sealed coffin from abroad, and what its worse, without serverals organs. Unexplained facts that reflect a true enigma. MOTHER: When two doctors, they said a doctor there and a doctor here in Chile they say: no, its different, it was not like that, needs to be investigated, and is not done, that hurts. FATHER: To our son, we are not going to revive him, he already died, but for the peace of the family, which is terrible, to know. To know what happened to him, who killed him, why they killed him. REPORTER: From the 2008 Oscar Gálvez Escudero began to internalize into the Sikh religion, born in India. So much that members of this cult gave him the name of Satya Amrit. He began studying Kundalini Yoga, physical discipline, mental and spiritual. His approach with groups devoted to this Asian religion grew. No longer he dress traditional clothing, now he used robes and turbans. Also he change his diet, being a vegetarian, he even became vegan. Also vows of chastity practiced, professed by their teachers initiatives. For his parents, a genuine cult, that surrounded the oldest of their sons and made him to travel to that country. MOTHER: They are very abrupt changes that young people have... well; my son always was mystic like. He loved when he was younger; go on mission (Catholic religion). But to reach certain ends of a garment. For say, stop dressing like you dressed normally and dress up in costumes. Then you can not cut your hair, so went with a turban. I mean, there are several things that you say actually. And one talked to him, but he always said, No, Mom. You are contaminated. You do not understand. REPORTER: On Tuesday, October 26, 2010 this family found out the worst news, two days before his 27th birthday, his son and older brother allegedly died of an arrhythmia product. On his day off, was found in the bathroom of the academy lying on the floor with no vital signs. MOTHER: I had a card from the yoga teacher, who actually she urged him to travel, to leave, to go to India and get into this sect, or do not know what to call it. But anyway I call her to ask really, because they have direct contact with Miri Piri, where he died, and asked: What about my son. When she answered, she said to me, Your son was a great person. Not even I said, Hey, your son had an accident, or anything. Only: Your son was a great person ... And I hung up the phone. REPORTER: These parents do not believe in the supposed heart condition. Is that Oscar was a young sportsman who had a healthy lifestyle, away from the excesses and no history of heart problems. MOTHER: They insist, insist that it was a heart problem, but my son had no heart problems, less congenital. As witness they put the son of the director of the Academy. And in an academy, which is like a boarding school, where the old guys are going to be right on mentoring those who are children. FATHER: I think my son had a problem with someone within the academy and beat him in the head and killed him. Then to justify the killing, they said that he had fallen in the bathroom. REPORTER: But one more strange and painful chapter was about to come. The body of the young teacher was repatriated to Chile, and the costs of this action, which were over 8 million Chilean pesos ran by the Academy where Oscar worked. So they wanted to assume the costs of eventual incineration of the remains. Situation that this family was opposed. MOTHER: More or less, he arrives at Chile, the 5th or 4th of November and then we moved him to the legal doctor. In that period of time, it drew us a lot of attention, that they wanted a lot cremated. The idea of ??the group where my son belonged. For them, as soon as he arrive got him cremated. And the only concern we had was really he not be cremated and that they not remove his organs, because we knew that in that country the situation is customary. REPORTER: When the body of the young actor arrives, and after four months of investigation, it was made a second autopsy. The procedure was carried out thanks to the struggle of the family. Is that when you repatriate a body and it comes in a sealed coffin, only with a court order they can be open. Despite this new process, was never able to determine the apparent lethal heart problem. Because the body of the young came without heart, kidneys, stomach, adrenal glands and prostate. Acts that were evidenced by the Chilean Medical Legal Service. MOTHER: When it arrives, and the prosecutor says, after these three months that we had experienced the grief to bury him, and three months later the prosecutor calls you and tells you this, it came with no body, no heart, no kidneys, part liver. He had no stomach and worse, even without prostate. There one, really, with the question of yours ... was dying again. He was in a specific place, working, you think theyre going to take care of, and it was not. REPORTER: This family also to deal with the death of his relative, had to get used to the idea that Oscar may have been a victim of trafficking in organs, is that in this country where this practice is still a reality. According to estimates of the World Health Organization, most of the victims are men of about 30 years old, from countries such as India, China and Romania. Worse, the case of this young Porteño is not the only one registered in the last time a British girl who died in the Asian nation, product of a fulminant dehydration was repatriated, also without several organs. SIKH, GIRL´S FATHER: Please bring back the organs of my daughter, I want a thorough investigation to find out what happened. REPORTER: According to reports issued from India, the young have died for a cut in the left frontal area and the heart problem. But the results in our country were others. The body had a fractured skull length of 7 cm and 14 cm cut on his leg. From his heart problem nothing because never arrived the organ. That is why for the National Agency of Health cause of death is undetermined. MOTHER: When he arrives to Chile, we get an autopsy on them, which they claimed had died of cardiac arrhythmia heart and it was all in English. All with unintelligible writing, and had fallen in the bathroom and hit on the forehead. That the blow was on his forehead. Well, one by logic, when it first arrives and you read, we believe, but you believe in because we struggle for an autopsy. REPORTER: For all these contradictions and inconsistencies, that the state of Chile formed alliance with this family and made ??an international condemnation of the crimes of murder and organ trafficking against Miri Piri Academy and the State in India. To support the eventual thesis of murder, background there are several. One of the first events that draw attention is that a week before this enigmatic death Satya Amrit playing Football, suffered a broken wrist. He was taken to a hospital, and there, they would have practiced more tests than usual. FATHER: When he had the problem of the wrist there saw that he was a healthy person, that he had the conditions to be transplanted and then taken there and stole the organs. MOTHER: He has nothing, is healthy, someone needs an organ, well ... lets take it ... REPORTER: Other theories of this family is that his son could have been in love with a wealthy young daughter of a sheik of India, even to some honcho progenitor Academy spiritual education. Relationship that had radically changed his destiny. Is this young man felt that in this country would find the love of his life. PAPA: Él se había enamorado de una persona allá miembro de la academia, una niña. Y el padre era una persona muy influyente y le habría pasado la cuenta. Entonces empiezan las conjeturas, porque no hay verdad. FATHER: He was in love with a person there, member of the academy, a girl. And the father was a very influential person and would have passed the bill. Then start the guesswork, because there is no truth. REPORTER: This man would have ordered the killing as that. FATHER: That is why I say there are many conjectures that they send to us. We have received numerous emails. REPORTER: Another of the theories that established the family, account for a possible assault. Everything for again, trafficking his organs. But surely one of the most chilling hypothesis it would have made a parapsychologist, assiduous to meditation. She would have revealed he had seen the young man of 27 years in their connections with the other world. MAMA: Your story she tells us that Oscar was crouched washing the temple when he gets hit in the head, in the back of the head and after that it comes to defending but they put a mask or something to numb him. That began when it sees that they are taking the organs. It is assumed that they were taking in life, and who can not get the corneas that was the only thing that came, because they realize that the family claims the body. REPORTER: Satya Amrit was murdered for his organs only? Or after death took the instance to remove them? Beyond all this strange death guesses, equally justice closed the case a couple of months ago, despite the inconsistencies of both reports, Chile and India. Likewise could not investigate further. Despite this, the family will continue to fight to get to the truth of this story. MOTHER: And everyone says no, that here you can not do anything because it happened elsewhere, where we have no contact, where we have no international deals. So what do you do hum? What do we do, I wonder? If a human being, a human that was in Chile. It is a Chilean who died outside. We keep fighting. I keep fighting with my husband and my children, but until the last day. JOURNALIST: Because justice has not been able to help them to know the real reasons for the death of their loved one on Saturday, three years after the mysterious death of this young Porteño, his family organized a musical act in his commemoration. In are of The Truth was the slogan of the initiative, which sought to gather signatures so that the case can be reopened. JUAN BROTHER: We are like family and we are organized to get to the true facts of the death of my brother. REPORTER: Oscar Gálvez, better known by his circle as Satya Amrit, was a quiet young man, who devoted his final years of life to world peace and promoting green initiatives. Therefore, your family is not satisfied with his departure. Three years after his death, pain and suffering remains intact. FATHER: They say time heals everything but so far ... I get a little emotional, because it is very sad, the death ... we are not prepared for the death of children. Culturally we are in order to me bury my Mom or my Dad, not to bury a child ... sorry ... REPORTER: Its the unexplained death of a 27 year old Porteño , who passed away from his homeland. An actor by profession. Yoga teacher, who wanted to live near his religion in India, but unfortunately never came back. Three years after his mysterious death, his family is not satisfied with the version given by the State of the South Asian country and will not rest until you reach the truth. 1ST PANELIST: To Don Juan Carlos and Mrs. Fresia, we fully understand what they are going through, because what happened to Oscar? How does he comes back to the country without organs? He did not have, so you know, he had no heart, kidneys, stomach. Not even prostate. Did that was part of a ritual of the group to which he belonged there? Did something happen on the way there was some organ trafficking? Is what they need today: more answers. Through the consulate and perhaps through the legal Attaché Office of the Embassy of India. 2nd PANELIST: Nacho Also, the doubts about the real origin of his death is what determines that they also remain in this nebula of not knowing. First, to be told it was a heart attack. After he fell, he hit his head. And they appear increasingly different chances of death because this speaks of different circumstances, so thats what increases the pain no doubt. Mostrar menos · Traducir Reportajes CHV Enigmática muerte de Chileno en India Para mas información visita: ensondelaverdad Unete, Apoya y Comparte: facebook/ensondelaverdad w... YOUTUBE.COM
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 08:09:31 +0000

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