20 carbs a day! Eat fat, no sugar, who cares if you weigh 300 - TopicsExpress


20 carbs a day! Eat fat, no sugar, who cares if you weigh 300 pounds and have had a weight problem your whole life. Dont eat bread or pasta. Hungry? You arent supposed to be! Have some butter or drink some water and keep yourself busy. Yea, good luck with all that. Do you all even know where these concepts came from, how long they are to be implemented and WHY? You do? Are you SURE? Most of you dont, but you have brainwashed into thinking you know all the whys behind this stuff. Are you kidding me right now? I have asked it 10,000 times but Ill ask it again. If you are overweight, have been overweight for awhile, have battled fat for a lot of years; if you can all of a sudden wake up and figure out how to eat nothing else except bacon, eggs and cream cheese, HOW DID YOU GET FAT? And my friends, if that works for you, why are you still big? Why cant you seem to beat this? You arent sure? Thats OK. Im here this morning completely ready to go out on a limb and be fine with it. The reason you fail at this, and havent managed to figure out how to do it is because you werent made to eat this way. You are failing at something you are supposed to fail at. I truly could not care less about who says what when it entails not needing physical activity to lose weight, or the idea that someone says do this and you will lose weight easily. You know who those folks are talking too? They are talking to people who havent had a weight problem their whole life. The people who dont need to work out, or who can lose weight easily are those people who have a few to drop, who have probably been healthy most of their life, and who dont crumble into a pile of tears around a sandwich because they arent scared of the bread. Sorry buddy, if youre obese and have been for awhile/your whole life.....you arent going to lose weight easily. If you are obese, you simply cannot wake up one day and just take everything you know away and expect to succeed, OR, even have any idea of what to do or where to start. My friends, some of you need to stop trying to figure out how to deprive yourself of everything and stop trying to figure out how to lose weight. Some of you need to start figuring out how to stop gaining it first! Why are you shoving food in your face at midnight even though you had a great day? Why are you sitting at your desk counting what youve eaten today and judging yourself based on that number? Why are some of you going over the last 2, 6, 10+ years thinking about all of the pounds youve lost, regained, or tried to lose and cant? Why do some of you choose to blow money on junk food when you desperately need that money for bills? And I KNOW I am talkin to some of you right there. Even when I was at my worst, living in a crack motel with my son and ex, I was still spending money I didnt have, on crap food that fed my addiction. So why are you doing some of these things and hundreds of others that probably arent the best choice for you? Im gonna tell you. Ive said it before, but its because YOU DO NOT HAVE A FOOD PROBLEM. You have a you problem my friend. Thats ok though. I have lots of me problems. From ones you can see and hear (just ask my husband, Im obnoxious, and annoying), to the me problems that youll never see (abandonment, rejection, failure). And if I have all these things Ive dealt with for years, and I can lose 240+ lbs, and NOT be miserable why cant you? Oh wait, a minute.....I forgot, YOU CAN. But you cant just ask someone else how to do it. And why in the world would you want to pattern yourself off of someone who doesnt celebrate weight loss, but celebrates how many times you can lose and re-lose 20, 40, 100 lbs? Its not about how many times you fall off the wagon and then lose the weight and are on track again. ARE YOU KIDDING!!!??? Losing weight blows dude. Why do you want to have to lose it over and over? What do you mean you dont want to do that? Thats what so many of you are doing isnt it? You base your worth on how many carbs you ate today, or how many you didnt eat. You judge your success on how many days youve been good Have you noticed all the Im using? Simply because after reading comments, websites, forums, questions, answers, suggestions, and directions, these are words/phrases that were each used over 100 times. Yep, I counted (and they were all counted in 1 day). For the simple fact that you are more important to me than you realize. I dont even get discouraged for you anymore. In fact, its the opposite. I see so many of you right there. Like RIGHT there. Youre standing in the door of the plane and the ground looks so far away, and youre terrified, and you dont know whats going to happen, but youve seen people land and start jumping up and down for joy because thats the greatest feeling ever! Your parachute is strapped to your back although you have NO clue if its actually going to open. The plane continues to circle and the instructor is asking DUDE, are you gonna jump, or you gonna stay here for the next ________ (how long have you been fat), and then just WISH you would have jumped? I see so many of you standin there! You want to jump but youre so unsure. Well guess what, just jump. Youre never gonna know how amazing it feels to conquer this UNTIL YOU CONQUER IT! Stop looking to hundreds of people who are miserable, who gain and lose the same 20 lbs, who make you feel like a serial killer when you have a piece of fruit, or heaven forbid, a tomato. Im telling you right now, if the way you eat has you so terrified of what vegetables will do to your body, you MIGHT want to reconsider the way you are eating!! Stop trying to figure out how to lose weight. Figure out why you are gaining it, or why you ARENT losing it. I dont believe for a second that each of you are not capable of learning you, your body, and how food reacts with it. If you have tried something for the last year or more and arent where you want to be, or at least on that road.....exit now and do something different. Unless you learn you and food, you WILL fight this battle unsuccessfully for the rest of your life. I say that with the utmost confidence. Sure you might lose weight, but youre going to be miserable, terrified of food and what it might do to you, and most likely gain it all back (if not extra). Arent you done giving food so much power and control? Arent you done being a slave to the thing woe that was supposed to save you? Isnt it finally time to do something different? Im telling you now, there is nothing, absolutely NOTHING out there that tastes better than waking up and liking yourself feels! The containers have a bottom my friend, and the bag of potato chips will run out and you can always find more. So many of you have hit your bottom. In life, and continuously hit it with the cookie box. You choose if you stay there. Do something different.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 11:25:51 +0000

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