2011 Election – An Experiment Gone Wrong By C. Nyirenda A - TopicsExpress


2011 Election – An Experiment Gone Wrong By C. Nyirenda A lot of Zambians – educated, semi-literate and illiterate alike – were so gullible before the September 20, 2011 elections. They believed everything they were promised by the Patriotic Front -PF- and one Michael Sata whose remains now lie at Embassy Park. All the promises were based on ninety days and up until now it is hard to comprehend that even some of the most educated Zambians believed that a new Constitution would be delivered in the period of time that was being promised. They even believed that the Barotseland Agreement of 1964 would also be restored in the same ninety days period. The jobless youth who formed the core of voters in the last election have been terribly dribbled. The more jobs and more money in your pockets remains a pipe dream. The vast majority remain on the streets selling all sorts of merchandise. Only a handful of those with serious connections to the PF have joined the ranks of formal employment. It is clear the 2011 election is an experiment gone wrong. Sata and the PF should not have been allowed to get anywhere near the corridors of power. The stark reality of being governed by these people is there for all to see. The high cost of living with mealie-meal the staple food fetching as much as K85 per 25kg bag in some cases compared to K35 three years ago, unemployment of untold proportions with government imposing a wage and employment freeze in the public sector, casualisation of labour continues and the list goes on. These same people criminalised any talk on President Sata’s ill health whose medical bills and trips for treatment in India, Israel, South Africa and United Kingdom were paid for and are most likely still being paid for by Zambian tax payers. They came out heavy on critical journalists and media organisations even going to the extent of barring some of them from covering events at State House. Some opposition politicians have had a feel of what it is like to be in a filthy police cell for no apparent reason under the PF. Worse still these people, the PF, have even been at each other’s necks in panga fights that have left some dead and others maimed for life. Now can you imagine going on with these people even if it will be just one year six months before the scheduled general election in 2016? PF, the experiment gone wrong must be shown the door and Zambians should not make the same mistake again. Don’t trust PF again. On 20th January, 2015 make sure PF is voted out. zambiareports/2014/12/08/2011-election-experiment-gone-wrong/
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 15:41:38 +0000

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