20130726人間菩提 回溯歷史躍金馬 Serving with a True - TopicsExpress


20130726人間菩提 回溯歷史躍金馬 Serving with a True Heart of Purity youtube/watch?v=BvWLktj4z7g 這一次出門,感人事多多,從高雄看到了,他們在回溯溯源於來時路。在二、三十年前,金馬號,就是用巴士,在車上一路用愛灑播,光是坐在車上,就有好幾好幾個鐘頭,坐在車廂裡,大家都跑不出去。 During my trip this time, I saw many things that touched my heart. In Kaohsiung, our volunteers set up a life-sized model of a bus that they used to ride and take our donating members to Hualien around 30 years ago. Riding on the bus, our volunteers would seize time to share Tzu Chi with others as it took several hours to travel from Kaohsiung to Hualien. 所以沿途就是一個個車廂,都是和他們分享,資深的菩薩負責,一個、一個車廂,還有總負責的,他就可以從這個車廂,這一站開始和他分享,下了一站休息的時間,又是換了一個車廂,去和他們分享,就如高雄的林永祥、林金貴,反正好幾位,都是不斷帶著車回來。 For every trip, there were several buses, and on every bus, there were Tzu Chi volunteers accompanying our donating members. Apart from that, our senior volunteers would also go from one bus to another to share Tzu Chi with people. Our volunteers would got on a different bus every time the buses stopped for people to stretch their legs. This is what several of our senior volunteers used to do often. 他們在回溯金馬號的,那一段的來時路,真正的為時代來做見證,而且那一部金馬車,這一隻馬真是雕塑得很好,非常好,這一位雕塑這一個,他是用藝術的瓦楞板,把它雕塑起來的,都是環保的,真的是很有創意。 This model bus in Kaohsiung served to bear witness to the hard work of our volunteers in the early days. Moreover, there is a finely carved horse on the side of the bus. The carving was made with the corrugated paper that our volunteers had recycled. This is really creative. 他們的創意,真的很豐富,我去繞了一圈,看了一張張的、一幅幅的相片,為這個相片來解說的,它裡面也有一個方格,她就和我說,師父,這些文章放不下,真正在介紹這一幅相片的,故事很豐富,只要我們用手機一印,那就可以,可以就是把這個整篇的故事,都在手機好好地來研讀,這裡面的內容,實在是很令人感動、很用心。 Our volunteers truly have many creative ideas. When I walked around, I saw many photos and posters. On each photo or poster is a QR code. A volunteer told me that there isn’t enough space on the poster to explain the rich stories behind the photos. But, if we scan a QR code with a smartphone, we can read the complete story behind that photo on our phone. I’m very moved by their mindfulness. 還有也看到臺中慈院,人人很用心,為了評鑑,簡院長他自己也是很忙,自己也是壓力很大,可是他也親自投入,去做點心等等,這也都是為了大家都很辛苦,當然也要感恩我們的菩薩。 When I was in our hospital in Taichung, I saw how everyone worked hard to prepare for the accreditation. Although Supt. Chien himself was very busy and under a lot of pressure, he still helped prepare food, etc. for our medical staff to thank everyone’s hard work. I’m also very grateful to our volunteers in central Taiwan. 中部醫療志工,還有社區志工,知道要評鑑了,大家動員起來,分工合作、合和互協,也是同樣打掃周遭的環境,同時也要顧好我們的同仁的,擔心他們沒吃飽,壓力大太等等,那樣的一家人的照顧,看了我也是很感動。 Learning that our hospital in Taichung is going to undergo accreditation, they came to help clean up the surroundings of our hospital. And, worrying that our staff may be too busy to eat, feel stressed, etc., our volunteers prepare hot noodles for them every day. Seeing how they care for our staff, I’m very moved. 來到了臺北慈院,剛剛評鑑過,到了,我知道大家都是很忙、很忙,可是看到所有的,大醫王、白衣大士,全院上下真正的都是,那樣的熱情,神采奕奕的,還是來做分享。 I arrived in our hospital in Taipei the morning after their accreditation ended. I know everyone had been busy, but our doctors, nurses, etc. still looked very spirited and warmly welcomed and shared with me how they made preparations for the accreditation. 回憶在被評鑑的前後,之前同樣臺北的菩薩們,全院打掃,同時就是各科室的同仁,或者是各科室的領導主管,都是蹲下來,都是和志工一起做,不管是擦地板、布置環境,一片片的葉子擦拭,都是那樣的合和互協,這樣非常令人感動的畫面. Before the accreditation, many Tzu Chi volunteers in Taipei went to help clean up the hospital. Our hospital staff, including heads of all departments, also pitched in to help. Be it mopping the floor, decorating the place, or even wiping dust off the potted plants, everyone gave a hand. It was very moving to see. 實在是很難很難去描述,這樣的親與和,這種的合和互協,如家的親,而且聽到大家在分享,都沒有說,我做什麼、我說什麼,不是,我都是聽到了,某某人做什麼,他是如何在付出,這種的讚歎別人,的確都是在莊嚴自己。 Words truly cannot describe how I felt when I saw how everyone worked in such unity and harmony like family. When they shared, I didn’t hear them say, “I did this and that”. All I heard was how hard so-and-so had worked. When they praised others, they were actually dignifying themselves. 每一次聽到,他在讚歎別人的時候,我都非常的欣賞,說話的這一個人,那樣的互動互愛,互相讚歎、彼此感恩,也有我們志工菩薩的用心,貼近我們的同仁的心,那樣的溫馨無法一一訴說. That’s why every time I hear someone being praised. I always admire the one who does the praising. This is how our hospital staff love, applaud, and appreciate one another. Tzu Chi volunteers’ loving care has also warmed the hearts of our staff. There is indeed too much to share. 還有這一次我在臺北,聽到了我們的同仁,到馬來西亞採訪,他的見聞帶回來,在這樣的紀念館,他看到了這樣的桌子,都是幾乎像面前的,這一張桌子的高低,後面就是電視機,他就是每一天可以電視放出來,和這個桌子是同樣的,好像就是、就是,在現場和他們講話的。 Also, when I was in Guandu, I heard one of the staff at our cultural center share with everyone his trip to Penang, Malaysia. In our Jing Si Hall there, he saw a room with a desk that is almost the same as the one I’m using now. Behind the desk is a screen, from which they show the video of me speaking every day. At the first glance, it looks like I’m sitting at the desk talking to them. 他們也有展示出來的,那一件衣服,想那個時候,他回來一直要我的,穿過的衣服、穿過的鞋子,要給他新的,他都不要,我都不知道他們要做什麼,現在看到他們,浩蕩長的隊伍,跪著傳、一直傳,傳到樓上去,在階梯的每一層,都這樣一直傳上去,所以他們那樣的想師豆,也都是撒播,在他們的這個周圍裡,每一個人來到這裡。 One of my robes is also on display there. I recalled how Ji Hang, our volunteer from Penang, has been asking me to give him one of my used robes and a pair of shoes. I had no idea what he wanted those for. But from the video, I saw how our volunteers in Penang knelt side by side from the ground floor all the way up to the fifth floor, respectfully passing my robe and shoes to the room upstairs. They also placed “seeds of remembrance” around the room. 就讓他們拿,兩顆的「想師豆」回去,和他們都來分享,這種的敬師如師在當前,而且馬來西亞的慈濟人,也都是那樣的殷勤精進,每一次大型的活動,都是推動了齋戒,希望人人齋戒,這都是他們的用心,這種的用心,一直一直到現在,還是這樣做。 When people visit the room, they can each take two seeds back with them. See how they respect me as if I were there. Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia are indeed very dedicated. Whenever they hold large-scale events, they’ll encourage people to observe a vegetarian fast. They are truly very mindful, and this is how mindful they have always been. 這就是莫忘初心,他們沒有忘掉了初發心那時候,四大志業,在那裡都很紮紮實實,在當地馬來西亞,整個馬來西亞都是這樣做,很感動的事,很難一一訴說,剛剛看到了那畫面,這種感動猶在,全臺的慈濟人,那樣的莫忘初心。 They have not forgotten their initial aspiration and have been steadfastly carrying out Tzu Chi’s four missions. All Tzu Chi volunteers across Malaysia are like this. There are just too many touching stories to share. When I saw the video again just now, I am still very moved. 回溯來時路,一直看到了馬來西亞,同樣人人都是,都是沒有忘掉初發心的,所以感恩,也是感動,這都是出自於,每一個人的一片心。 Seeing how Tzu Chi volunteers in Taiwan as well as those in Malaysia have never forgotten their humble beginnings and initial aspiration, I’m very grateful and touched. All this comes from everyone’s true hearts, which are the pure hearts of living bodhisattvas. 清淨無染的人間菩薩的心地,感恩,但願能更普遍地,清淨付出無所求,菩薩心、菩薩行,這都是我們的人間淨土。 I’m very grateful. With such pure hearts, I hope everyone can continue to give unconditionally. With the heart and act of a Bodhisattva, we’ll be able to create a Pure Land on earth.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 00:31:42 +0000

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