20130731《人間菩提》追隨大士之芳蹤Bearing Witness to - TopicsExpress


20130731《人間菩提》追隨大士之芳蹤Bearing Witness to Moments of Truth, Goodness and Beauty youtube/watch?v=Syh859TE9R0 看到了二十五年前的今天,就是我們慈濟護專,動土的這一天,鏡頭上看到杜詩綿院長,曾院長,還有楊思標院長,真感恩有這幾位的投入、付出。 Twenty-five years ago today on July 31, on nursing school broke ground for construction. In the footage, we see Dr. Tu, Dr. Tseng, and Dr. Yang. I’m very grateful for their help in making our hospital and nursing school possible. 在這一九八六年的,八月十七日,是我們花蓮慈院的啟用,所以這「年輪」來回顧,剛好醫院啟用的兩年後,就馬上緊接著就是,慈濟技術學院,過去的護專的動土,可見這樣的時間是多麼的緊密。 On August 17, 1986, our Hualien Tzu Chi hospital opened. Looking back, about two years after our hospital in Hualien was inaugurated, we broke ground for our nursing school, now known as Tzu Chi College of Technology. See how our hosp. and school were built one after another in such a short period. 那個時候,我們深深體會到了,在花蓮求才難,沒有就業機會,也曾經發生到了,東臺灣少女問題,天天見報,所以就靈機一動。 After the hospital opened, we experienced difficulty in finding medical personnel to work in Hualien. Moreover, at that time I often saw news of aboriginal girls here having problems getting an education and finding a job. 希望在花蓮就地來培養人才,所以就辛辛苦苦,緊接著就要爭取到了,在花蓮能蓋一所護理學院,但是要土地又是談何容易,這一大片的土地得來不易。 So, I thought of setting up a nursing school for the aboriginal girls to learn a skill. We then worked very hard to get approval to build a nursing school in Hualien. Yet, it was easier said than done. It was no easy task to produce a large piece of land for the school. 那個時候我們要找老師困難,找校長更不容易,剛好楊思標教授,從臺大退休了,我們就很期待,懇求楊思標教授,來承擔第一任護校的校長,所以到現在看到了老人家,都是感覺到很親切,而且是很感恩。 Back then, we also encountered difficulties finding our faculty and school president. Luckily, Dr, Yang had retired, so I earnestly asked him to take up the position of our nursing school president. Even now, every time I see him, my heart is still filled with much warmth and gratitude. 雖然過去是那樣的辛苦,現在總是看到了,我們的護理能在醫院裡服務,而且口碑非常好,人人都很喜歡,我們所教育出來的白衣大士。我們第一屆的學生,登記的有一百零八位。 It was an arduous path we had walked, but I’m now very happy to see how many people praise nurses who had graduated from our school. Many hospitals also like to recruit our nursing students. When our nursing school opened, there were only 108 students. 但是慈濟人有多少人來慶祝嗎?大家不知道記不記得,知不知道?兩萬多人來為這樣的,一百零八位的學生來慶祝,來慶祝,這都是我們曾經走過來的路。學生得到了,這麼多人的愛與期待,這一百零八位的學生。 But do you know how many people came to give them well-wishes? Over 20,000 people came to celebrate and wish them well. This was over 20 years ago. With the love and well-wishes from so many people these 108 students were truly very blessed. 真的是很有福,歷史就是能見證一切,這二十五年那樣的景象,歷歷都在我們的目前。 現在所看到的護理,真的白衣大士,如觀世音菩薩,哪裡有苦難的聲音,他都會聞聲救苦,雖然現代的時代聲音很多。 The footage we see has born witness to all this and taken us back to 20 plus years ago when our nursing school first started. Nurses are truly like the Bodhisattva of Compassion, Avalokitesvara. Up on hearing the cries of suffering, this Bodhisattva will be there to help. In life, we often hear different people saying different things about us. 可是就如「晨語」我說的,世間的聲音很雜,要修成菩薩行,如觀世音菩薩,他必定要善解、善聽,要把這樣的苦難的聲音,或者是很粗惡的聲音,都要把他善解,聞聲拔除苦難。 This is what I shared with everyone at my Dharma talk this morning. To become Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, we must be understanding no matter what we hear. When we hear people crying for help, we must reach out to them; when we hear people cursing, we must be forgiving. 這樣的人間菩薩,白衣大士一一的成就,所以想到了現在每一個醫院,都還是這樣的,對著我們培養的過程中的,一一的純真、純潔的,這樣的白衣大士的,那樣的愛的教育,啟發人人,真誠用心為病患付出。 This is the way of living bodhisattvas and exactly how our nurses are. Many hospitals praise the nurses who had graduated from our college of technology as they can feel how our nursing students were guided with love and have been inspired to serve patients with genuine sincerity. 都還是很讚歎,這樣的讚歎畫面,也都需要人文真善美的,菩薩們把它留下來,幾天前都有,人文 真善美十周年,其實不只是十周年。 It’s truly beautiful to see. For these beautiful images to be passed on, we need our documenting volunteers to record them for us. Just a few days ago, our documenting volunteers celebrated their tenth anniversary. 應該還要追溯到了更前面,四十多年,就已經留下了一步步的足跡,一步步的歷史藏經,都已經從無到有,從有一直延續到現在,就是浩蕩長的隊伍,這樣的浩蕩長的隊伍,已經形成了,就是國際的人文真善美。 Actually, over 40 years ago, Tzu Chi members were already recording our work through writing, photographing and videotaping. Over the years, our documenting volunteers have grown in number and we now have documenting volunteers all around the world. 慈濟走到哪裡,真善美人文的菩薩就到哪裡去,才有這樣的鏡頭,不斷地在人世間的,成為我們啟發菩薩心的,大愛在人間;這都是要有聲、有影,還要把這樣的像要不斷地留住。 Wherever there are Tzu Chi volunteers, there’ll be documenting volunteers. Thanks their work, we’re able to inspire more people to give with love. This is made possible only with the sounds and images that they have worked so hard to record. 也看到了許多的,人文真善美的菩薩,每一位的故事都很精彩,看看徐居士,這樣的盡責 任,為美善而付出;還有廈門,我們也了解他的故事,過去的生活賭博等等樣樣來。 We also see many documenting volunteers whose stories are very inspiring, For example, Mr. Xu in Taiwan has truly put in much effort into our documenting work. There is also Mr. Huang in Xiaman, China who had gambled for around 30 years. 可是看到了慈濟的真善美志工,這樣的一部照相機,就可以寫下了人間美好歷史,而且這麼多人的付出,也轉變了他的心意,把時間用在投入,這樣的菩薩團體中 But seeing how our documenting volunteers record the work of Tzu Chi using cameras and how Tzu Chi volunteers give unconditionally, he was inspired to become a documenting volunteer. 我們記錄的感人故事太多了,但是後續,它化為行動的部分,好像偏少一點,人往往是這樣容易感動,然後要讓他做的時候,好像不是那麼容易做,後來慢慢自己覺得說,既然我們都被別人感動,那為什麼,我每次有錯誤還繼續犯。 We recorded many moving stories, but we seldom practice what we learned from those we interviewed. We are easily inspired, but it’s hard for us to take action. So, I thought to myself: “I’ve been moved by so many good examples. Why can’t I follow them?” 慢慢我就戒掉很多,原來的惡習,也透過人文真善美,讓自己見證,聞思修的一個過程,這就是一個道場,這就是一個修行,不只是聞聲或者是見形,都懂得如何來善解著它,行在菩薩道上利益人群,許許多多的感恩說不盡。 Gradually, I got rid of my bad habits. Through the documenting work, I’m inspired to practice what I’ve learned. See how documenting work has helped him grow spiritually. No matter what he saw or heard he’d reflect and lean from it. That’s how he’s been inspired onto the Bodhisattva Path to benefit humanity. There is so much to be grateful for. 所以天天都是在歷史中,我們做對的事,歷史就是永恆,錯誤的人生,都是空白,而且複製著煩惱,空過人生,這都是我們要提高警覺,好的事,做就對了。 All that we do every day is history in the making. So, by doing good, we’ll leave behind a legacy. But, if we live a wayward life, our life will be idled away and our afflictions will multiply. So, we should be aware and careful and always seize time to do good. 我們把握今生,期待更能為時代做見證,為人類而寫歷史,為慈濟留著大藏經,真的感恩的事說不盡,因為菩薩群在人間是看得見的,總是很感恩大家。 I hope our documenting volunteers can continue to bear witness to our times by recording history for humanity and composing real-life sutras for Tzu Chi. Indeed, there is so much to be grateful for. Thanks to our documenting volunteers, we can see the images of bodhisattvas around the world. For that, I’m very grateful.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 01:45:15 +0000

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