20130809人間菩提 ~增長智慧富聖財Eliminating Material - TopicsExpress


20130809人間菩提 ~增長智慧富聖財Eliminating Material Poverty by Enriching Spiritual Wealth youtube/watch?v=EKTBuZ2SX8o 伊斯蘭教的穆斯林,遵守每一年的,這樣伊斯蘭教曆的時間,來開齋、封齋,他們從七月開始封齋,白天不吃、不喝,用飢餓來修行,就是提升了這一分的,清淨的心,虔誠的心,這是他們的教法。 Every year, Muslims worldwide observe Ramadan by fasting in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. This year, Ramadan began in early July. During Ramadan, Muslims do not eat and drink during the day. They do this to cleanse their soul by freeing it from impurities. This is a Muslim practice. 就如我們佛教裡有出家,佛陀的時代,就是「結夏安居」,在這個時候,大家聚集一處,不能往外走,大家共處一起來聽法、聞法,來靜心修行;佛教也有這樣的,每年的「結夏安居」。 It is similar to the summer retreat held by Buddhist monastics back in the Buddha’s time. During the retreat, the monastics would not go out to beg for aims. Instead, they’d gather together to learn the Dharma and focus on spiritual cultivation. This is the summer retreat for Buddhist monastics. 不過在伊斯蘭教,向來都是這樣的齋戒,修行的方式;所以從七月開始,一直到八月,就是要開齋了,開始可以,白天可以吃了,這就是伊斯蘭教的,好像過年一樣,大家都在慶祝,大家都在虔誠地,為了要開齋的儀式,虔誠禮拜。 For Muslims, they observe fasting for the month of Ramadan. This year, Ramadan began in July and ended in August. After Ramadan, people can eat during the day again. It’s a major holiday for Muslims just like our Chinese New Year. Everyone will celebrate and gather together to pray piously. 當大家在禮拜、虔誠的時候,伊斯蘭教國家的,慈濟人都紛紛在他們,開齋的之前到現在,一直開始在做發放。就如印尼, 印尼慈濟人. So, before the end of Ramadan, Tzu Chi volunteers in Muslim countries will hold aid distributions and other events so the poor can also enjoy the holiday. 大家都是開始啟動了,棉蘭的也發放給了,平常的清潔工、低收入的,就在這個時候開始,他們白天可以吃了,喝的、吃的,已經回復在正常的,平時的生活,所以這個時候,我們開始發放物資。 Take Indonesia for example. In Medan, our volunteers gave out rice to cleaning workers and those in need. When Ramadan ends people can eat during the day again and resume many activities in their daily life. So before, the end of Ramadan our volunteers will give out aid to the needy. 雅加達也是同時,也開始發放給平常的,我們的照顧戶,還有低收入者;這都是在印尼長期在接引,給他的物資,我們知道他很窮,我們宣導人人付出一點滴的愛。 In Jakarta, our volunteers also invited people from a poor community to a meal to celebrate the end of Ramadan. This is how our volunteers in Indonesia have been caring for the poor for years. Although these people are poor our volunteers still encourage them to give. 平常在竹筒裡投一些零錢,這些都是工資的零頭,希望這些錢可以由志工,拿去幫助別人,不僅我為別人付出,大家也都能為彼此付出。 “I put loose coins from my wage in the coin bank. I hope my donation can help others and more people can be inspired to help one another” 平常只要有零錢就投入竹筒,盡自己的能力捐善款,志工幫我,我也可以幫別人。 “I save as many coins as I can in the coin bank. Tzu Chi helps me and I want to help, too.” 給他們的竹筒,再來時,他們平常節省下來的,也可以窮人富有愛,也可以布施,幫助別人,「竹筒歲月」回娘家,這樣大家做得很開心。 See how they have saved up in the coin banks we gave them and brought the banks back to us so we could use the money to help the needy. Everyone was very happy doing this. 還有看到了菲律賓,在聖馬刁,我們今年的規畫,就為在聖馬刁有二十所的學校,有的低收入的家庭,孩子的生活、營養,我們就在二十個學校供應午餐,同時低收入戶,我們也給家庭的關心與幫助。我們也在那裡宣導著,「八分飽」的理念,同時也啟發人人一個銅板。 We also see that in the Philippines, our volunteers are giving out lunch vouchers to around 30,000 students from poor families in 20 schools in San Meteo of Rizal Province. At the same time, our volunteers also offer help and care for these poor families as well as encourage the students to eat 80% full and save one peso every day to help others. 一塊錢可以嗎?若捐一塊錢,我們會餓肚子嗎?不會,我們還能幫助別人。 “Will donating one peso a day starve us? No. And we can even help others” 這樣很好,可以幫助貧窮的孩子。 “It’s really good that I can help poor children.” 因為還有小孩比我還窮,我希望能幫助他們。 “There are children poorer than me, so I want to help them.” 每一天啟發出一個善念,把這樣的善念,天天讓孩子醞釀它在心中,我們小小的一點一滴地,來輔導、來播種,將來也都是一大片豐收良的田,在這孩子的身上,撒播著善的種子 By saving one peso every day, the children will give rise to a good thought every day. When we work to sow a seed of goodness in children’s minds like this, over time, we can reap an abundant harvest in the fields of their minds. This is how our volunteers sow seeds of goodness in these children. 給他們每天有一餐溫飽,營養餐。還教導他們如何孝與愛,對同學的友愛,對長輩的孝順,還要克制貪念,八分飽等等,這三萬多個孩子,都能把法聽進去,將來不也都是一粒粒的,很紮實的種子嗎? They not only give our lunch vouchers to them, but also inspire love in them by encouraging them to donate a peso every day, eat 80% full and save the remaining 20% to help others. If those 30,000 plus students can practice what our volunteers share with them, they’ll in turn inspire love in others when they grow up. 也說過,在南半球的非洲,慈濟人還是在用愛付出,雖然他們窮,也有心靈的財富,可以把臺灣的物資,他們分布在這樣的窮困的國度,跨國到莫三比克,在史瓦濟蘭,在賴索托,在辛巴威,這個時候是他們的冬天,及時應景,開始去做發放。 I often share with everyone how our local volunteers in Africa give with love. Although they’re materially poor, they’re spiritually rich. See how they have distributed rice from Taiwan and other supplies to the needy in Mozambique, Swaziland, Lesotho and Zimbabwe. They held aid distributions at this time as it is winter in Africa now. 同時你在發放的過程中,就可以啟發許多的愛心,這就是平常我們說,拉長情、擴大愛。修行,早上所說的,修行,我們要依循著,佛陀的芳蹤,他怎麼會來到人世間,來人世間的目標是為什麼?為什麼他會去修行?原來,佛陀,當初的悉達多太子。 As they gave out aid, they also encouraged people to give. This is how we can inspire love in everyone. As I said this morning, in learning the Buddha’s way, we need to first understand why the Buddha came to this world and what he came here to do. The Buddha was born as a prince. Why did he engage in spiritual cultivation? 他是為天下眾生苦難,要去探討出了一條道路出來,人間的路要怎麼走?才能走得人倫道德循環得好,這樣人心有人倫道德在心中,就會人與人之間心態調和,這樣心靈的調和,順著這種人間法,倫理道德觀來生活,就不會造成了人禍. It’s because he saw how living beings suffered and he wanted to find a path to end suffering and guide everyone onto that path by following moral ethics in their lives. When everyone abides by moral ethics, they’ll get along with one another and their minds will be in harmony and they lead their lives in line with moral ethics, they won’t bring disasters to the world. 也不會造成了人的貪婪,就傷害了大地,污染了虛空,造成了空氣、四大不調, 這都是要消滅掉貧窮,就是要增加人心的財富,才能這樣的貧窮慢慢地消,富慢慢地成長。 Moreover, they won’t give rise to greed and then do things to damage our environment, pollute the air, and disrupt Nature’s balance. So, to eliminate material poverty, we need to enrich people’s spiritual wealth. Only then can people gradually be lifted out of poverty and become wealthy. 富有不是有形的,富有是無形的,貧窮不是他的物資的貧,其實貧中之富,他還可以把他的力量來幫助人,這都是我們要付出,能解除眾生的貧,增長他們的富,心靈的富有,解決他們生活的貧困,增長了心靈的富有,這都是慈濟人在全球,在發揮的愛的能量。 By that, I don’t mean wealthy materially, but spiritually. Being materially poor is not really poor. Despite being poor, people can still give what they can to help others and become spiritually wealthy. So, we should do all we can to help lift people out of materially poverty and enrich their spiritual wealth. This is what Tzu Chi volunteers worldwide are working hard to do.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 07:42:35 +0000

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