20130817齊家治國‧醫王療疾 To Have a Balanced and - TopicsExpress


20130817齊家治國‧醫王療疾 To Have a Balanced and Peaceful Society youtube/watch?v=J4cLBHeKEcw 埃及武力的衝突,真的實在是慘不忍賭,人的心態,只是輕輕地一個動念,就重重地創傷,整個社會亂了,國、家、人民等等,就已經造成了這麼大的遺憾,什麼時候才能彌補過來呢?這樣的家園,什麼時候才能重新建設?尤其是無法彌補的,就是傷與亡。 The violent conflicts in Egypt are truly tragic and heartrending to witness. When people give rise to just a tiny negative thought, it can create mass casualties and plunge the society and country into chaos and disorder, which result in very regrettable circumstances for the individual, family and the nation. When would this be healed? When will their homeland be rebuilt? For those who became disabled or lost loved ones, their loss can never be restored. 看到了埃及的,這樣的人心安不下來,這種的衝突不可收拾,所以,人心不調,才會讓整個世間,這樣的成為五濁惡世,人,苦不堪。 Seeing what is happening in Egypt, where people cannot calm their hearts, causing ongoing unrest that spiral out of control. Indeed, when people’s minds are not in balance, that will cause the world to be a very difficult place to live in and bring unspeakable suffering to people. 何況大自然的天災,真的是什麼時候會發生,也不知道,這樣的人間,大自然已經不調,還有加上了人類不覺醒,這就是天地之間,都會常常看到了,遺憾的事情發生,人間只要心調和,社會就會平安。 Not to mention that natural disasters might strike at any moment. In our world now, Mother Nature is out of balance. On top of that, people haven’t awakened for what they have done. This is why, around the world, we often see regrettable events happen. If only people can bring their minds back in balance, our society will be safe and well. 也看到了慈濟人,他們到處把愛要帶給了人類,在這樣的七月,大家都是要宣導著,七月吉祥月、孝親月,日日行孝,行善不能等,要戒殺、要正信。 We also see Tzu Chi volunteers going around everywhere to spread love among humanity. In this seventh lunar month, our volunteers are going everywhere to change the erroneous perception of this month as “Ghost Month”. They share the principle of being filial and doing good every day as well as refraining from killing animals for offerings. 看到了臺北,今天晚上準備要在大安公園,舉行了祈福晚會,他們已經到了附近的,周圍有教堂,有清真寺,慈濟人都一一邀請,為了普天下的平安,人人來虔誠地祈禱,這都是宗教, 只要人生的宗旨正確,淨化人心,帶動人人的方向正確。 I see that in Taipei, our volunteers are preparing for this evening’s prayer event to be held at the Daan Park. They have already paid visits to a local catholic church, a Christian church, and a mosque to invite them to this prayer event in hopes that everyone can come together to pray for the wellbeing of all in the world. Indeed, religion is about guiding people to have a correct purpose in life and to purify people’s hearts so they can lead a wholesome life. 我們要彼此感恩、互相尊敬,共同就是為了一個愛的能量。 We need to be grateful to all religions for doing this and respect one another and we should all join together in spreading love. 所以,我們要好好地用心,慈濟的社區的祈禱,今天清水靜思堂,也有許亞芬的劇團,還有慈濟人的,父母恩重難報經,通通都在這個時候,在靜思堂,人人的虔誠,要和大家分享的,就是不要燒金紙,不要殺生,要茹素. We need to be mindful in doing this. Today, in our Qingshui Jing Si Hall, we will also have a prayer event for the community. Hsu Ya-fen and her Taiwanese opera troupe will present. Our Tzu Chi volunteers will also present a stage adaptation of “The Sutra of Profound Gratitude to Parents” for this occasion tomorrow. Everyone is putting on these events with piety in hopes of sharing with the public the concept of not burning paper money, not killing animals for offerings, and eating vegetarian. 這都是大家都在努力的。當然還有的就是在國外的,國外的慈濟人也是一樣,不斷地來響應著,這都是很令人感動的事情。 Everyone is working hard to spread these concepts. We also see Tzu Chi volunteers in other countries holding similar events to likewise encourage people to be filial, do good and eat vegetarian for the good of the environment. This is very touching. 總而言之,愛的能量看來,總是那樣的平安、吉祥,那樣的歡喜,所以,我們天天提高警覺,把心顧好, 我們要如何讓整個社會能祥和,所以要用心。 In a word, where people give of their love, there is such peace, auspiciousness and joy. So, every day, we should be vigilant in looking after our hearts. We should also be mindful in fostering peace and harmony in our society. 在海面上有一個,靠近臺灣的熱帶氣壓,假如能平平安安的,那就可以平安,假如來勢洶洶的,很多的因緣會合起來,它就會成為颱風。 Currently, in waters near Taiwan, there is a tropical depression. If it remains a tropical depression, then we can be safe and well, but, we are concerned that it might merge with a nearby weather system and become a typhoon. 所以一切的,要看這種的氣,氣就是業,我們人人要好好地,人人的心要調和,戒慎虔誠。 也看到了妙手、妙法、妙人醫,十年前的加馬刀,這樣的經過,已經超過了九百人,腦瘤能在那樣的無痛,不需要開腦,就可以幫助這樣的,長了腦瘤的病患. The forces affecting the development are in fact tied to what force of karma we create. So, we really need to keep our minds positive, harmonious, and balanced and be pious and vigilant. We also see the wondrous medical treatment by our doctors. Since our hospital installed the Gamma Knife system 10 years ago, it has treated over 900 patients. Patients who suffer from certain brain tumors are able to have their tumor treated, without having to go through painful, invasive surgery. 真的是造福人群。這一位花蓮的陳女士,是第一例的,接受加馬刀的,她開始這個腦瘤雖然是良性,良性,可是它會一直大起來,也不是好。 This has really benefited the patients. Ms. Chen was our first patient in Hualien who underwent the Gamma Knife radiosurgery. Even though her brain tumor was benign, it continued to grow and affected her health. 所以,開始是接受著,傳統的開刀,但是兩年後又是再長起來了,剛好她也很有福,醫技在發達中,我們的大醫王的妙手,也在精進中。 So, she underwent a traditional brain surgery to remove the tumor. But, two years later, the tumor grew back. She was fortunate that at that time, this new treatment was available. It was thanks to advancement in medical technology and our doctors’ diligence in continually improving their medical skills. 所以,有了這樣的妙手、妙法,加上了這樣的儀器,結合起來剛好,花了不少錢,幾億元的,這個機器安裝起來. So, with our doctors’ skills and knowledge and this new Gamma Knife system, we were able to provide this new treatment. Our hospital spent several hundred million NT dollars to install this equipment. 他說:「這個東西沒有人用過,妳敢用嗎?」 我說:「只要你做,我都敢,沒關係,因為既然大刀都試過了。」 他就說:「加馬刀妳要試試看嗎?要試試看嗎?」 我說:「好啊!反正就試試看,只要不用傳統的就好了。」 我記得,我開刀回來,好像是下午吧?下午我就進辦公廳了,我就開始上班。」 學生問:「我說老師妳去哪裡?」我就說老師去開會,他們也不知道我去開刀。 The doctors asked me: “Would you be willing to try a new treatment?”. I said, “If you are willing to do it, no problem.” Since I’s already gone through a big surgery before, when he asked if I would like to try the Gamma Knife radiosurgery, I said, “Sure, let’s try it, as long as I don’t have to go through traditional surgery again.” I remember I returned to work that very afternoon at the school I teach. My students asked me where I’d been that morning. I told them I had a meeting. They didn’t even know I’d a surgery. 她對大醫王的信心,有了信心的建立,有了這樣的妙手、妙法,精湛的這樣地為她做,一直到現在,根本沒有影響到她的工作。 She has such confidence in our doctors. With her confidence in our doctors, plus our doctor’s skills and knowledge, the treatment was able to be carried out. Ever since the treatment, she has been doing well and continues to work.. 看,這是造福人群,也已經超過九百例了,真的很感恩、感恩、感動。 See how this treatment has benefited more than 900 patients at our hospital. I am truly very grateful and very touched. 尤其是看到了,從印尼來的這一位,象腳的年輕人,他已經,那個腳已經開始,快快要恢復到了,正常人的一隻腳,分成了兩次來開刀 ,七位醫師,大家都要會合起來,那不是肉割下來而已,裡面還有淋巴等等,神經,全都要顧得很好。 We saw, in particular, a young patient from Indonesia, with Elephant Leg Disease. After surgery at our hospital, his leg is quickly on its way to returning to regular size. His treatment will require two surgeries in total. Seven doctors worked together to carry out the first surgery. It involved not just removing excess tissue, as there were also lymph nodes, nerves, etc that all had to be taken care of. 這都是一個很大的開刀,看著這樣的年輕人,慢慢可以恢復到了,就是年輕人的,應有的青春的希望,但願他這個腳恢復了以後,他雙腳可以走好路,做好事的,增加了這樣的人間菩薩, 看了很多,就這樣的地為了,因為有了慈濟的醫療系統,跨國來的重症病患,都是這樣來解脫了,他的身體的苦難。 It was a very intensive surgery. We see that thanks to this surgery, this young man will be able to have the kind of hopeful future that a normal young person has. We hope that after his leg recovers, he will walk the right path in life, do good deeds, and become a living bodhisattva. We have seen many such cases where thanks to Tzu Chi’s hospital system, foreign patients with serious conditions have been successfully treated and relieved of their physical suffering. 同時建立了心靈的開闊,心開運轉福就來,這都是造福人間,真的很感恩。 At the same time, here, they started to open their hearts and minds. Once their hearts open, their life can change for the better. People’s lives are truly being bettered. I am truly very grateful.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 06:40:26 +0000

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