2014 GNFL Jmc Truck & Loader Hire. Club Person of the Year Award - TopicsExpress


2014 GNFL Jmc Truck & Loader Hire. Club Person of the Year Award winner - Shirley Hocking, Towns Football Club. Shirley, a life member of the Towns Football Club, has been a tireless worker for our club for the past 27 years. As with all volunteers she will be horrified at this nomination but that is what makes her so special to our club. She is a tireless working who shies away from recognition and praise but is so deserving. Only having 2 daughters a football club is a strange place for her to spend the majority of her time and energy but her connection with the Towns Football Club began in 1987 when her daughter Nicky was asked to be to be our “Miss Football Entrant”. Shirley actively helped Nicky with her fundraising efforts and from that point on she has always had the Towns Football Club in her heart. Throughout the years she has volunteered and been involved in many ways. The largest part of her time at our club has been volunteering as treasurer for in excess of 15 years, it is a testament to her that it is so difficult to put an exact date on these things because she is probably the best person to ask about anything at our club, she is the “Gate Keeper” as such and obviously we couldnt ask her about this. She has guarded the clubs money as if it were her own and there has never been a committee so brave as to ask to spend money frivolously as they all know they will have to get it past Shirl. From the very beginning she has been rostered on to help with running the clubs weekly bingo, which is a huge undertaking even now but back in the early days that also meant making 40 plus rounds of sandwiches every Tuesday to provide to the bingo players for supper. The list of areas she has and still does help in is endless, Friday night meals, Sunday night meals, washing, mending and sewing sponsor tags onto players jumpers, baking and helping in the canteen and for wakes are just a few roles she has fulfilled . She along with her husband Allan have supported the club through its many fundraising efforts. In the 90’s they built and on sold 3 houses to help raise much needed funds for the extension of our club rooms and the erection of the grandstand area, without which today the club couldnt hold the events it does. Through the years Shirley has been there to support our club in any way needed and has always been the person to call to answer any question or organize anything. This commitment even carried through to her first remembered “Sick Leave” when she broke her arm and leg late last year. Without her there the club and committee members certainly noticed then how many times a day someone would utter the words “Just ring Shirl, she will get it done”. Behind the scenes she has always been a caring and supportive member of our club. Her children recall her having “Orphans Christmases” inviting all the players who didnt have family in the area to their house for Christmas day. They also recall players staying with them when they were in need. This “motherly” commitment continues today having players and their partners over for meals and just genuinely caring about them and their well being. The list could go on and on but there is no end to her love of and commitment to our club. Shirley is a hardworking, honest and caring member of our club and we are very proud to nominate her for the JMC Truck & Loader Hire GNFL 2014 Club Person of the Year Award. Well done Shirley!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 04:20:49 +0000

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