2015: Aspirants intensify battle for Abia’s soul: The political - TopicsExpress


2015: Aspirants intensify battle for Abia’s soul: The political atmosphere in Abia State currently, has assumed an interesting dimension as contenders intensifyn their consultations with stakeholders with a view to gaining the upper hand, either during the party primaries or at the general election proper. Nocturnal meetings, house to house visitations and one-on-one contact as well as lobbying by proxy have become the order of the day. The contenders, along with their foot soldiers are combing every nook and cranny of the state to make sure that nobody feels neglected in their governorship aspirations. The most visible aspirants are majorly from the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), who feel that Abia State is there for the party to pick. And among those gunning to succeed Governor Theodore Orji are former Deputy Governor and now Senator, representing Abia South at the Senate currently, Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe, Senator Nkechi Nwaogu, Mr. Uche Oga, Mr. Okey Emutchay, a lawyer, Friday Nwosu, Hon. Acho Nwakanma and Chief Mark Wabara and probably the current Managing Director of the Diamond Bank, Dr. Alex Oti. Expectedly, these aspirants have all visited the state PDP secretariat in Umuahia to intimate the party leadership formally of their intent to take part in the primaries that would lead to the election of a candidate that will contest for the state’s plum job. Of all the aspirants, only the Senate spokesman, Uche Oga and Senator Ikechi Nwaogu have been visible on the field. Nwaogu is so visible that some people who feel threatened by her aspiration have allegedly been attacking her and her supporters. But she has told whoever cares to listen that, she is determined to be the first female chief executive Governor of Abia State, whether her detractors like it or not. Uche Oga has not also left political watchers in doubt of his commitment to serve his state as governor from May 29, 2015. Towards this end, the aspirant from the Abia North Senatorial District is not leaving any stone unturned towards clinching his party’s ticket to succeed Governor Orji. However, what may likely be an inhibition for both Oga and Nwaogu is the perceived zoning formula that appears to be in favour of the Abia South Senatorial District. Both Oga and Nwaogu are from Abia North and Abia Central senatorial Districts respectively. Against that backdrop, the odds appear to be in favour of the aspirants from the supposedly favoured Abia South where Abaribe and others hail from. And unarguably, of all the aspirants, perhaps, the Senate Spokesman, Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe appears more businesslike as he goes about his consultations with vigour as if he has his eyes beyond the party ticket. He exudes a kind of confidence and enthusiasm that make politics interesting and worthwhile. This, some political analysts attributed to his political pedigree not only in the state but also nationally. Presently, Abaribe is the mouthpiece of the Senate, the highest Legislative Chambers in the land for over seven years now. The vigour he applied to the project without contravening any known electoral law or act has taken him round several Local Governments in the three Senatorial Districts where the reception accorded him has been warmed his heart. The Senate Spokesman has convinced all his admirers and foes alike that his grassroots mobilization acumen has become unrivalled in the Abia State’s political history. Some of the Local Governments he had visited are: Ukwa East, Ukwa West, Obingwa, Isiala Ngwa North, Umunneochi, Isikwuato, Bende, Ikwuano, Aba North and Aba South. Talking of electoral value, Nwaogu and Abaribe can lay claim to being assets to the PDP as both had won elections to represent their people. In addition to winning election to be Senator, Abaribe’s election as Deputy Governor is an added advantage coupled with his being from the Southern axis of the state. But since democracy is about playfield for everybody, irrespective of where you come from or your socio-political leaning and religious belief, what is likely to play out in Abia State will be in line with Abaribe’s chieftaincy title- Alasaala, meaning; the land is fertile and wide enough to accommodate all. Inspite of Abaribe’s grassroots followership that is so passionate and emotional, the prevailing fear is that Abaribe may not be favoured by some elites in the state on ground that he cannot be caged or controlled by them. However, Abaribe’s popularity has also sent jitters down the spine of his perceived opponents, who have resorted to innuendoes and sponsorship of false publications apparently to slow down his wide acceptability in the state. Analysts nonetheless waved it off saying it is just a futile tactic to play catch-up by other aspirants. At every stop, Abaribe restates his commitment to serve the state well adding that what he will bring to governance is integrity, honesty and transparency. Observers believe that the contest will no doubt elicit national interest because of the personalities involved and also against rumours that there could be a clandestine push to impose a candidate who has not even shown interest to consult people of the state, but are said to be waiting on the state governor for anointing. A position which Governor Orji has serially debunked insisting that he will ensure a level playing field and would not impose anybody on people of Abia. In all, the heat is on and of course a frenzied apprehension is trailing every move, but the people of the state seems resolute in demanding a fair and level playing field for all the aspirants. The people readily quote governor of Cross River State, Senator Liyel Imoke who declared recently that any aspiring governor waiting for his endorsement is not ready and has nothing to offer in governance of the state. Original link Read More goo.gl/SxUys5 (y) ✍comment ☏share
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 01:50:09 +0000

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