28/11/2014 Wow, time has really flown by, and we are feeling - TopicsExpress


28/11/2014 Wow, time has really flown by, and we are feeling under the pump to get everything finished before Fridays closing ceremony. All three lower classrooms are now complete. We just need to give them a good sweep, and rearrange the furniture. They look fantastic, so bright and clean. We had a little issue with the painting of the upstairs rooms as one of the paint batches was bad and peeled when you added another layer on top of it. Each professional painter mixes the batches differently. The paint is very different to the type used in Australia. It is very runny, and they use plaster and other powders to create it. The other day, the team was freaked out that the white paint was purple and the walls that they had painted were a lovely lavender colour. The paint dried white though. We have two hours this morning in order to finish the doors, windows, and lower half of one of the classrooms. Andrew, Candice, Viyom and I began the school day with the kids as they did their morning stretches. They think its hilarious and are always looking to the back of their line to see what we are doing. Exercises include marching on the spot, neck rolling, twisting from side to side, bending forwards and backward, clapping your hands above your head, and touching your toes. After lunch, the guys kicked around the AFL and soccer balls with some of the kids. They have really picked up the skill of kicking the footy quickly. Yesterday they learnt how to handball too. At 2pm we had our official (and like all Nepali things done this week, it was very official!) Australia versus Nepal soccer match. Their team came kitted out in brand new soccer clothes and boots of varying colours. Our team played in their work clothes. The game started with both teams lining up and singing their national anthem. I then had to hand over the soccer ball to the ref ready for play to start. Our boys really put in a good effort in the first half with the scoreline only being 0-1. Unfortunately for us, the other team picked up their accuracy in the second half and managed to kick 5 more goals. Our one goal was kicked by a very accurate Josh. While the boys were playing, all the girls and littlies were on the sides cheering on. Candice and Mel got their side of the pitch to learn the Mexican wave. I tried to get my Year 10 girls to do it but they were less coordinated. However, I was very successful in getting them to learn the Aussie Aussie Aussie chant. One time they even led out in the chorus themselves lol. On the walk back to the bus stop, we stopped at a local holy place and village as they desperately wanted to say hello and thank us for our efforts. Team members were given a tikka on their foreheads and 10 rupees. They then handed around small bowls made of leaves and filled with milk, curd powder, sugar, and a little bit of cow dung (yep, you read that correctly). Some members were brave enough to drink it, but not me. I did try the plate of fruit and vegetables that they provided us with that had potato, yam, sugar cane, Apple and banana. Worship was done by the campfire where everyone mentioned their favourite experience so far. For lots of members it was the personal interactions with the kids. Happy Friday everybody!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 23:07:19 +0000

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