. 4,000-YEAR-OLD STATUE FOUND ON MOON? Have you heard the - TopicsExpress


. 4,000-YEAR-OLD STATUE FOUND ON MOON? Have you heard the news?” called Carl, breathlessly. “A noted scientist has just produced proof that the lunar surface was inhabited by intelligent life: a 10-inch angel sculpture embedded in a moon rock.” “Tell me more.” “Well, NASA lab workers chipped the angel from one of the rocks brought to Earth by Apollo 11 astronauts 40 years ago, in 1969. "It was announced by Dr. Morris Charles. He was a NASA scientist for 23 years He left the agency in 1987. But he still has close ties to many of his old colleagues. “Anyway, the statue has wing-like appendages and long flowing hair. It is hand polished to a silvery metallic sheen. And it’s made of an iron compound supposedly found only in the highlands of the moon.” “Why no news until now?” I asked skeptically. Carl grimaced. “Jonathan, in your work you surely know better. Space agency higher-ups have kept the information highly classified, fearing world-wide panic. But it’s been common knowledge among NASA insiders for years.” “So where is this artefact?” “It was smuggled out by persons who must, for obvious reasons, remain anonymous. Dr Charles has it in his possession.” “Has NASA made any comment?” “NASA officially denies Dr. Charles’ allegations. The statue was displayed to photographers and newsmen but is now being held for further study at an undisclosed location.” THE REPORT – GENUINE OR NOT? Well, [firstname], I am normally skeptical of such reports. My work as an archaeologist demands solid evidence – or at least the weight of evidence. Whether this artefact is real or not remains to be proven. To anyone with a limited understanding of physics and ancient history, very little brain power is needed to call something “bunk”. All it requires is to close one’s eyes, guess, and be negative in the hopes one might be right. With some suspicion, I noted that the report appears to drift off into ancient astronaut theory and never returns to discussing the statue. Tell me, if something is ancient and sophisticated, does that mean it came from another planet? There are only three options for any such artefact. Either: (a) It came from a moon civilization (b) It came from outer space visitors (c) It came from our very own earth SO, how did people react to the announcement? Here are some responses: * “Absolutely mind-boggling. So at one time the moon had an atmosphere conducive to life – and was home to a sophisticated race of people with a sense of beauty.” * “Nonsense. The moon cannot support an atmosphere because of its low gravity, so the theory that the moon once supported life is bunk.” * “Not so fast! Gravity on the moon is equal to 64% that of earth, so there is a breathable atmosphere.” * The Moon cannot, nor ever has, supported an atmosphere! There as never been ‘Life existing ON the Moon.’ However that doesn’t mean the statue wasn’t ether dropped off or made on the moon by a previous civilization.” * “Or maybe they lived underground or in structures that afforded them clean air or whatever resource they needed.” * “Oh, come on! There is no proof that the rock is from the moon. Probably the stone came from Earth in the first place. Major boo-boo for NASA?” * “Didn’t the Sumerians tell stories of winged deities, as far back as 18th century BC? Maybe the Sumerians were visited by these moon beings, and merely modelled the statue after their image. Many drawings by the Sumerian show beings with wings. These were not part of the body, but accessories of a flight suit.” * “There are many a strange structures on the moon. Someone’s been to the moon.” * “There is abundant evidence that ancient civilizations existed here on earth, and that they were technologically more advanced than we are. You cannot confuse ‘Ancient Cultures’ with ‘Primitive Cultures’. ANCIENT MAN WENT TO THE MOON?: It is an axiom that the simplest, or most likely, answer to a question is usually the correct one. For years I have been stating, with good evidence, that ancient man had the ability and the technology for flight. But not just flight. In a remote northern area of Tibet lie the ruins of the Hsing Nu capital, discovered by Duparc in 1725. Within the city, Duparc came upon a mass of monoliths (once coated with silver), a pyramid, part of a tower of blue porcelain, and a royal palace, containing thrones with sun and moon images. There was also a large milky white stone surrounded by exquisite drawings. Now for the stunning sequel. In 1952, a Soviet expedition arrived. The group was shown by Tibetan monks some ancient documents, whose descriptions agreed with those of Duparc. But here is the breathtaking part: the milky white stone, so said the documents, was "brought from the moon." Moon rock? Is it possible? Could man actually have left this earth and gone to the moon in ages past? Was space travel a natural adjunct to his civilization? Are there clues? Indeed there are. Indications of the reality of ancient space travel do come from widely separated parts of the world. Written and oral tradition is widespread—and, it seems, reliable. NEVER PUBLISHED FICTION Chinese historians in particular never tried to please their rulers at the expense of truth. Death was preferred to untruthful reports of history. As an example we have the fate of historians in the reign of Chi in 547 B.C. We should therefore take seriously the historical reports of China, even if they seem at first to he far-fetched. There is a tendency in scientific circles nowadays to regard ancient documents and even mythology and folklore - as sources of history. Anthony Roberts expresses it this way: "Legends are like time-capsules that preserve their contents through ages of ignorance." In regard to some of the chronicles cited hereafter, internal evidence will carry its own proofs of authenticity. According to an ancient Chinese history, shortly before 2000 BC, the engineer of Emperor Yao decided to go to the moon. The "celestial bird" provided him with information on his trip. He explored space by "mounting the current of luminous air" (the exhaust of a fiery rocket?). Hou Yih flew into space where "he did not perceive the rotary movement of the sun." (This statement is of paramount importance in corroborating the story because it is only in space that man cannot see the sun rise or set.) On the moon he saw the ‘frozenlooking horizon" and erected a building, "the Palace of Cold". His wife Chang Ngo likewise flew to the moon, which she found a "luminous sphere, shining like glass, of enormous size and very cold; the light of the moon has its birth in the sun," she declared. (Chang Ngo’s moon exploration report was correct. Apollo II astronauts found the moon desolate with a glasslike soil— and parts of it even paved with pieces of glass. Most of the moon, at any given time, is in the throes of extreme cold. It plunges to minus 250 degrees Fahrenheit at midnight.) The ancient Greek scientist Empedocles had also declared that the moon was made of glass. Such precise knowledge implies on-site inspection of the moon in the remote past. A story from this same period in Chinese history speaks of an enormous ship which sailed on the sea with brilliant lights which were extinguished during the day. It could also sail to the moon, hence its name, the boat to the moon". This giant ship which could travel in the sky or sail the seas was seen publicly for 12 years. For your interest, there is heaps more information about ancient space travel from planet Earth in my book “Dead Men’s Secrets” ( beforeus ) While we’re speaking of China, "The Shi Ching" book says that when the Emperor saw crime and vice rising in the world, "he commanded Chong and Li to cut off communication between the earth and the sky—and since then there has been no more going up or down." Is this not a clear indication of the cessation of space travel in the past? A MODERN MOON MYSTERY It was July 20, 1969, the occasion of the first moon landing. During the last reconnaissance flight around the moon, preceding the landing, one of the astronauts made an unexpected announcement: he had just seen the contours of what seemed to be some sort of seven-story structure. What was it that he saw? Might it have been the "Palace of Cold"? Why did they subsequently delete this from rebroadcasts? They cut 11 minutes out of the broadcast. (But it was too late. We had already heard it.) If there is a single, ancient, long-abandoned edifice on the moon, if there is a single object indicating earlier intelligence, if there is still one recognizable rock drawing to be found, then just think what such a find would do to our conventional history. Now, I know it is trendy to talk about space aliens as having their origins in some distant galaxies. But is this really the most plausible explanation of the UFO phenomenon? Or does the truth - and the evidence - lie in a different direction? WARNING: PREPARE YOURSELF FOR SOME SHOCKS In all the 5 years since I began sending out this newsletter, seldom have I gone public with such explosive information. I know some people who just can’t handle this. This "FEARSOME FOURSOME" of cover-up secrets will ANGER and SHOCK many people – but it has to come out now. I can hold back no longer. If you love TRUTH, you will be glad these explosive facts are OUT AT LAST! When you see this information you will agree – some of it is pure ARCHAEOLOGY DYNAMITE. And some is PRESENT DAY NUCLEAR-POWERED INFORMATION. It is stuff that some people kill for – literally!!!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 16:30:35 +0000

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