4. The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is the Administrator and - TopicsExpress


4. The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is the Administrator and Executor of the kingdom. He is the only One who can reveal the things of the kingdom and of its King. (See, for example, 1 Corinthians 2:11–12.) When we receive the Holy Spirit, we become carriers of the kingdom of God, which is revealed in and through us by the Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, there is no kingdom or government of God. The Holy Spirit is always at work in the lives of God’s people who yield themselves to Him. He produces great spiritual activity, manifesting miracles, healings, signs, and wonders. He generates the supernatural both within the church and in the kingdom at large. If the Holy Spirit were to be removed from our midst, we would be left with only a theoretical, theological, and historical kingdom without power, one that would be unable to produce change or transformation in people. Righteousness, peace, and joy are possible only where the Holy Spirit operates. The church deceives itself when it talks about the kingdom of God and Christianity but fails to allow the supernatural power of God to be revealed in people’s lives. How is it possible for us to preach the kingdom of God while at the same time ignoring, rejecting, and criticizing the things of the Spirit? How can we teach on the kingdom without mentioning being filled with the Holy Spirit? How can we proclaim a kingdom of power without producing healings, miracles, signs, and wonders as visible proof? How can we welcome the kingdom and not give the Holy Spirit the freedom to move among us? We must seek to manifest the kingdom, in all its fullness, in our own lives and in our world. During a miracle crusade in South America, I met Efraín Sigala. He had spent twenty years of his life connected to an oxygen tank, and he was tired of living that way. He couldn’t work (he had been a pastor), and he was hardly able to walk, so that he had been declared handicapped. Every day, he felt faint. He would pray to God for strength to keep going. Though Efraín was a Christian, he didn’t know the supernatural power of God, and he didn’t know about my ministry. However, some of his friends, who were also pastors, told him how the Spirit of God moves during my services, and they paid for an entry ticket so he could attend our meetings. Full of expectancy, Efraín declared that he would return home totally healed. During the time of ministry, while I prayed for a baby and a woman who was having difficulty breathing, Efraín said to his wife, “The time has come.” He made his way to the altar and shared his story. He explained that he had pulmonary fibrosis, which had caused inflammation and scar tissue in the pulmonary walls, damaging his vocal cords. He had a hard time breathing, and his body was functioning at a low capacity. Also, a valve in his heart was blocked, and the doctors suspected that he had cancer. I prayed for him and, in the name of Jesus, I cursed the sickness and decreed the spirit of life and the health of heaven upon his body. Suddenly, he began to tremble under the power of the Holy Spirit. When he stopped shaking, his eyes shone brightly. As an act of faith, he removed his oxygen mask and breathed in deeply several times. Immediately, he started to move and walk without a problem. He was healed! He walked the entire platform and even ran across it. His skin had been yellowish before the miracle, but now it had a healthy pink glow. Efraín was the epitome of happiness! His lungs were healed, and he has not needed the oxygen tank since. He also regained full use of his limbs. This is true Christianity—the power of God visibly manifested through us, His children. The supernatural demonstration of the kingdom comes only by the Holy Spirit, not by theology or doctrine
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 04:45:42 +0000

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