4 WAYS TO PRACTICE OF SPIRITUAL VALUES .... It should not be - TopicsExpress


4 WAYS TO PRACTICE OF SPIRITUAL VALUES .... It should not be copied or imitate the lifestyle, culture or religion of other groups, just for the sake of wanting to belong to that group. To purchase a lifestyle we should be unique and accurate in our abilities and learning. Orula said he is in the clothing, and the appearance of his devotees, but mostly on good behavior. While we may be very devout, if there is no knowledge about something, together with the practicality of that knowledge, you only will be repeated, with no real awareness of what it does, because not part of his training as an individual or as a religious .no one equals one, and we are all unique, as well as the fingers, so also human beings, with a specific function. Practitioners lifestyle Ifa-Orisha, often going to find imitators, or in some cases innovative, but somehow copied from here and there. These must have followers very loyal to them, to have their protection, and respect against other groups, because people hardly, who has not acquired knowledge or understanding of this science, or lifestyle, could not follow being faithful to his alleged faith, which originally appeared by a need to be saved from any danger. What is meant is that followers may be people who have received a benefit from the attention of a representative of Ifa-Orisha and has just solved an issue that needed to be resolved in a moment of his life. The people, who even though, continue the path of Ifa-Orisha, to finally benefit from certain ceremonies and learning the correct place of origin of their ceremonies, they MUST be faithful followers and correct in respect to their elders and all things be clear that the study and understanding of the sacred signs of Ifa, is not a day of study, or talk desktop. Sometimes, some of the professional lifestyle Ifa-Orisha, simply imitate each other, in the name of tradition. But they lack a truly comprehensive understanding of history, the amplitude and the psychology of lifestyle Ifa-Orisa, the vast majority will feel tempted to copy what others seem to be doing. And this is true, copied to the dress of the types of images that are shared online, like the definition of objectives and spiritual aspirations. We can not ignore that the attire and in certain religious rituals are necessary elements for priests, that officiating, but once completed, the specific activity of liturgical worship, the priest leaves certain adornments or clothing, aposentados, to next opening. Although, we must also point out that certain Orthodox groups in all religions, or cultural directions, being main representatives and guides of their group are distinguished by being dressed different than his followers. In parts of Africa, in fact, slaves spruce in the same way, ostentatious, alike their kings, with the only difference that the slave will be dressed, without shoes. Here, it is important to emphasize the irrefutable fact that there are things that simply can not be copied. Ifa teaches that My devotees are in my clothes, but making allusion to the importance of proper behavior, as a worthy representative of Ifa, in this, it should be noted, the importance of having very close followers, who give us the full respect as their elders, because this way, both will be largely protected, and are made to look good at the same time. But it is well known in America, lationamerica, and even in Europe that does not closely follow the commandments of IFA as it should be. Looking sadly as new initiates greatly, lacking of respect to their elders, either leaving the place of origin of their ceremonies, or the elders not giving adequate attention to his followers. In this sense, no matter how diligently tries to imitate other devotees, you can not copy people, culture and heritage, understanding the environment that surrounded them himself. You can not be me, and I can not be you, will be able to separate us from many differences, from the day we are born and our education and culture as well as the environment that we have unfolded. You can not double its resources and capabilities, such as carbon paper copies. So as have been developed, many in their eagerness to be like others, has resulted, to face a particular set of historical and environmental realities, therefore having within their followers, his worse detractors, because according the behavior and success of its adherents, its what you talk about, but also according to the behavior and understanding of their adherents depend your success !. Then we return to the imitation fails, if there are no real knowledge, and respect. Ultimately, the ability to differentiate from others is really what it claims Olodumare. The elders have always told us that we are all unique and different, and fingers of your hand is a reminder. Each individual has a different role and a unique role in your ability to do things, so that each individual is unique, and we should always show it, it is for a good reason. And while there are numerous ways to distinguish yourself as part of lifestyle Ifa-Orisa, highlighted in the following: Quality: The best way to stand out is to consistently deliver a high quality performance in relation to their natural gifts and talents. Once it has become consistent, people attending will trust you. Then his name alone will be enough to win the trust, and you do not have to worry about trying to fit following appearances, a cookie cutter, or advertise as reflector gateway. But the ad is allowed, if his detractors point out, you have the obligation, to show what you are in the field, you serve, within its capabilities, meaning own abilities, which could also have its limitations. Innovation: Being innovative is one of the most universal human values. Was Buckminster Fuller who said that the best way to overcome adversity, not fighting it. Instead, the best thing to do is make it obsolete. In other words, be a problem solver, it will make creative, and necessary. Helping people get good results in a better way, without compromising the integrity and tradition to their own practices and beliefs. Serving: Serve is talking about loyalty, and talk about this is not officially an open issue, though many are not loyal, but loyalty is important, lifestyle Ifa-Orisha. But the best way to win the loyalty should not be through control, however, might seem to believe that there is control, because if you want people to be loyal to you, and your spiritual community, we should show real concern for people we serve. The tricks, stunts, fraud and lies, and also attachment to amaze others, nevertheless, will be able to hold the attention of people just for a while. But if you can communicate, the philosophy of service to the people it serves, its people will feel that you care about them. But nevertheless, people that you attend, MUST want to be saved first, otherwise people will come and go, not only space but the space even other servers Ifa-Orisha. Think about it: It is much easier permancer with someone you like, inspires respect, and besides, there is a genuine, mutual concern, including server and who is receiving the service. Focusing an Ecosystem: Its amazing how few priests, and professionals who take seriously the premises, or worrying about community issues. We should understand the consequences, and social, current trends are quite obvious. Basically understand issues such as youth development, ancestral societies, environmental sustainability, economic empowerment, and family management are just some of the recurring themes that emerge every year. By integrating these concerns, in practice, it provides a way to connect to the substantial group of other people in your community who care about the same issues could be better understood, the aspectacion of sacred ordums IFA (signs). So it should also understand that these are characteristics that will strengthen their position, to stand out in a crowd. In other words, when you show your values, will become more difficult, others to emulate you, either if they use a neon sign, or a few slogan, or photos on the network, or the current means of difucion. The practice of their real spiritual values, will have the most powerful influence in your relationships with people that you truly care. More than the number of initiations and titles, which is known can be bought, is through a real serious contribution, accurate, concise and real background knowledge, you could make a full contribution, and gain credibility revealing their higher purpose. Which aims to guide others, what should really show is deep spiritual values, and a real understanding of what it professes. (from the teachings of Obafemi Origunwa) -translated, interpreted and amended by: ~Iyalorisha Abebeozun ~
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 23:54:14 +0000

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