4. teabagger A misinformed, right-wing corporate media consumer - TopicsExpress


4. teabagger A misinformed, right-wing corporate media consumer who often fails to understand that BOTH major parties represent a corrupt plutocracy that steals from the middle class by taxing labor and profiting from corporate tax subsidies. A teabagger also often fails to acknowledge that George W. Bush and his neo-conservative minions perpetrated one of the boldest and most egregious executive power grabs in the history of the United States. Furthermore, teabaggers mistakenly continue to blame a newly elected President Obama for all that ails the United States of America, based on a grossly flawed perception of reality (including latent racial prejudice) and despite the fact the U.S. economy collapsed on the previous administrations watch. Teabaggers are also known to base their misguided, right-wing-media-inspired beliefs about President Obama on stupid conspiracy theories about totalitarian takeovers, FEMA camps, etc., despite the fact these very same theories have been circulating around on the Internet for years, and were originally ascribed to neo-conservative cabalists at a time when Barack Obama had not even entered national politics. Teabaggers also are known to be particularly paranoid, xenophobic and intolerant, especially with regard to immigrants and anyone who isnt white. Additionally, teabaggers generally echo stupid myths about entitlement spending (it actually only accounts for about 1% of federal budget spending), have no idea that most poor people i... more... mark as favorite buy teabagger mugs & shirts brainwashed misfit idiot fool foxlover by deepshot Apr 20, 2009 add a video 4335 up, 3083 down 5. Teabagger 1. n. A man that dips his scrotum and testicles into the mouth of another person. (as if dipping a tea bag into hot water) 2. n. A conservative activist who is so ignorant that they protest against tax cuts (that benefit them) by throwing tea into a river. Earl squatted down and teabagged Betty Lou by dipping his nutsack into her open mouth. Billy Ray cheered while he watched the teabaggers protest on FOX news. mark as favorite buy teabagger mugs & shirts nutsack scrotum coin purse balls nuts testicles nads family jewels testes by r0d Apr 13, 2009 add a video 5286 up, 4119 down 6. teabagger A conservative republican who protests against income taxes by rubbing their nutsacks in each others faces. Senator David Vitter is a teabagger who wants to cut government programs during a recession.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 07:18:35 +0000

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