40 Days of Truth: Day 21 In 1992..after the military..while - TopicsExpress


40 Days of Truth: Day 21 In 1992..after the military..while playing pickup basketball with my baby brother, cousin and some other local cats in college..I lost some teeth. An elbow caught the front right and right lateral incisors. Upon exit from my mouth, they ripped through my gums leaving a massive hole and me looking like a first grader. I had to wait 2 weeks for my mouth to heal to take a dental imprint. So for 2 weeks I walked around looking like a 22 yr old, 62 chocolate jack o lantern. My self confidence took a BIG HIT. Confidence (noun) - full trust. belief in the powers, trustworthiness or reliability of a person or thing. Self Confidence refers to belief in the aforementioned that emanates from within, but, is inclusive of appearance, which can have a profound effect on ones inner self. For two weeks I held my laugh, limited my conversation and basically shut myself off from everyone in an attempt to keep from being embarrassed about this chasm in the front of my face. Unfortunately..by the time I got artifical teeth, I had developed a rhythm of isolation and insecurity that began to grow like an out of control brush fire. I sometimes wrestle with it to this very day. Feeling like people notice the oral deformity..whether they do or dont. This makes me defensive. When one is defensive..loving others is nowhere on lifes radar as he/she is preoccupied DEFENDING themselves. But well talk about that another day. The truth? We all have taken that hit to our self confidence in some form or another. In your life...what or who was it that made you smile less..hold your laugh..feel the need to be isolated? Even after healing happened..the habit continued. Ill encourage you to ask The Lord to search you and show you, YOU. You cannot address what you are unaware of. 22 years later..my mouth is still being updated. Got a new smile on the way as we speak. While its better than looking like one of the Spinx brothers..itll never be like it was before that day on the basketball court in Zionsville with LaSalle Thompson III, Jason Williams. My gf blessed me Friday with the following: There are some things we as people will never get over. It is through Jesus, we learn how to adjust and keep moving. But, just know, that its okay if you never get over it. Lastly. My guy whose elbow I caught? I saw him at a restaurant in 04. We dapped..exchanged pleasantries. He told me he caught the same type of elbow in the same place and had his teeth replaced. WOW. So..just know..If you alter a smile..you will also alter your own. NOTE: The elbow I caught was totally inadvertent..no ill will whatsoever. Part of the game. The story is merely incorporated into my ministry..as exhibited here.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 13:17:12 +0000

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