432 minus 13 is 419 normal seated people in the house those 13 are - TopicsExpress


432 minus 13 is 419 normal seated people in the house those 13 are the following; 1. Speaker of the House $223,500 per annum 2. Majority and Minority Leaders $193,400 per annum 3. Chief Administrative Officer $172,500 per annum 4. Clerk of the House $172,500 per annum 5. Sergeant at Arms $172,500 per annum 6. Chaplain $172,500 per annum (no separation of god and state here) 7. Legislative Counsel $172,500 per annum 8. Law Revision Counsel $172,500 per annum 9. Parliamentarian $172,500 per annum 10. Inspector General $172,500 per annum 11. Director, Antiparliamentary Affairs $172,500 per annum 12. General Counsel to the House $172,500 per annum Now that leaves us with 419 getting paid $17,400 Add that together $7,506,880 Saved if we don’t pay them This doesn’t count the countless employees that serve under them or the money that is allotted to them for things like office furniture and travel expenses. And that is just the house on a yearly salary The salary of the President is $400,000 per year, including a $50,000 expense allowance. Presidential Retirement and Maintenance. Former President Clinton will get an annual pension of $151,800 plus up to $150,000 a year to maintain an office and staff. Had Hillary Clinton not been elected to the U.S. Senate, she would have received $20,000 per year as a former First Lady. So add the $7,506,880 and it comes to $8,258,680 The senate $25,458,600 a year Now take your average military member $56,361.00 taxed Now if all these people made that it would come up to a lot less BAM! Cut their pay checks and problem x is solved! A senator only has to do 2 terms and gets benefits for life so not only are seated members taken care of with all that money and benefits but the retired ones are too So there is some food for thought! I say the money should be spent a little wiser!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 20:37:58 +0000

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