5 Cs TO A SUCCESSFUL LIVING (By Tawiahs Reflections) Nehemiah - TopicsExpress


5 Cs TO A SUCCESSFUL LIVING (By Tawiahs Reflections) Nehemiah was successful in the rebuilding of the Walls of Jerusalem when he adopted these 5 Steps, and these form the foundation for every success in this life. Lets consider them; 1. CONCERN - Nehemiah was concerned over the damaged life of Jerusalem, and that was his motivation (Until you and I appreciate the fact that we can leave a better life than what we are living now, we cant have a fruitful and meaningful life. Be concerned about your state of life. Examine your life and youll realize that you can achieve more. Admit that things are not right for Me. Thats the motivation) 2. CONFESSION - Nehemiah then consulted God for the bad state of his country, and in the process, he together with the people ensured that anything that could serve as impediments were done away to enable them have God taken charge of everything. (A meaningful life can never be achieved without God. So as we attempt to change the unpleasantness in our lives, we need to ensure we establish a very healthy relationship with God. We cant do without Him, brethren) 3. COMMITMENT - Nehemiah set his heart to do something to change the situation he and his people found themselves and so he started a project and this he was committed to do. (Set your heart to do something specific to change the unpleasant situation in your life, and be committed to that project. Its not a matter of going round complaining and crying, but its a matter of finding something to do to change your situation, and be committed to achieving it) 4. COURAGE - Nehemiah was courageous to withstand the threats from the enemies. They were powerful, though. (Anything good comes with opposition. Therefore, be aware that you stand to face opposition as you try to do what will bring positive change in your life. The preparation is be courageous and fight on; eventually,the enemies would bow in shame like Nehemiahs) 5. CAUTION - Finally Nehemiah was cautious that he doesnt fall into the traps set by his enemies. His enemies did everything possible to get him but Nehemiah was focused and never looked left or right. (be cautious when you set yourself to do something positive because your opposers would find ways to trap you down. They would adopt several means by using either those closed to you, or what makes you more satisfied in life, but in all these be very careful or they will ruin your plans) God bless you, and I wish you a Prosperous and Peaceful Life
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 11:51:18 +0000

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