5 Reasons NEVER to Eat Processed Foods Again [Article] Inbox x - TopicsExpress


5 Reasons NEVER to Eat Processed Foods Again [Article] Inbox x Vince Del Monte vince@vincedelmontefitness via vincedelmontefitnessnewsletter 9:45 PM (15 hours ago) to me So you know processed foods are bad for you, right? But do you really know? I have no problem using a little bit of “fear factor” if it inspires you to start making better food choices to sculpt your body. This article is the first in a new series of articles addressing the Biggest Eating Mistakes. I’m going to be covering each one in depth and explaining why and how each of these mistakes is stalling your gains by adding fat to your body and making it harder to add muscle. The first mistake I want to cover is eating pre-packaged and processed foods and why you should NEVER eat them again and why they may be KILLING YOU one bite at a time. This is first in the series because it’s probably the one mistake that almost everyone makes and it has a huge impact on your progression toward your goals so pay close attention and if you meal plans 10x healthier than processed foods, click here once you’re finished the article. There are several ways that processed foods destroy your progress and we’ll cover each one below: → they promote inflammation → throw your hormones out of balance → damage your digestive system, → contain a number of dangerous ingredients and are loaded with sugar and unhealthy fats. Eating processed foods has both short-term effects and long-term effects that will completely derail your goals and your health. System-Wide Inflammation By now you probably know that chronic inflammation is at the root of most diseases that have become epidemic in Western countries. These include heart disease, dementia, stroke and most cancers. What you may not know is that many of the ingredients common in processed foods have been scientifically proven to promote inflammation. In particular, vegetable oils, refined sugars and processed flours are known to promote inflammation, yet they’re the keystone ingredients in all processed foods. Why? Because they’re the cheapest ingredients. In the long-run, these ingredients will lead to heart disease, stroke and cancer. In the short-term, they cause metabolic syndrome, which will prompt your body to store belly fat and will also slow your muscle recovery. Your immune system prioritizes its resources. If you have system-wide inflammation, it’s going to devote its resources to fighting that, not repairing your muscle tissue. Digestive-System Damage This particular effect of processed foods is just catastrophic for your muscle-building and fat loss goals. There are a number of ways that processed foods damage your digestive system, but I want to focus on two: the effects of GMOs and the antibiotics in processed foods. Two of the hottest diets in the world today are the Paleo and gluten-free diets. A large part of the foundation of these diets is the effect that gluten has on the body, particularly the digestive tract. I have issues with the Paleo diet, which you may have read in my post on the Paleo diet last year. However, I do agree with the fact that gluten is an issue. Starting in the 1950s, food companies and the big agricultural groups started doing a lot of genetic modification on wheat in an effort to produce a strain of wheat that had more protein (gluten) but took up less space and required less water and care. In other words, they wanted a more profitable wheat. It’s no coincidence that Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity only started becoming widespread since that time. Did you know that the wheat we eat today has 150 times the gluten of wheat that was grown before the 1950s? Did you know that genetically modified products also alter your own DNA? Virtually every food containing gluten contains genetically-modified wheat. It’s not just in bread and cereal – gluten is used as a binder and stabilizer in thousands of processed and pre-packaged foods. These foods not only contain genetically-modified grains, they also contain so much gluten that our digestive systems can’t handle it. While Paleo followers believe the problem is that our bodies haven’t adapted to wheat itself, it’s far more likely that our bodies aren’t able to digest such a huge amount of gluten, yet Westerners eat a ton of processed grain foods every day. Essentially, the food companies have created gluten sensitivity and Celiac disease. So what does this do to your body? It adds to the inflammation problem but it also does extreme damage to your digestive system. This stuff builds up in your digestive tract to such an extent that the microvilli in your lower intestine are unable to absorb the nutrients from your food. In short, it creates vitamin deficiencies and even malnutrition. Antibiotics are the other huge problem. Here again, the Paleo folks are correct about the dangers of eating foods loaded with antibiotics. This is why the Paleo diet shuns dairy and insists on people eating only grass-fed, organic meats. (Hormones are the other reason, and we’ll get to those in a minute.) Dairy cows and steers raised for beef are pumped full of antibiotics because otherwise they’d die from eating the (genetically-modified) corn the livestock producers feed them. Chickens are pumped with antibiotics because they’re raised in conditions that guarantee disease and injury. The antibiotics don’t go away somehow before you drink the milk, eat the steak or scramble the eggs. The antibiotics are stored in fatty tissue and then consumed by you where they are then stored in your fatty tissue. Those antibiotics kill the good bacteria in your digestive tract as well as the bad, creating an imbalance that taxes your immune system, creates more inflammation and also adds to the problem with nutrient absorption in your digestive tract. It doesn’t matter how many expensive supplements you’re taking if your digestive tract can’t absorb the nutrients in them. A damaged digestive system means your body lacks the nutrients it needs for muscle building and fat loss and your immune system lacks the resources it needs to aid in the muscle recovery process. Hormonal Imbalances Another huge impact of processed foods is on your hormone levels. This comes into play in two ways: the actual hormones that are added to your foods and the effects on your hormones from refined sugars and other ingredients. Again, the Paleo diet is based in truth when it talks about the importance of eating only grass-fed, organic meats and skipping dairy altogether. Commercially raised beef is loaded with HGH (human growth hormone) and testosterone to speed gains and make the livestock companies more money in less time. Dairy cows are pumped full of estrogen and progesterone to make them produce more milk for longer periods of time. I don’t have to tell you that eating and drinking estrogen in your milk, yogurt and cheese is a problem. Estrogen levels in your food lower the testosterone naturally produced in your body and impair your ability to add muscle. And, I have two more words for you - man boobs. You’re eating dairy as part of your daily protein, but the hormones in that dairy make the protein useless to you for fueling muscle gains. At the same time, they’re prompting your body to store fat. In addition to this, the high levels of refined sugars, processed flours and vegetable oils are wreaking havoc with your insulin levels. These foods are widely acknowledged by the medical and nutritional communities as the cause of metabolic syndrome. They promote insulin resistance and abdominal and visceral fat, which stimulates huge amounts of insulin in your bloodstream. Those high blood sugar and high insulin levels will stop your muscle gains altogether, no matter how hard you’re working out. These ingredients are also known to throw your leptin and ghrelin levels out of whack, causing you to eat more than you need and to crave unhealthy carbs. Again, this is a recipe for fat gain. It Just Gets Worse In addition to these three main problems, you have all of the empty calories in processed and prepackaged foods, as well as all of the artificial ingredients, unhealthy metals and other chemicals in these foods, some of which are known carcinogens. To make matters worse, many of these processed foods are then microwaved by you or by the fast food restaurants before you eat them. Microwaving destroys most of the (few) nutrients that are in the food to begin with and further denatures the proteins as well. The answer to getting rid of processed foods in your diet is to cook your own food at home. If you’re thinking that you rely on these foods because you don’t have time to cook, let me ask you this. How long does it take you to drive to the store or fast food place and pick up these foods? Ten minutes? Fifteen minutes? Thirty minutes? You can cook a delicious, healthy meal made from whole foods in less than thirty minutes. In fact, I cook a whole day’s worth of meals in an hour or less, every day and I’ll show you how when you join The Live Large Inner Circle. If you think you rely on these processed and prepackaged foods because you can’t afford organic and grass-fed products, you’re wrong. Let’s use a typical hamburger meal as an example. I don’t know a single bodybuilder who can satisfy his hunger with one little “dollar menu” so you most likely will get the big burger, maybe even two. But you’re also probably getting a soda and fries or a salad. At best, you’re paying seven bucks for this meal and getting very little protein but lots of antibiotics, hormones bad carbs and fat. Those burgers are served on buns made of genetically-modified wheat that were grilled in vegetable oil. On the other hand, you could make your own burger and salad at home, using grass-fed, organic beef, bison or buffalo and organic veggies for about $5-6. That hamburger would contain a full quarter-pound of real protein, Omega-3 fats and no hormones or antibiotics. There would be no pesticides in your veggies and they wouldn’t have been packaged in plastic bags pumped full of gas either. It would take you about 10-15 minutes to make this meal and cost about the same as your “McDiabetes burger”. The most important thing you can do for your diet this year is to get rid of the processed and pre-packaged foods and replace them my brand new gourmet meal plans. That one single step will accelerate your fat loss, boost your immune and digestive systems and promote muscle growth like nothing else. Cooking your own meals using whole foods is cheaper, faster and so much healthier and you can get 20-weeks of professional cooking lessons right now. Vince Del Monte Honors Kinesiology Degree P.I.C.P. Level 1 & 2 Certified BioSignature Modulation Practitioner PIMST & FFT Certified Precision Nutrition Certified WBFF Pro Fitness Model Make sure you do at least 2 things today... 1. Ask me your most pressing question on my Facebook Fan Page 2. Subscribe to my You Tube Channel - New Videos Added Daily! See our Affiliate Disclosure, our Privacy Policy and Disclaimers Update your contact details or change your subscription preferences at the bottom of this email. Team Del Monte is on a mission to transform the mind, body and lives of at least 1,000, 000 skinny guys & gals by the year 2020. Through our Live Large and Man Up attitude, science-based programming, social and private member communities we are here to empower, educate, guide and inspire you to become the best version of yourself possible. Thank you for allowing us to help you build a world class-body and life! Read more about our life-changing muscle-building and fat-loss transformation programs to help you achieve your leanest, strongest and most muscular body that you desire and deserve! VinceDelMonteFitness LiveLargeTV - RISK-FREE 30-day trial! TheSkinnyGuySavior YourSixPackQuest MaximizeYourMuscle 21DayFastMassBuilding HypertrophyMAX - CLOSED until June 16-20, 2014
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 12:46:07 +0000

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