5. Too much perfectionism, you need clear guidelines for - TopicsExpress


5. Too much perfectionism, you need clear guidelines for everything. A programmer Tzuwei Chen writes on Quora that he needs clear spec for favors and errands. Like, Wait what do you mean by some eggs? What is the lower and upper bound? Reason: You need to put exact and clear input in your programs; programming do not understand subtlety or ambiguity. 4. Starting to count from 0 How many times have you started to count from zero in your real life? While this may be a normal thing for you, it might appear weird to you non-programmer friends. Reason: Most of the programming languages are arrays which are lists of values or variables. And for the reasons of computational efficiency, the elements in the array starts with a zero rather than one. 3. Wanting to use the keyboard shortcuts in real life How many times have you wanted to use ctrl+f to find lost things and use ctrl+z to undo what you just did? Reason: While this stands true for almost every techie but is specially true for the programmers because they are using these shortcuts for the maximum of the time, so much that they become your second nature. 2. Using syntax and programming conventions in day to day language You have this habit is you have EverWrittenLikeThis or if you have ended your sentence like this. Reason: Every Programing languages has its own set of syntax which every developer is required to learn by heart. And after that much of hardwork, there is a fair chance that you forget to use the normal punctuation. 1. Treating humans like computers Are you usually frustrated because people do not act as you want? Well you have to understand that they are not computers that can be programmed, and not everything can be based on logics as humans embrace one quality that computers and machined dont, Feelings. Reason: You program and built almost every logic in your software and computer and they follow exactly what you instruct it to. Especially for every action there is a set of fixed reactions. 0. Bad eating and sleeping habits You sleep at 3 AM and you take lunch at 5 PM and to keep yourself awake late at nights, cups and cups of coffee and chocolates are thrown inside you digestive system! Reason: Well, thats a life of a programmer, for various reasons right from deadlines to maintain continuity we work on projects day and night which results in this!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 08:05:47 +0000

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