5 WONDERFUL WAYS TO REMOVE DARK ELBOWS AND KNEES 1. Lemon Lemon juice has properties that not only helps whiten underarms, it also whitens dark elbows and knees. Cut a lemon on half. Rub the first half on your elbows and rub the second half on your knees. Allow the juice to dry on your skin for 5-10 minutes. The using a pumice stone, exfoliate the area. The amazing combination of lemon juice and exfoliation will give you such great results. 2. Homemade Scrub You can also opt for a homemade scrub with the use of baking soda/salt and lemon juice. Baking soda contains substances that makes the skin super soft and because of its gritty texture, it also helps in getting rid of dead skin cells. All you have to do is to mix 1/4 cup of baking soda or salt and add a good amount of lemon juice to make it into a paste. Scrub your knees and elbows with this paste and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water. You will notice that your skin will become super soft to touch! 3. Exfoliate and Moisturize One of the biggest factors of a person having dark elbows and knees is having dry skin. Dry skin has the tendency to flake and without protection, your skin will continue to produce new skin cells. Without proper exfoliation, dead skin cells will definitely stay within the folds of your elbows and knees, which thus causes them to darken. Moisturizing your skin after exfoliating can definitely prevent one from having dry skin. Try using lotions that contain shea butter, jojoba oil or AHA’s that not only gives your skin ample hydration, it lightens the skin tone as well. For a more organic option, try using olive oil. 4. Skin Bleach Using Vitamin E Another DIY bleaching method/ The ingredients contain properties that help lighten the skin and thus will be able to lighten your dark areas. Mix 1 tsp Vitamin E, 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp glycerine, and 4 Tbsp milk. Using this paste massage and leave them on the affected areas for 10-15 minutes before washing them off. 5. Too much Friction Can Cause Darkening Okay, so you should know by now that exfoliating is one way to help remove dark areas, but don’t overdo it. It will create an even bigger problem. Just imagine sandpaper being scrubbed on your skin. If you scrub too much, it will make your skin raw, and yes, it will cause it to darken. Exfoliate gently. Be patient and you will soon notice a big difference. Results don’t happen overnight. It takes time and before you know it, your problem will be solved.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 12:58:37 +0000

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