5 positive things to be gratitute today #day3 1. Thanks to my - TopicsExpress


5 positive things to be gratitute today #day3 1. Thanks to my lunch packer for every Thursday, Doris Ting Hui Chii. She knew that I seldom use polystyrene ( if and only if in the condition of desperate), so she prepared lunch box for me. After lunch, she volunteered herself to help us bring all the lunch box home and clean for us. Sometimes, she will prepare fruits for us too. We are so xing-fu. And our mother-earth will be very sayang you because you reduce the carbon foot print. 2. Thanks to my driver of the day Hazimah Hamka :) It is my blessing to get know of you, such a good girl+nice girl. Hope you will meet your Mr right soon, I had read a sentence which is very suits to your situation: Dont worry when you havent meet the right ones, this is because He ( Allah in your case) is busy writing the best love story for you, perhaps the very good one. 3. Thanks to PM chong for scolding me twice per day. First is because I dint bring text book into his class and second is because of I am playing with smart phone during class. LOL, should he be grateful to me in return?(Just kidding) Although I dint bring textbook but at least I got bought the text book. I seldom buy academic books... Anyway, I hope myself can be a better girl during his class... can I? SIGH~ 4. 感恩亮亮同修,虽然才认识您一天,不过当您知道巴士uncle要多charge 我们RM50, 您马上PM我,说:不要让学员承担,多的钱由我负责。内心就是很感动,不过我们算过了,我们还能承担起那RM50, 所以还是婉拒了。如果下次我们基金上喘不过气了,我们再请您帮忙吧。 每次的变化球,都有贵人相助,除了感恩还是感恩。 5. Thanks to those swimming gangs. I forgot to bring back my swimming cap and goggles, left it at home town. A weird experience with hair flying around during swimming. Anyway, thank you for this opportunity. Swam back and forth for 20 times. Felt so good with it although havent break the record for 40 times. For the third 3 candidates, I would like to nominate Cik Emy, Shahrinna Salleh, Salmi Effendi Please share at least 3 gratitude experience or positive things (any language will do) for 5 days consecutively and nominate 3 of your friends daily to carry out this activity. Lets facebook full with love, grateful (positive energy). Say no to blaming, emo~~
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 07:52:09 +0000

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